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Root canals?

Root canal - terrible or not? and which tooth?  

  1. 1. Root canal - terrible or not? and which tooth?

    • Not terrible - upper molar
    • Not terrible - lower molar
    • Not terrible - front teeth
    • Terrible - upper molar
    • Terrible - lower molar
    • Terrible - front teeth

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I'm getting a root canal in two weeks and I'm petrified. My mom (who has had four) says it's no big deal, and a friend of mine (who has had one) says it was a fate worse than death.


I'm a tiny bit hopeful because this particular tooth has had a lot of work done on it and I've never had a twinge at all, AND apparently I've had a terrible decay problem underneath an old filling and never felt a thing... but then I've never had a root canal so maybe I don't know what I'm talking about (and I have had problems with dental work on other teeth....) But I have a theory about my mom's experience compared with my friend's... which is that the molars don't hurt as much and the upper jaw is better than the lower. So of course I need a poll to substantiate that... Must. Have. Data. LOL!!


So for anyone who has had a root canal, was it terrible or not, and was it an upper molar, lower molar or one of the front teeth?

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I should add... honesty is better than comfort right now -- if it really is terrible I'd rather know in advance, get some valium and make DH take the day off work to drive me there and back. If it's not terrible I'll deal with it myself, but I'm a complete baby about dental work and I'm not above pharmaceutical means of dealing with it!! LOL

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I'm getting a root canal in two weeks and I'm petrified. My mom (who has had four) says it's no big deal, and a friend of mine (who has had one) says it was a fate worse than death.


I'm a tiny bit hopeful because this particular tooth has had a lot of work done on it and I've never had a twinge at all, AND apparently I've had a terrible decay problem underneath an old filling and never felt a thing... but then I've never had a root canal so maybe I don't know what I'm talking about (and I have had problems with dental work on other teeth....) But I have a theory about my mom's experience compared with my friend's... which is that the molars don't hurt as much and the upper jaw is better than the lower. So of course I need a poll to substantiate that... Must. Have. Data. LOL!!


So for anyone who has had a root canal, was it terrible or not, and was it an upper molar, lower molar or one of the front teeth?


It wasn't that bad. I was terrified. But I never felt a thing during the procedure.


However, I'm a wuss when it comes to tooth pain/jaw pain. A serious wuss. After the root canal my jaw hurt worse than the tooth pain that led me to the dentist. It hurt for 3-4 days after. I actually took vicoden at night that I had leftover from when I separated my shoulder during Judo (and I never took one for that).


It was the first molar on the lower jaw.


A friend had a root canal on a front tooth around the same time, but on her upper jaw, and she had no pain. So maybe your theory is right.

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Mine was terrible because it just takes soo long for my teeth to heal for some reason. So I dislike ANY dental work. Even having a cavity filled with take my a couple of months for all the sensitivity to go away. I've only had one root canal and the dentist was great. I just hate ALL the steps. I think I had to go 3 or 4 times before it was finally all done. Grrr. OH, and mine was abcessed so that probably makes ALL the difference in the world.

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Really, it wasn't terrible at all. I'm a pretty big baby -- I make my dh come along to many appointments, but not these. For me, the worst part was keeping my mouth open so wide for so long. My dentist places a rubber wedge between my teeth to help my jaw rest, but it doesn't stop it from aching for a day or two afterward. He gave me a rx for a small number of pain pills, and I think I took them for a day or so. It wasn't so much that I *needed* them for pain, it was more that I didn't want *any* pain, kwim? lol But really, it was not that big of a deal. I mean, I wouldn't volunteer for one, but it wasn't bad at all. HTH!



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I've had 4 root canals (I have terrible teeth genes). Two of them were in the top and two in the bottom. None of them were what I would think of as terrible. However, I have a pretty high pain tolerance (and had natural childbirth, when I think "terrible pain" I think "crowning").

You know my mom is the same -- she has had four, and one made her "grumpy" but she said it wasn't terrible... and she did Lamaze for four kids including her 10-lb. first. I'm wimpier than that! LOL

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Really, it wasn't terrible at all. I'm a pretty big baby -- I make my dh come along to many appointments, but not these. For me, the worst part was keeping my mouth open so wide for so long. My dentist places a rubber wedge between my teeth to help my jaw rest, but it doesn't stop it from aching for a day or two afterward. He gave me a rx for a small number of pain pills, and I think I took them for a day or so. It wasn't so much that I *needed* them for pain, it was more that I didn't want *any* pain, kwim? lol But really, it was not that big of a deal. I mean, I wouldn't volunteer for one, but it wasn't bad at all. HTH!



Good to know -- Aching I can deal with, it's just The Drill that makes me hyperventilate!

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lower molar, and it really was NOT bad (not pleasant, but doable!);)I thought having the crown done afterward was worse (although it wasn't terrible either).

