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Who's Going to Tackle Thursday with Me?

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OK - I'm tired of being the slowpoke who never gets anything done around here. I'm pushing through and am hoping that I can build on the successes of the previous day. So who's with me? madsnail1.gif


First up: the basics - shower, dress, make bed, start breakfast.


Second up: Chore time with the kids. It's my turn to pick music. Any suggestions for something up-beat and inspiring? I'm hoping to get the living room vacuumed so we'll be blasting it and getting dirty looks from the neighbors.

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DH came home from work last night and let me know he invited some (6!) out of town colleagues for dinner. I feel like Thursday has already tackled me.


Borrowing your motivation to throw on my sweats and face the day.


First up: fold last night's laundry


Then, grocery store, meal prep, vacuum and mop, and tackle the pile of boxes sitting in our dining room so we can actually, you know, sit down tonight.

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I've now spent an hour messing about on youtube watching crochet videos for projects I want to make for Christmas. (If I had spent an hour actually making presents I would have been ahead. :glare:)


To do today:


Answer emails


Schedule appointment with investment guy so DH and I can eventually retire and not work until we're old and then die at our desks


Work on setting up website


Spend an hour on traffic signal design (that's my job - I work from home)

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There is something about the computer that sucks me in...


Here's what's on my to do list:

work on newsletter

make eye appt

trim dog's nails

make a pasta salad this morning so dinner goes better


and it I do all of that then I'll consider:



and tackling my closet


thanks for the motivation!

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There is something about the computer that sucks me in...


Here's what's on my to do list:

work on newsletter

make eye appt

trim dog's nails

make a pasta salad this morning so dinner goes better


and it I do all of that then I'll consider:



and tackling my closet


thanks for the motivation!


Welcome to the Hive! You can do it!

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Beds made, breakfast eaten, faces washed and bodies clothed. Now it is time for chores! Go, go, go, go! guntootsmiley.gif


Music: we are doing a round-robin of choices.


My choices: The 4 Lads - "Istanbul, Not Constantinople"

Van Morrison - "The Brown-Eyed Girl" which was chosen specifically to annoy our own brown-eyed girl.:D


Dd's choice - "Jar of Hearts"

She's up next and wants Maroon 5.


Ds's choice - The Verve - "Bittersweet Symphony"


Time to get up off of my butt!

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Phew! 11 am and I am ready to go to bed!


Chore time is done. Animals are all cared for. The kitchen is sparkling. My minion, the dishwasher is running. My minions, the washer and dryer are running. The living room is half vacuumed. This included moving furniture and getting behind and under things. We will do more later - I hope. 1 load of dry, clean laundry has been folded and put away. (There are about 3 more loads to fold and put away but I won't think about that right now.)


Ds and I had a good chemistry seminar where we tackled gas pressure, Dalton's law and mole fractions. I know absolutely nothing of all of this but I know how to direct his study. He's happy. He got the answers right. And I'm happy.


Dd has 1 hour of independent study and got her history and handwriting done. She is very happy because I let her read this funny graphic depiction of Viking history as her extension activity.


Now it is time for Ds to do his independent morning work. Dd and I will tackle spelling, Japanese and her Viking longboat that is very close to being done.





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LOL- I'm so not *tackling* anything these days! I did however sweep/vacuum the great room and kitchen and then mopped this am. Breakfast and lunch done, dishwasher unloaded and loaded. Everywhere is picked up. I want to clean out cabinets but I'm waiting for more energy! Last day of official schooling before our baby break done as well. Currently relaxing while the kids watch watch netflix science!

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The kids have stopped vomiting, husband is getting better. I had a migraine (from lack of sleep) for two days, but it's almost over. I think...I hope...I will be able to actually do something tomorow. That is....as long as nobody starts vomiting again tonight....I'm probably jinxing myself now :001_huh:.


Looking forward to tomorow's thread. BTW, love the smileys, Jean!

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LOL- I'm so not *tackling* anything these days!


You say that and then you have a long list of what I would call tackling!



The kids have stopped vomiting, husband is getting better. I had a migraine (from lack of sleep) for two days, but it's almost over. I think...I hope...I will be able to actually do something tomorow. That is....as long as nobody starts vomiting again tonight....I'm probably jinxing myself now :001_huh:.


Looking forward to tomorow's thread. BTW, love the smileys, Jean!


I hope that everyone gets all better. :grouphug:


I'm having fun finding the smileys. sumo.gif

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Today has been a total wash for me. I feel like I haven't gotten anything accomplished. It's just been one interruption after another. I'm tired, overwhelmed, and a bit stressed at the moment.:tongue_smilie:


I need to take this weekend to get reorganized/planned so that I can manage juggling everything more smoothly.


I didn't even get my run in on the treadmill, so now I feel like a slug.

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OK - I'm tired of being the slowpoke who never gets anything done around here. I'm pushing through and am hoping that I can build on the successes of the previous day. So who's with me? madsnail1.gif


First up: the basics - shower, dress, make bed, start breakfast.


Second up: Chore time with the kids. It's my turn to pick music. Any suggestions for something up-beat and inspiring? I'm hoping to get the living room vacuumed so we'll be blasting it and getting dirty looks from the neighbors.


Shower? Make Bed? CHore Time?


What kind of weird morning do you have. (:P laughing at myself here)

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Time to call the kids in from lunch recess. I spent my 30 min. recess - relaxing for about 15 min. reading a "Baby Blues" comic book and vacuuming the rest of the living room.


