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Who's Going to Seize the Weekend with Me?

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I'll still do regular chores but I'm not going to mention those today.


This is for those special weekend things that I can't do during the week.


Today I plan to make two special things with no refined sugar: honey poppyseed dressing and homemade nutella. Yes, this is cooking. But it is fun, exploratory cooking! smiley-cooking-emoticon.gif


I'm also going to try and sell some things on e-bay.


I know, I know, these things don't count specifically as "fun" but they can be, right? Right?

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I think they sound like fun! I like experimental, no one will be starving, cooking projects.


My plan is to hone my ability to be in two places at once as all the kids have lacrosse practice this afternoon - same time slots, fields in different towns - and knit on my socks while standing on the side....


After that, the sky's the limit! Maybe I'll do some - gasp - laundry!

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Granola bars

First batch of shortbreads to get warmed up for the season




Gather and reshelve errant books from the last month, dust books and shelves (this is my big item for the weekend)

Vacuum up dog hair (it's magically expanding stuff, no?)



Make notes and photocopies for the week, pick up books to be assigned to DD the Elder from library hold shelves.



Make a run to the liquor store

Make a run to grocery store to stock up on heavy items I can't carry



Going to see Bloody, Bloody Andrew Jackson Sunday

Family showing of Whiskey Galore! tonight

Family game of Kill Dr. Lucky this afternoon

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Rebecca had practice today when she doesn't usually, so I'm at Chick-Fil-A mooching their wi-fi. :tongue_smilie: I just made Sylvia go play on the playground. Afterwards, I'll take them to Gymboree and spend a gift card and rewards on some shirts for Becca. Then back home, and I get to neaten up from two days of DH homeschooling. :svengo:

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I can't do too much because we are still having gas rationing because of the Hurricane and I need to save my gas for a trip on Monday.


I have to go to foodstore and I am staring at Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a day so I might attempt to make a loaf of bread.


If the camera printer has paper then I will print pictures and scrapbook. I am years behind. :001_smile:

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My husband and son are off on a "boy's camping weekend" with two of their friends. Before they left this morning, I made cinnamon french toast for breakfast. DD8 is marching in the Veteran's Day parade with her Girl Scout troop this morning. After a picnic lunch, they are going letterboxing and to a museum. She should be home around 2pm.


My other two girls are hanging out and getting some household chores done this morning. I just jogged 3.1 miles on the treadmill. After not having time to get on there for the past 3 days, it was a little bit more difficult today...but I did it!


I'm going to sweep & mop the floors (since I'm already sweaty from running) and then hit the shower. Once dd8 gets home, the girls & I are going out shopping. Everyone needs new shoes; dd8 needs a haircut; and mommy needs all new clothes -- I've lost 16+ pound since mid-September and none of my clothes fit anymore! We also have a list of things that dd15 needs before she leaves on her trip to NYC next Saturday.

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My men folk are off to the "world's largest gun show" (Wannamaker's) today. That leaves me free to dig up dahlia bulbs (tubers?) and de-pot the flowers that have died and generally clean up the yard, patio, and porch. I had to take a break, though, because we are having winds up to 40-50 mph and I have started sneezing. After a short break, I'll head back out.


This afternoon I'll make some scones to put in the freezer and maybe some banana bread.

Edited by CynthiaOK
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This morning I woke up to a good deal of pain in my left shoulder (the good one!) and a pile of dog cr@p on the dining room floor. The only possible culprit being my 8 year old husky, who is given LOTS of chances to go outside. She hasn't done this in years, but is not herself lately.


I did get all the shopping done for the week and filled the tank. Laundry is mostly caught up since I got my new machine yesterday and it's HUGE.


Except for those things, I think the weekend may have already seized me. :tongue_smilie:


Hoping for a nice Home Depot visit tomorrow to get some random hardware and browse bathroom fixtures for an upcoming remodel. Will probably borrow ds's point and shoot and start a design board or something. Planning a new project always puts me in a better mood. :001_smile:

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Just checking in from the Y. My dd10 is volunteering and I Zumba'd and am now supposed to be grading.


