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Who's Going to Tackle Monday with Me?

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I feel like we are just waiting for this storm to hit. :glare: It is going to be a long day.


Meanwhile, I am getting the laundry caught up while we do a bit of school. I think this afternoon we are going to do some baking so we have some fun things to eat if the power goes out.


It feels like a weekend because DH is home and he is NEVER home on Mondays. It is weird.

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Catching up here from this weekend, I had contractions off and on all weekend and didn't get much accomplished other than the basics. I've got to mop my floors and bathrooms need to be done. Oh, and the back half of the house needs to be swept. We've got most of school knocked out, ds just has a bit to do. I'm trying to make sure we get half of our school hrs in the next 2 weeks to get it done before the baby comes. We are on good track, but who knows, babies cannot tell time! I've actually got supper in the crockpot as well, woo hoo!

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Today, all we're tackling is not getting pummeled or flooded by Sandy. DS13 is finishing up school with a science test and then we'll turn on a movie as a welcome relief from all the news coverage. I'm tired of hearing how much it is raining and how bad the wind is. I can just look out the window. :glare:


Normal chores like laundry and such were all done over the weekend in preparation.

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I just tackled the treadmill....and conquered it! 3.11 miles done! Phew!


I've done 2 loads of laundry so far, with 2 more left to do. We've finished about 1/2 of our school work already and 1 child is almost done carving his pumpkin. He did a really cool Mockingjay design. We've also dehydrated and roasted 6 cups of pumpkin seeds--Yum.Yum!


Next up: I need to get a quick shower while the kids eat a late lunch. Then we're going to finish up school before the afternoon activities gear up. I need to drop off a rooftop carrier that we borrowed from a friend. Of course, in order to do that, I need to lay down the back row in our minivan (which will require that I clean out the trunk first). After that, dd15 has pointe class (4:30-6). I need to get the tires rotated on the van while she's in class. Then dd8 has Girl Scouts from 6:30-8 and ds has Boy Scouts from 7:30-9pm. Somewhere in there, I need to figure out dinner!

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I have already tackled Monday :D






...and thaaaaaaank goodness, because it was a bear of a day. Changing daylight saving time is NOT fun with young kids :thumbdown:.

And WHY do kids always vomit at night??? I'm tired after three nights of cleaning up yucky stuff :glare:.

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I feel like we are just waiting for this storm to hit. :glare: It is going to be a long day.


Meanwhile, I am getting the laundry caught up while we do a bit of school. I think this afternoon we are going to do some baking so we have some fun things to eat if the power goes out.


It feels like a weekend because DH is home and he is NEVER home on Mondays. It is weird.


Same here. We are trying to use as much of the food from our fridge/freezer, which makes for some interesting eating. We're also watching educational things on the DVR and DVDs from the library and a little school.

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I was feeling yucky over the weekend, so when I woke up feeling half-way human again, I started working. :tongue_smilie: So far I've given the girls a storm day off school, vacuumed, cleaned the bathroom, done 2 loads of laundry, scrubbed the Berkey water filters and filled extra water pitchers, run the dishwasher, baked chicken for supper early in case we lose power, balanced the checkbook, and even practiced my flute a bit. I was just telling dd14 that moms don't seem to get a day off because there is too much to do! I am feeling happy, though, that I got an early start. Coffee...where is my coffee...:D

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Lunch recess here.


Dishwasher cat and I have mostly unloaded the dishwasher. That is as far as we have gotten on doing the dishes.


The kids have brought clean clothes upstairs to fold and have started the washing machine.


School. Ugh. Ds15 has lost 2 assignments in Geometry. He is not happy about it but if we can't find them he will have to redo them. We're working on organizational skills and accountability this year especially. He had a mini melt-down. I don't think I get the mother-of-the-year award for yelling "I am on your side!" at him.


Dd10 did well in history. She started out doing well in English too until she realized that we were doing composition. She shuts down for anything resembling writing. We had a mini meltdown there too.


On a good note, I did get a bit of grading/recording work done while I was meeting with each of the kids.

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Right now I am trying to get DS back to sleep. His nap was cut short because of DD's overexhuberance upon mastering her Latin vocab words.


