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Please reassure me and tell me it's ok...

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...to have all the signs that my body is ready to go into labor and yet have no indication that labor will start anytime soon. As of my last appointment I am 4cm dilated. The baby is very low, I have had extremely strong contractions that I thought were the beginning of early labor, but stopped after awhile. I have had a ton of mucous/bloody show every day for almost two weeks. Obviously my body is gearing up to get this started, but I feel like I'm just being teased because day after day goes by with no end in sight! Ugh!!!


My "due date" was this past Tuesday, but I know from the past not to put much store by that. However my midwife really seems stuck on the date and has acted concerned and surprised that I haven't delivered yet at my last two appointments. She suggested inducing this past Thursday, but I declined because baby seemed fine. She wants me to have a non stress test if I haven't delivered by Monday. I'm fine with a non stress test, but I know that she will not be content to just let me wait until labor starts on it's own. (she is a CNM who works with an OB and I will be delivering in the hospital).


I know that it's normal for pregnancy to go up to 42 weeks sometimes, but I hate having to go in and keep declining induction when she seems to be so concerned.


So I'm just asking for reassurance and emotional support to stick with what I know is ok, instead of giving in to pressure to induce when there is no indication that it is necessary.

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Have you seen or spoken to your obstetrician about the situation? I'm not anti-midwife, but I would want to be examined by my doctor to be sure everything was OK, and to get his or her opinion on the induction recommendation.


I hope you have a happy, healthy baby very soon! :grouphug:

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In my (limited) experience, when my body is that far and that ready, labor does not take very long when it DOES start. Hoping baby is here soon! :group hug:

:iagree: And with me the more babies the more pre-labor and I had a couple fairly fast labors (less than 3 hours and I was also at 4cm with those babies) so when you are fairly sure labor has started get thee to a hospital pronto! May God be with you!

Edited by Happyhomemama
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Babies will come when they are ready. I just don't get the near panic that medical people seem to go into these days if baby isn't here right on or before that "due date". Our parents, grandparents, etc. didn't worry about such things, and we all came out just fine. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Babies will come when they are ready. I just don't get the near panic that medical people seem to go into these days if baby isn't here right on or before that "due date". Our parents, grandparents, etc. didn't worry about such things, and we all came out just fine. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


This is exactly what I was thinking. Why the panic? She started wondering why I hadn't delivered early before my due date had even arrived! When I am at home it's very easy for me to dismiss any concerns, but when I'm talking to her face to face it's hard for me not to try to please and go along with whatever she suggests. I need to stay strong. Of course if there were any indication that baby was not ok, I would be induced in a heartbeat, but the signs are just not there.

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It's absolutely fine--as long as you and baby are both doing well, as in baby's heartrate and kick counts are fine and your BP and urine tests look good. A biophysical profile can give you more information, too.


Both my babies were postdates--my first was 41+4 and my second was 40+6. Labor started spontaneously with both.


I never had any cervical checks prior to labor because I don't think there's any point, and I see way too many women get upset by them, almost no matter what the result is--either they're not dilated at all and they're upset about that, or they're dilated significantly but not in labor and upset about that. :grouphug:

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...to have all the signs that my body is ready to go into labor and yet have no indication that labor will start anytime soon. As of my last appointment I am 4cm dilated. The baby is very low, I have had extremely strong contractions that I thought were the beginning of early labor, but stopped after awhile. I have had a ton of mucous/bloody show every day for almost two weeks. Obviously my body is gearing up to get this started, but I feel like I'm just being teased because day after day goes by with no end in sight! Ugh!!!


This was me a week ago. I was so frustrated. When I did finally go into labor it was sudden. My water broke and I had my baby an hour later. We barely made it to the hospital.


It was the morning before my last midwife appt. They were planning to schedule an induction for the end of the week.

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...to have all the signs that my body is ready to go into labor and yet have no indication that labor will start anytime soon. As of my last appointment I am 4cm dilated. The baby is very low, I have had extremely strong contractions that I thought were the beginning of early labor, but stopped after awhile. I have had a ton of mucous/bloody show every day for almost two weeks. Obviously my body is gearing up to get this started, but I feel like I'm just being teased because day after day goes by with no end in sight! Ugh!!!


My "due date" was this past Tuesday, but I know from the past not to put much store by that. However my midwife really seems stuck on the date and has acted concerned and surprised that I haven't delivered yet at my last two appointments. She suggested inducing this past Thursday, but I declined because baby seemed fine. She wants me to have a non stress test if I haven't delivered by Monday. I'm fine with a non stress test, but I know that she will not be content to just let me wait until labor starts on it's own. (she is a CNM who works with an OB and I will be delivering in the hospital).


I know that it's normal for pregnancy to go up to 42 weeks sometimes, but I hate having to go in and keep declining induction when she seems to be so concerned.


So I'm just asking for reassurance and emotional support to stick with what I know is ok, instead of giving in to pressure to induce when there is no indication that it is necessary.


With Eldest I was dilated 5cm? for I think three or four weeks.


With my Youngest I was carring so low that at one point I went to wipe, and I was sticking out. I mean sticking out about 2cm. After a trip to the doctor (Where I was told if that happens I can just poke it back in :confused: ) I preceded to not go into labor for 2?3? weeks.


What is funny is my Mother told her cousin that the baby foot was sticking out. (Not!!! we are talking about a maybe 2cm protrusion). He believed her and went forth and told a large group of people. He also was convinced it was true and swore it was true.

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as long as all is fine, of course it's okay to hang in there! If there is an actual concern, then you can address it as needed.


I just happened to have the opposite problem with #4. My CNMs (under ob, in hospital) tried hard to dissuade me from inducing at 42 weeks. 42 is my personal end-of-line comfort zone, and I demanded they do it. My body, my child!

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Thanks everyone for the kind words and reassurance. I guess my moaning and groaning was a bit hasty- baby came on Sunday night. My water broke at 6pm and she was born at 8:38! I am thankful that it went so fast!


She was 8lbs 8oz and 20.5 inches long. We just came home today. :)

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Thanks everyone for the kind words and reassurance. I guess my moaning and groaning was a bit hasty- baby came on Sunday night. My water broke at 6pm and she was born at 8:38! I am thankful that it went so fast!


She was 8lbs 8oz and 20.5 inches long. We just came home today. :)





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