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So I've been using Sonlight for the last few years and I love it, but I am getting tired a little of doing 2 cores and then having 2 littles to keep up with. Ds is almost in core C and dd just started A. I thought about combining them and we tried HOD which I like their history but that was about it. So I'm thinking maybe TOG??? Any Sonlighters switch over and like it. I've read the boards and have heard lots of mixed feelings, but I know that will happen with any curriculum :). I just know I have about 6 weeks left till ds will either need a new core or something else. We love Shurley and Singapore math so those 2 are covered, but the rest is a little up in the air:confused:

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I hope to hear some feedback too.


I :banghead: all summer and ordered TOG along with many books.


I also tried SL one year and did not use much of it. I think I would have liked SL if I had started with it.


The Classical method is important to me.


I ended up choosing MOH2 and Omnibus 2.


Having a blood clot and terribly difficult pregnancy was the main reason I ended up making this simpler choice. It seemed simpler to me anyway and I have 8 children * 4 are under 8.


I also use CC memory work at home along with supplemental games, Singapore Math, TT Math. I don't have time to implement TOG with enough children at one time to be cost or time effective. I did keep some of the books and movies TOG suggested and am implementing them.

And in the past I have just ordered many Veritas, SL recommendations as well as used SOTW and FLL, IEW. I love IEW and did not want to change everything to use TOG. If I had a TOG co op I would probably go with it. Marsha Sommerville also encourages us who have young children to keep nap time and not do to many extracurricular activiities while having them in tow.

I have to do so much alone and make sure it is best for our whole family.


Home educating now for 12 years, I have been pressured to join other co ops and now don't due to conflicts and not having any help.

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Truthfully I would just combine them both into Core C. I've used both SL & TOG over my many years of hs and I feel like SL was much easier to use consistently when I had littles underfoot, since it's already planned out.

DO you think that would work? I was thinking maybe using SOTW along with Core C and having them both do that and maybe letting it take 1.5 or so.

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DO you think that would work? I was thinking maybe using SOTW along with Core C and having them both do that and maybe letting it take 1.5 or so.


Yes, most definetly it would work. But with a toddler and an infant in the house as well, I would just use Core C and call it good, since it already schedules CHOW for you. Using SOTW & CHOW at the same time is kind of redundant, ask me how I know :tongue_smilie: Then I'd pick up extra picture books on the topic being studied at the library.

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I would just combine them. I have been surprised at how well combining my children has went this year. This is our first year of SL and I was worried that if I combined them that one would miss out on something or the other wouldn't be able to understand everything due to the material being over her head but that hasn't been an issue at all and it has become our favorite part of the school day. I did try TOG last year which happened to also be our first year homeschooling so maybe that is why I found it hard to use? but I had an incredibly hard time painting a cohesive picture of history for my dc using the TOG readings.

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I personally use TOG because of the age difference in my home, but I have a friend who has always used the core of the oldest child as her main read aloud core and then everyone down from there just does the readers at their level. She also has always done science that way also which in her house means her 12, 10, and 7 old are all in Apologia general science and the old Sonlight core 7. She figures that they pick up what they pick up and has had the youngest in the family answer comprehension questions better than the oldest. So, if you love Sonlight, this is a way to make it work.



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DO you think that would work? I was thinking maybe using SOTW along with Core C and having them both do that and maybe letting it take 1.5 or so.


Yes! Then you will get more into the range of your younger. They are a good age for combining. Usually anything more than 2 years is difficult, but you should be okay. Some stuff will go over your younger's head, definitely. Take at least 1.5 years to do it so she can catch up if you plan on doing Core D, which increases in emotional intensity and amount of work to be done, plus reader level (probably a 3rd grade level with a few harder books in there). We have been doing SOTW2 with Core C this year, and there is PLENTY of rabbit trails to follow to stretch this out, especially if you get the AG, which has many, many great book recommendations, which our library has (I'm in the same city as you are; I'm jjn3beans and am in Chara). I wouldn't try to hit D too soon, although there are tons of younger books (take some ideas from WinterPromise's American Story 1) to keep her interested if she's in 2nd grade when you hit D.


You could pull a few books from Core A and re-read them with her too like Twenty and Ten and Apple and the Arrow, which will fit nicely in with Core C.

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We are doing TOG 3 with a virtual co-op and I am LOVING it!


