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I'm not sure about the Common Core, but this video is cracking me up.

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A public school teacher at ds's gymnastics was telling me all about how wonderful Common Core was. She was praising the idea of reading informational texts and writing from them rather than reading fiction and creative writing. That made me sad for the kids. One of my fondest memories from elementary school was when the teacher read aloud Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing to our entire classroom. Kids won't have that experience any more.


Thanks for sharing!


Elise in NC

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A public school teacher at ds's gymnastics was telling me all about how wonderful Common Core was. She was praising the idea of reading informational texts and writing from them rather than reading fiction and creative writing. That made me sad for the kids. One of my fondest memories from elementary school was when the teacher read aloud Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing to our entire classroom. Kids won't have that experience any more.


Thanks for sharing!


Elise in NC




Hey, were we in the same class? ;) My 4th grade teacher read that and The BFG aloud to us - it's one of my favorite memories from my elementary schooling as well.


The idea of doing away with reading fiction is the most depressing thing I've ever heard! Those poor children. This is exactly why so many people think reading is boring.

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I was a public school teacher and when she said, she needed someone to think pair share with, I almost died laughing. This was hysterical.

Think pair share is when you think about the answer to a question, pair up with a partner, and share your answer with your partner and discuss.


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A public school teacher at ds's gymnastics was telling me all about how wonderful Common Core was. She was praising the idea of reading informational texts and writing from them rather than reading fiction and creative writing. That made me sad for the kids. One of my fondest memories from elementary school was when the teacher read aloud Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing to our entire classroom. Kids won't have that experience any more.


Thanks for sharing!


Elise in NC


If kids do not have the experience of having age appropriate fiction read aloud anymore, it will not be due to the common core. It really is worth visiting the common core website and reading over the scope/sequence and other materials. www.commoncore.org

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