I've been formally made "class monitor" at Zumba. Why do I feel like I'm back in grade school? My formal job duties are to take attendance (just a count of how many are there), to take care of any disruptions and to get the defibrillator if anyone has a heart attack. If the exception of the defibrillator, they are all things I did anyway but I guess the "front office" wants it formalized. Hall pass, anyone?

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We're getting new carpet later this month, so we need to have the floors picked up (they'll move furniture, etc, but they can't exactly deal with 3576348956395692385692837 lego on the toyroom floor).


Today I'm dealing with Thing 1's closet. When we first moved into the house, that was the guest room. It was that until about 4 years ago, so the closet in there became the place to put "I don't know what to do with this, but we should keep it" stuff. Yes, he could be helping, but honestly I'm kind of enjoying it by myself. That's today's project. Tomorrow may be Thing 2.

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Miss Jean, can I use the potty? Also, that girl is looking at me funny. :tongue_smilie:


:lol: Fortunately we have very few disruptions. I have quietly asked some boys to stop bouncing basketballs right in the doorway. And I did keep a little girl near me, for her safety as well as ours, when her mom dropped her off in the adult class and didn't supervise her. Oh - and we did have one rude teen that I took to the front desk where he didn't get the sympathy that he thought he deserved. So the disruptions all come from kids, not the adults!

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WW meeting

Mall to find a Western outfit for dd's father daughter dance for AHG

Prepare and bake 50 potatoes

Babysit the boys well the girls are doing the father daughter dance

Watching Abraham Lincoln Vampire Slayer with family in our pj's now


Make grocery list / meal plan

Plan out meals / exercise plan for week for WW


Grocery Shopping and buy items for shoe boxes (hopefully without kids)



Assemble boxes for operation Christmas Child

Prep for AHG meeting Tuesday

Prep for week for homeschool

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Room: cleaned. Closet: tidied. I need to rehome a mess of pillows. I know I SHOULD call an animal shelter, but I WANT to just chuck them. Maybe I'll see if there's one close that actually wants them.


SUNDAY: Ideally? Working on my shawl on the back patio and listening to an audiobook. Realistically? Meal planning and grocery shopping. OH, and dealing with all the laundry I found in Thing 1's room. The boy who told me he didn't have "ANY" socks. I found at least 10 today.

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I'm working all weekend :)


I did bring some chores with me, though I've yet to do them!


I brought along the SOTW AG so I could peruse the extra activities and get those scheduled; we'll be starting in February. That thing weighs a ton and I keep thinking I better get it done to justify having lugged it across the country a few times LOL. I also brought along another heavy text, Bible History, to schedule out and familiarize myself with,(I'm not and have never been a Christian. We'll be starting that in February, too.


But here I sit looking at neither :D

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Yesterday I removed our storm door (for good, I hope) and painted our front door bright red. And I think I hate it. Bleh. I painted our shed door the same and it looks amazing. Today I need to seal our deck. Can you tell I'm taking advantage of a couple of warmer days? We usually get out and about on the weekends but we're conserving gas as well.

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If I had read this thread earlier, I might have done yesterday differently. Somehow it seemed a little hectic.


I finished making Butternut squash Apple soup and Dd and I made two loaves of cranberry bread just before leaving to run errands.


Finally took Dd to Sears to try on a Lands End Squall. The size I ordered seemed big, but I couldn't really believe she would need a size down. Why are the ones in the store $80 and I ordered one for $31.99? ANyway, we kept it, even though it is a little big.


I also decided to check the Gap sales racks for Dd. She found a dress coat there (regular price, not clearance) that she begged for like she was some kind of princess! It was only $80 :001_huh: We did not buy it. As a matter of fact, I felt like returning the Squall and would have returned her lunch if I could have. I was throughly disgusted with her! To be fair, she is used to thrift shops, where everything is cheap and I would never refuse to buy her a coat like that at a thrift shop. Anyway, she learned a lesson in economics.


Also took my mom along, which makes everything take longer. We stopped at a favorite local garden center which was having their holiday open house. It's in a somewhat rural area, so we had a nice time walking around the shrubs, looking at the houseplants inside, and sipping hot chocolate.


I'll be glad to spend the day at home today, and I need to catch up on grading too.



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