I use a lot of the SL books I own and incorporate some HOD/MFW stuff I already have for younger ones. Plus I was gifted a ton of Abeka stuff which we are using for Science and LA some.


If I had to choose just one, it would be TOG.


If you have specific questions, please feel free to ask.


I am using it with ages 12, 10, 7, 5, with dd3 and ds1 tagging along.

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HOD is a lot less intense than SL in the younger years, so one thought would be to use SL for your older and HOD for your younger. The time periods actually line up pretty well. You could do LHFHG and Core C, Beyond and Core D, Bigger and Core E. It has the added bonus of having some hands-on from HOD. You could just use the history from HOD or whatever portions work for you. I think doing an HOD level (in the younger years) and a SL core would be easier than doing 2 SL cores.



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throught the years I have used both tog and sl


they are both excellent.


as far as one being classical and one not..at this age

they both could be classical...if you use the bible and history

the language arts might not be, but you don't have to use sl language arts.



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We are doing TOG 3 with a virtual co-op and I am LOVING it!


I use a lot of the SL books I own and incorporate some HOD/MFW stuff I already have for younger ones. Plus I was gifted a ton of Abeka stuff which we are using for Science and LA some.


If I had to choose just one, it would be TOG.


If you have specific questions, please feel free to ask.


I am using it with ages 12, 10, 7, 5, with dd3 and ds1 tagging along.


How does a virtual co-op work? It is open to anyone anywhere?

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We've used both. We went spent 4 years with SL, moved to TOG (for 18 months) so I could combine my kids in a time period and not read two cores, and now we are back with SL reading two cores. Combining them worked well in theory, but not so much in practice. I was reading just as much with TOG as with SL. I spent the summer planning TOG ahead of time, so that it was open and go for me. But the actual day-to-day of TOG was just as much reading as two SL cores. We enjoyed TOG, learned a ton, and I fully intended to stick with it. BUT feedback from my kids is important. For various reasons they asked to return to SL.


My younger son hated history with TOG. I wanted the magic of history to be there for him like it was with my oldest. I spent all of last year thinking history is just not his thing. Since we switched back, he loves history now. TOG books were just dry for him. I thought they were great selections. He did not. My oldest ds liked TOG well enough. But he missed me reading his history to him and snuggling for read alouds. Since coming back SL, our homeschool is much more relaxed and enjoyable. We spend time reading by the fireplace with hot chocolate or taking a book with us on a bike ride and reading while we take a break and the kids climb a tree. For some reason, SL helps me enjoy my kids more, and they enjoy that part of our day much more.

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We've used both. We went spent 4 years with SL, moved to TOG (for 18 months) so I could combine my kids in a time period and not read two cores, and now we are back with SL reading two cores. Combining them worked well in theory, but not so much in practice. I was reading just as much with TOG as with SL. I spent the summer planning TOG ahead of time, so that it was open and go for me. But the actual day-to-day of TOG was just as much reading as two SL cores. We enjoyed TOG, learned a ton, and I fully intended to stick with it. BUT feedback from my kids is important. For various reasons they asked to return to SL.


My younger son hated history with TOG. I wanted the magic of history to be there for him like it was with my oldest. I spent all of last year thinking history is just not his thing. Since we switched back, he loves history now. TOG books were just dry for him. I thought they were great selections. He did not. My oldest ds liked TOG well enough. But he missed me reading his history to him and snuggling for read alouds. Since coming back SL, our homeschool is much more relaxed and enjoyable. We spend time reading by the fireplace with hot chocolate or taking a book with us on a bike ride and reading while we take a break and the kids climb a tree. For some reason, SL helps me enjoy my kids more, and they enjoy that part of our day much more.

That is my sentiment, too! We did Sonlight for preK, K, and 1. Then we did SOTW1--3. We are going to do ToG 4 and did a test run with TOG 3 Unit 3. My boys enjoyed the read aloud, but not the independent reading because it is ver dry. We have always been doing SL read aloud and readers even when we did SOTW. I think maybe SL will simply our day so that we can have more time for more foreign languages!

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hummm...what about maybe doing something like VP with the two of them??? I like the idea of them doing memory work. I'm thinking I'd still like to use Sonlight somewhat but I think my goal is to get them both to where they could be combined in Core D since that will be the year I add in my 3rd little one. I don't know why but I just feel so lost when it comes to this. At least I know we are good covering LA and math so I don't feel too bad about not having a solid plan for the rest :) I feel like a little kid in an ice cream shop with way too much to chose from.

