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Nursing once a day?

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Does it really make that much of a difference? My 19mo nurses first thing in the am but rarely asks for it after that unless she's super sleepy or sick before a nap. She never wants to nurse at night because she knows nursing means night-night is next. :) I was kinda shooting for her 2nd bday as a cut off date but I'm okay with stopping sooner. I don't lose my baby weight until I'm done nursing and that causes some blood sugar issues with me. Just wondering if nursing one time a day really did anything for me or her. Thanks for help. :)

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:)Yes, it's worth nursing once a day. For nutrition, bonding, routine, ritual, immune response, comfort, developmental milestones, jaw development.


But if you want to take an active part in weaning, that's ok, too.


What a lucky little girl that she's nursed so long!

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I've had 2 that nursed once a day for a time. My oldest was down to one nursing when his baby brother was born. Oldest was just shy of 13 months at the time. He continued to nurse once a day for the next 6 months or so. He was happy, I was happy, even his baby brother was happy. It worked well. My youngest also nursed once a day for a time. He was happy, and I was happy. I think it's a great middle ground between nursing constantly and weaning cold turkey. :001_smile:

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:)Yes, it's worth nursing once a day. For nutrition, bonding, routine, ritual, immune response, comfort, developmental milestones, jaw development.


But if you want to take an active part in weaning, that's ok, too.


What a lucky little girl that she's nursed so long!


:iagree: Mine have all gradually weaned, and one nursing a day was what they were down to at the end.

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FWIW.. I ended up nursing once a day with all of mine... Moominmamma didn't do it for long, but the others did. Several months, if I remember right. One was a morning only feed, the others were evening only feeds. It was what was right for each child at the time.

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That's how it's been with all of mine, until one day, something was planned or we were rushed, etc, and it was just the end. I don't distinctly remember my last nursing session with any of them :(.


Isn't that weird? You'd think we would, but I don't either.

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Right after I typed this she came up and asked to nurse which she NEVER does. She knew I was thinking about it. :) I think I'll keep going until her birthday in March. I really do NOT lose weight until my milk is gone then I lose FAST. 50 lbs in 6 months with my oldest DD and 40 in 3 months with my middle DD. I guess my body is just convinced that it's going to be stranded on a island somewhere and need that extra fat to feed baby. :)

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:)Yes, it's worth nursing once a day. For nutrition, bonding, routine, ritual, immune response, comfort, developmental milestones, jaw development.


But if you want to take an active part in weaning, that's ok, too.


What a lucky little girl that she's nursed so long!




My youngest only nursed first thing in the morning for about 5 months before he gave that up, too. It was a nice way to start our day. He finally completely weened (on his own) at 23 months. I did actively discourage nursing all the time with my oldest. He would nurse all day if I let him. I limited it to morning, before nap, and bedtime after one year. Of course, if he needed comfort that was fine. He weened at 19 months. My youngest was much more interested in being active which is why I had no need to cut it back a bit.


*sigh* I do miss my little guys.

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