The plan for the afternoon: Lunch, Lunch read-aloud - we finish "The Horse and His Boy" today.


Afternoon school. Ds has independent work with brief check-ins with me. Dd has math, handicrafts, and music.


Afternoon chore time for me - fold and put away more laundry; declutter one spot in the living room (there are 3 clutter spots total).

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I've been really sad all week not to be able to join in these threads, but by the time they start it's late afternoon here and there's not so much tackle. It's now 8.40 pm and all I have to tackle is getting ready for bed, although I must say I feel so tired that even that seems a bit overwhelming just now :huh:.

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Well we listened to the Hobbit this morning well eating breakfast.


Then we walked to piano lessons. A short walk to subway sandwiches and lunch with Daddy. He drove us to the library were we meet a friend. So instead of going grocery shopping and rushing home for swimming we rushed home to play.


I have now hid in the corner of a cold storage room, in the bottom of a linen closet (I needed help getting out of that hiding spot) and in a closet under some jackets.


I also at some point managed to do a load of dishes.


The bad news is school hasn't been done yet. And all the hide and seek made me realize how messy my house is.

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I've been really sad all week not to be able to join in these threads, but by the time they start it's late afternoon here and there's not so much tackle. It's now 8.40 pm and all I have to tackle is getting ready for bed, although I must say I feel so tired that even that seems a bit overwhelming just now :huh:.


You can report to us your retroactive tackling. I hope you get some good sleep tonight. I'm just starting my afternoon because of the time difference. Now I'm going to do math with dd and hope that I do not fall asleep in the middle of it like I did the last two afternoons. (Dd thinks this is great fun, but me, not so much.)

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Thanks for the welcome, Jean!


I trimmed the dog's nails, and worked on the newsletter... I dusted and fixed a big pasta salad to go with toasted cheese for dinner. I did not vacuum or clean out my closet. Oh well!


A wild afternoon of music lessons starts in about 10 minutes, and I feel pretty good about my day!

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You can report to us your retroactive tackling. I hope you get some good sleep tonight. I'm just starting my afternoon because of the time difference. Now I'm going to do math with dd and hope that I do not fall asleep in the middle of it like I did the last two afternoons. (Dd thinks this is great fun, but me, not so much.)


Oh good :001_smile:. 7 am showered, then saw DS13 and DS11 out to school, swept kitchen floor and tackled dusting while chatting to DH who's been away all week. Got DS8 and DS5 up at 9.15 am and got straight to work! It's been quite a productive day, but a bit too long. I've just finally succeeded in tackling getting ready for bed: face clean, teeth brushed, and sat in my PJs. In five minutes time my bedroom will be invaded by four boys wanting to be read to :001_smile:.

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We are getting ready to move in a couple months so I am going through a deep clean and declutter. This week its been the kitchen. Today I cleaned the top of all the kitchen cabinets and covered with parchment so hopefully I don't have to do that again. I cleaned one doorway and the kitchen light fixture too. Still hoping to finish the doors leading to the backyard. I also have to give two boys haircuts and baths.

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Ugh. Started to fall asleep during math again to dd's delight. This is despite making measures to stay upright. Then I switched to another room to try and stay awake during music class. I think I heard her play the piano in my dreams. . .


Now I am awake and she is working on Christmas gifts for handicrafts. The boat frame of our Viking boat is glued and clamped and has to dry before our (hopefully) final step of putting side "planks" round the frame. The problem is, I can't quite see how we're going to make the last step work with glue.


In about 15 min. I will get a snack. I'm hoping that will give me enough energy to tackle the clutter in the living room.

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OK - 5 pm report. Dinner is cooking. The area under the piano is decluttered - again. RC says that this is one of my "hot spots". The boy is still doing school - sigh. I actually suspect that he hasn't been doing only school which is why it is taking so long. Oh - and I cleaned the big lump of charred pumpkin bread that had overflowed the other day in my oven. My husband was very smart and put a liner in the oven that could be pulled out and shaken into the garbage so that presto - my oven is clean!

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I spent 4 hours with my daughters cleaning their room today. :svengo: It was clean last week, but they decided it was time to deal with all the unpacked boxes leftover from our move. Oh yeah. And then they found the mountains of Christmas presents that our in-laws dropped on us when they visited, and unpacked those as well. I have instituted a new policy where we will no longer store gifts. If someone wants to give us birthday presents for next March, July, and August at Thanksgiving, (true story!) we are just opening and celebrating the birthdays then.


So I guess I can say that we cleaned their room AND I got rid of all the holiday wrapping paper and boxes AND I unpacked this afternoon. Plus I served a hot dinner, we did schoolwork, and I read an extra chapter of our read-aloud. Now that the baby is asleep, I can go do my ironing and dishes while I listen to some Coursera lectures. I promise to finish at least half of my work before I go curl up on the couch with the dogs, the cats, a book, and a glass of wine.

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Thursday is our co-op day, so momentum isnt a problem. The tough part is NOT crashing hard and napping as soon as we get home. I've managed to stay awake. I even cooked! We usually eat out on Thursday, but we have an event tomorrow and will go out after. (I'm trying to limit eating out to once a week.)


My BIG problem is not phoning it in on Fridays. It's soooo tempting to start the weekend early. :D

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