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Moldy Pumpkins!


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The kids carved pumpkins with their dad on Saturday and they have been sitting on the kitchen counter. Today, dd was going on about how the pumpkins had hair. I thought it was a piece of cat hair or lint or something. I went over, and sure enough, they are full on moldy! I didn't know that would happen! Has anyone else had that happen? I know that my dh washed the pumpkins out with the hose right after they were carved, and I don't know if being inside was bad; usually I see carved pumpkins on porches. The kids are so bummed!

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Yeah, it was keeping them in the house. Wash them off with plain white vinegar, that will clean them up and kill a lot of the mold. Then put them outside.


I will do that! Thank you. Mommy is off to save the pumpkins!

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We put watered down bleach in a spray bottle, and spray the insides of the pumpkin, then smear vaseline over any cut areas of the pumpkin. The vaseline thing we do daily until the pumpkin gets to a point that we want to throw it out.


:iagree: I read this advice when looking for ways to keep the carved pumpkins from rotting. We only used the vaseline once, and we keep them outside where it's cold (in a sheltered location if there will be frost). They're still good a week and a half later!

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I live in the south so we can't really buy or carve pumpkins until about 2 to 4 days before Halloween because, even outside, they mold up FAST. It's still WAY too warm for a cut pumpkin outside. My plan is that all of us will go out and pick pumpkins on Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday would normally be a bit risky but it's suppose to drop to highs in the upper 70's and that's amazing for us. :)


Yes, pumpkins mold quickly in warmth. :)

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It's not advisable to carve that far in advance unless you live some please where they are essentially frozen outside. In or out, no carved pumpkin in my area would last that long.


We weren't necessarily carving them for Halloween, just as something fun and seasonal. I just expected them to last a little longer. We were still in the 90's over the weekend, though, so what everyone is saying makes sense.

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It has now been more than 2 weeks since we carved our pumpkins, used the bleach water and Vaseline. My 15 yo decided not to bother with the Vaseline; his is an unrecognizable, shriveled-up mess. The Vaseline pumpkins still have clear designs, but the insides of them are molding and the sides were a little soft when I just moved them.

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