We've made good progress on school today. I have a bit of reading to do and really need to work on my own writing assignments. With laundry still to do, and DH not home for dinner tonight (meaning I have to cook), I doubt that's going to happen.

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I called off school for the day (all the area schools are closed & we all need a break!) and I've been tackling housework before the power goes out. I've vacuumed and steam-mopped all the downstairs floors, vacuumed the couch, cleaned the cat box, made sure we all showered, washed 2 loads of laundry & dried one (2nd one is in the dryer) and ran a load of dishes through the dishwasher. I still need to pick up random clutter, unload the dishwasher, clean the bathrooms, and take care of the floors upstairs. I'm relaxing with a cup of tea right now.

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Laundry is all washed, but not finished being folded.


New rescue cat was picked up today and after a good bath, is happily sleeping under dd's bed in the kitty bed.


Post office run is completed.


Made a return and pick up at the pet store.


Picked up my friends son from school.


Crocheted more on my brothers blanket...


DD is making dinner tonight, leak and potato soup with bread. Should be yummy!

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I have been tackling Monday and I want a do over.


* Home heating oil is $3.65 a gallon and I ordered 500 gallons of it.


* Our propane supplier is closed until Friday due to a family emergency. We aren't out, but now propane is going on the Do Not Forget List in my brain, and it will take up valuable real estate.


* DD gave me the cell phone number of the guy she is with (platonic) and made a mistake. It is the number of the guy who has a crush on her (the With Guy's best friend; also a platonic friend). Crush Guy is jealous. And here I was, really liking texting.


* I am tired of consoling Crush Guys.


* DS1 and I are going to take the pellet stove and chimney apart to clean it, in 10 minutes. Very dirty work and ash stains don't come out. I'll probably ruin my manicure.


* DH decided to come home early due to the weather, for the first time in decades. DD is not happy about being picked up 3 hours early from With Guy's house. She isn't even there yet. They are walking in the rain. And no, I won't let some sodden teenager drive her home in the dark, high wind, and heavy rain.


* The dog keeps barking at nothing. I expect to see feral cats on my porch, or a parade of groundhogs making their way to the woods, but there is nothing out there. For unknown reasons, Something Wicked This Way Comes keeps rolling through my brain. I am easily spooked; it isn't even dark yet.


* I texted DS2 multiple times after school (he responded), before I remembered he stayed home today and is in the basement.


* It is cold enough for me to start seeing mice inside, so I'm afraid to go down to the basement. I am being brave, though, and bringing my trusty mouser with me (the dog). The boys keep laughing at me as I skulk through there to the washer, keeping an eagle eye out for mice.

Edited by RoughCollie
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I called off school for the day (all the area schools are closed & we all need a break!) and I've been tackling housework before the power goes out. I've vacuumed and steam-mopped all the downstairs floors, vacuumed the couch, cleaned the cat box, made sure we all showered, washed 2 loads of laundry & dried one (2nd one is in the dryer) and ran a load of dishes through the dishwasher. I still need to pick up random clutter, unload the dishwasher, clean the bathrooms, and take care of the floors upstairs. I'm relaxing with a cup of tea right now.



This is what we have done a lot of the day. My DH was amazed at all the housework we can get done when we JUST DO IT! :lol: The house is almost totally clean, which is odd and makes me feel like we are having visitors. I think I have done 5 or 6 loads of laundry (blankets and towels and everything) and 2 loads of dishes (because we were baking all day). Even if we don't have power later, hey! At least the place is clean! :tongue_smilie:


We also did more schoolwork than we usually do, just because I anticipated the power going out.


The moral of the story: we should always work like a storm is coming. :glare:

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I know that most of you are done with your school day. It's only 3 pm here.


Ds's chemistry experiment didn't work because I cannot find a drain cleaner with lye in it at the store. I wonder if they've taken lye off of the market? He's supposed to be making an exothermic reaction.


Dd10's math failed because she chose a 7th grade problem out of the "Perfectly Perilous Book of Math" to solve and I could not solve it. :blushing: I will try and figure out how to salvage my pride later when I have more time. We did salvage math (but not my pride) by also working in Life of Fred.


Now we are drawing eyes for art class. And playing "Windmills" for piano class.

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