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Paging Dr. Hive - Dehydration in Early Pregnancy

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I'll be 11wk (ish) tomorrow. I've been nauseous and had SEVERE indigestion (not acid - food reflux) since about 6wks. The indigestion/dyspepsia has been the worst. I don't have heartburn at all, it's just like my food roams my esophagus freely and makes me feel absolutely MISERABLE. It has progressed to vomiting this last week - I think mostly due to the indigestion.


I sent DH to the store for Prilosec at the recommendation of my ER doctor uncle today, but I threw it up within 20 min of taking it. I have Zofran (the orally disintegrating tablets) that he called in for me, too. I have now not kept anything (food, liquid, or meds for nausea/vomiting or indigestion) down in 24+ hours. I've done all the "right" things (small meals, bland, etc), but even my 4-5 Ritz Bits and 2-3 sips of water come right back up. I eat/drink very small amounts and within 2-3 minutes it all comes right back up. I can't do anything carbonated, because it makes the indigestion 100x worse.


I've had an on and off headache for about a week, though it's been pretty constant for the last 48hr or so, and my lips are SUPER dry and cracking. I'm still peeing, and it's not super dark yet (though it definitely isn't clear or almost clear), and I still have tears. I am quite thirsty though. The skin on the back of my hand still bounces back. I don't feel like fainting, but I do see "spots" or "sparkles" when I first stand up, and I feel weak and shaky. My heart rate is within normal range.


So, at what point is it time to go to the ER for fluids? I'd call my OB's nurse line, but I'm still not technically a patient of hers yet (for this pregnancy). I should be able to get in this week (money FINALLY showed up), but that doesn't help me today.



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I just don't want to show up and be told, yep, nausea/vomiting is normal, hopefully it ends soon - you aren't severely dehydrated yet, have a a good night. I feel like I'm in limbo land. I know I'm not severely dehydrated yet, but I also know that I am not well.


I'd go now. They tend to be pretty willing to hydrate in pregnancy and getting caught up will make you feel better, not worse.

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I'd go now and I'm an ER nurse.


I'm 5 weeks postpartum. During that pregnancy I had to have IV hydration every 2 days for 11 weeks. It was either that or a zofran pump! Being dehydrated isn't good for you or the baby.


I'm so sorry, I know how awful hyperemesis is in pregnancy!

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Thanks everyone! I'm here and hooked up to an IV.


I'm very glad to here it. Once you get the fluids, even if the indigestion, etc., persists, you'll still feel better. Or, it might just be a little virus that got the best of you at this time and you may have a big turn around a feel great after this! :)

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So glad you went!


I had severe hyperemesis with my last pregnancy and ended up with a PICC line for meds and fluids.


It is a downhill spiral with vomiting and dehydration.


:iagree: I've lost 2 babies due to the dehydration HG causes:(, its nothing to mess with. Heaven forbid I get pregnant again. If you can't get a reasonable amount of fluids in thats stays down then you need to get an IV right away. If you do have HG there is a wonderful group of women to help you get though it at http://www.helpher.org HG is hell, there is no other way to describe it and until you have been there you can't understand it fully. I've had it with each of my pregnancies and I'm not willing to endure it again.

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:iagree: I've lost 2 babies due to the dehydration HG causes:(, its nothing to mess with. Heaven forbid I get pregnant again. If you can't get a reasonable amount of fluids in thats stays down then you need to get an IV right away. If you do have HG there is a wonderful group of women to help you get though it at http://www.helpher.org HG is hell, there is no other way to describe it and until you have been there you can't understand it fully. I've had it with each of my pregnancies and I'm not willing to endure it again.


I sometimes wonder if some of the quirks in my dc's are due to the dehydration and possible malnutrition I experienced during my pregancies. The one with the most struggles is the one I had the most nausea with before birth. The one who is the easiest all around is the one with whom I had very little problem with nausea during pregnancy. For three of my pregnancies I lived in a country where they didn't treat the nausea other than giving IV's for dehydration.

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Edited: I see you went. Good. I hope things get better.


Go now. I had severe hypermemis with my younger son, could not keep a bit of anything down consistently and vomited all day everyday (in my case till the end of the pregnancy, not to scare you. Hopefully yours will let up earlier than that.)


I did not go to the emergency room or seek much help beyond a zofran prescription. I started to get what I thought was low back pain. No, the dehydration caused a raging kidney infection which caused a really high fever. I was hospitalized. Go now. Not going can make things much worse.

Edited by kijipt
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I'm so glad you went. Is today better for you?


Today has been better. Not great, but better - and I'm very thankful for that!


The dr last night said that I was definitely dehydrated as my urine was VERY, VERY concentrated. My electrolytes were all okay except the magnesium, which was slightly low. I ended up getting 2 bags of fluids, a bag of magnesium, and some IV Zofran.....oh, and 2 Tylenol (that did nothing) for my massive headache.


My urine was clear from infection, but showed some yeast. He suggested I do a round of Monistat even though I haven't had any symptoms, and sent me home with a prescription for Reglan, because "it helps with motility too". He did recommend that I try the Prilosec (the only dose I really got in me, came right back out) again, and to actually double the dosage to hopefully deal with this reflux issue, which he agreed is probably the main source of my problem.


I felt decent this morning, so I took a Prilosec and so far I do think it's made a difference with the reflux, but I have discovered that I still get nauseous, so it must not be 100% of my problem. Evenings are my worst time and I've noticed a steady decline in how I'm feeling since lunch. I haven't filled the Reglan prescription yet, so I may take a Zofran (which I already have) here before it gets too much worse. I can feel the gag reflex really kicking in....and all it takes is one gag to make me vomit.


So.....I guess time will tell, but today has been a much better day than yesterday :) I'm glad I went in.

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Today has been better. Not great, but better - and I'm very thankful for that!


The dr last night said that I was definitely dehydrated as my urine was VERY, VERY concentrated. My electrolytes were all okay except the magnesium, which was slightly low. I ended up getting 2 bags of fluids, a bag of magnesium, and some IV Zofran.....oh, and 2 Tylenol (that did nothing) for my massive headache.


My urine was clear from infection, but showed some yeast. He suggested I do a round of Monistat even though I haven't had any symptoms, and sent me home with a prescription for Reglan, because "it helps with motility too". He did recommend that I try the Prilosec (the only dose I really got in me, came right back out) again, and to actually double the dosage to hopefully deal with this reflux issue, which he agreed is probably the main source of my problem.


I felt decent this morning, so I took a Prilosec and so far I do think it's made a difference with the reflux, but I have discovered that I still get nauseous, so it must not be 100% of my problem. Evenings are my worst time and I've noticed a steady decline in how I'm feeling since lunch. I haven't filled the Reglan prescription yet, so I may take a Zofran (which I already have) here before it gets too much worse. I can feel the gag reflex really kicking in....and all it takes is one gag to make me vomit.


So.....I guess time will tell, but today has been a much better day than yesterday :) I'm glad I went in.


I'm hoping things will look up for you soon. Week 11 was always an awful time, but, bit by bit, after that it usually did get better.

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