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  • 4 months later...


Would you be willing to share what you did to make it open and go? That would be really helpful to others. :)


Well, I make more work for myself at this point because my son does both upper and lower grammar, and I add in lots of other things. So, having said that...

First, I print out the pages of reading assignments for each week, front with the recommended and back with the alternates. I go through and make a list on the computer of every book used that has title, author, and which weeks they are used. I bold the ones I already own and look to see which ones are used a lot so that I definitely want to buy. Then I check to see if my library has the rest. I note in small letters below each checkbox on the reading assignment pages if I own it (or will definitely buy), the library has it, or I definitely don't want it. Then I glance through each page to look at what wasn't marked to decide if I want to buy it or can use something else I already own or something else from the library. Then, I get out my SOTW activity book and add any books from the recommended reading in there to each week with SOTW listed. I write those right on the reading assignments pages. I also add in Sonlight books or other favorites.

I go through the activity suggestions for each week in TOG and in SOTW and choose which ones I'm willing to do.

Then I make a list, by week, of what I'll need to order from the library each week and what supplies I'll need to gather each week for activities.

I also print out any map work, evaluations, student pages, etc., that I'll need. It all goes in a binder with 36 tabs, each week filed behind the week number. Each week, I look ahead to what I'll need for the next week and order from the library and make sure I have supplies.


Let me know if that doesn't make sense. There's a lot of noise in my house at the moment..

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This might be helpful.



So… after three years of using Tapestry of Grace, what forced me to leave? Number one reason was the waste of content that I paid for. There is a ton included in TOG, but most of it goes unused, even when using all four levels. I pay for all of it in the hefty price tag. I really tried to not waste. I tried to use it all, but, wowza! It is a pretty impressive feat for a family to use everything in the recommended (not even considering factoring in the extra resources) areas for all four levels. I’m not that impressive.

Secondly, the price tag. Not only is the basic instruction plan expensive ($170 currently for digital edition, $295 for print), but many of the books were expensive.

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Thank you for taking the time to type that out. That is really helpful! :)




Well, I make more work for myself at this point because my son does both upper and lower grammar, and I add in lots of other things. So, having said that...

First, I print out the pages of reading assignments for each week, front with the recommended and back with the alternates. I go through and make a list on the computer of every book used that has title, author, and which weeks they are used. I bold the ones I already own and look to see which ones are used a lot so that I definitely want to buy. Then I check to see if my library has the rest. I note in small letters below each checkbox on the reading assignment pages if I own it (or will definitely buy), the library has it, or I definitely don't want it. Then I glance through each page to look at what wasn't marked to decide if I want to buy it or can use something else I already own or something else from the library. Then, I get out my SOTW activity book and add any books from the recommended reading in there to each week with SOTW listed. I write those right on the reading assignments pages. I also add in Sonlight books or other favorites.

I go through the activity suggestions for each week in TOG and in SOTW and choose which ones I'm willing to do.

Then I make a list, by week, of what I'll need to order from the library each week and what supplies I'll need to gather each week for activities.

I also print out any map work, evaluations, student pages, etc., that I'll need. It all goes in a binder with 36 tabs, each week filed behind the week number. Each week, I look ahead to what I'll need for the next week and order from the library and make sure I have supplies.


Let me know if that doesn't make sense. There's a lot of noise in my house at the moment..


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HOD is a lot less intense than SL in the younger years, so one thought would be to use SL for your older and HOD for your younger. The time periods actually line up pretty well. You could do LHFHG and Core C, Beyond and Core D, Bigger and Core E. It has the added bonus of having some hands-on from HOD. You could just use the history from HOD or whatever portions work for you. I think doing an HOD level (in the younger years) and a SL core would be easier than doing 2 SL cores.





This is what I am doing this year and next year. My younger ones use HOD and my oldest uses SL. It has worked out quite well.

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In order for TOG to work you have to spend some time planning ahead. I don't know much about SL, but from my understanding, it is pretty well laid out. I am one who does not do well teaching from someone else's plan. It might be the best plan in the world, but if it is not mine, it won't get done. Therefore, TOG fits well with my m.o. since it provides options and guidance, but I get to write the final plan for my family.

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