Yeah, I hated having a crown put on another tooth (without a root canal...) but a big part of that was the temporary crown. THAT was awful, and it was a lot longer than the two weeks it was meant to be, between a lab delay, an error, and the stupid dentist (never liked him) going out of town.... My current dentist promises he'll make the crown turnaround as fast as possible. :)

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Mine was terrible because it just takes soo long for my teeth to heal for some reason. So I dislike ANY dental work. Even having a cavity filled with take my a couple of months for all the sensitivity to go away. I've only had one root canal and the dentist was great. I just hate ALL the steps. I think I had to go 3 or 4 times before it was finally all done. Grrr. OH, and mine was abcessed so that probably makes ALL the difference in the world.

Fortunately this isn't abscessed.... I hope that means it won't be too bad!

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It wasn't that bad. I was terrified. But I never felt a thing during the procedure.


However, I'm a wuss when it comes to tooth pain/jaw pain. A serious wuss. After the root canal my jaw hurt worse than the tooth pain that led me to the dentist. It hurt for 3-4 days after. I actually took vicoden at night that I had leftover from when I separated my shoulder during Judo (and I never took one for that).


It was the first molar on the lower jaw.


A friend had a root canal on a front tooth around the same time, but on her upper jaw, and she had no pain. So maybe your theory is right.

Oooh I'm hoping for the "never felt a thing during the procedure" part!! Pain afterwards will make me grumpy but I can deal with it much better than pain during!! (yay drugs! LOL)

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and it really was no big deal. I am a huge baby when it comes to pain. I think the dentist I had was very skilled, though, and that may make a huge difference. He was so fast too.


I drove myself to and from the appointment.

Fast is good! The dentist I'm going to is an endodontist, former faculty at the dental school, and has been in practice for like 30 years... so I'm hoping that translates to "skilled" :) I'm going to keep repeating "no big deal" over and over for the next two weeks... LOL

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The procedure itself was not terrible. The recovery was bad because I'm allergic to codeine and didn't know it - and they prescribed Hydrocodone (which has codeine) and Tylenol with codeine for the pain. Once I figured out what was causing my non-stop vomiting, it wasn't so bad!

Yikes!! That sounds awful, but I know I'm not allergic to codeine, so hopefully I can avoid that particular pitfall!! :)

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I'm a scaredy cat. But, it was no big deal. I love my endodontist. I was in and out in 30min, I think. I drove straight to the airport and caught a flight from FL to Chicago for my uncle's funeral. The doc gave me a few super duper ibuprofen and a prescription, which I never filled.


Now, if they ever say apico something, that's when you gotta worry :rolleyes:

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and then one on an upper molar that was horrible because it had to be re-done. I think it took 4 appointments to get that upper molar finished with a specialist (he had a microscopic image as he worked). It was very painful but probably only had to be redone because of an odd anatomy of my tooth. Although my lower molar was not "fun" it was very easy in comparison and I think that is the more normal experience.



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Oooh I'm hoping for the "never felt a thing during the procedure" part!! Pain afterwards will make me grumpy but I can deal with it much better than pain during!! (yay drugs! LOL)


Can you have laughing gas? I'd never get through any dental work without it. I have to have laughing gas well in effect before I can even have the local anesthetic shots, but as long as I can have the gas going, I'm off in la la land and never feel a thing.


I had an upper molar done and was terrified beforehand. The RC itself was so easy. I did have some aching afterward, but now that I think about it, like sclisa said, I think that was actually from holding my mouth open. What did hurt afterward, a LOT, was the temporary crown he put in. I don't think he seated it properly at all. I didn't know this until (long story short) he had to remove it and then replace it. After he replaced it, it felt completely fine. I think that was just a fluke. The insertion of the permanent crown was a snap too.


Laughing gas. Seriously. I'm considering requesting it for cleanings :D

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A good endodontist is going to listen to you in regards to pain control and do a professional job. Frankly it's no worse than a deep filling if it's done correctly. The problems come with someone who is sloppy, doesn't know what they're doing, and/or doesn't listen.

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Laughing gas. Seriously. I'm considering requesting it for cleanings :D

Good idea! I think if I freak out when I'm there I'll ask for that (since they can do it quickly!) but if I'm freaking out before I'll go with a longer-acting sedative, like valium..... I've had the gas before and it does take the edge off...

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No problem here. The worse part was jaw pain from having my mouth open for that long. DH is a chef and had had a root canal done in between lunch and dinner service. Of course he was medicated and doesn't remember much of it.



Oh dear -- that's some dedication to ones work! LOL I'm planning to plant DS in front of the TV for the rest of that day ;) Glad it wasn't too bad!! :)

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I'm a scaredy cat. But, it was no big deal. I love my endodontist. I was in and out in 30min, I think. I drove straight to the airport and caught a flight from FL to Chicago for my uncle's funeral. The doc gave me a few super duper ibuprofen and a prescription, which I never filled.


Now, if they ever say apico something, that's when you gotta worry :rolleyes:

Yay for no big deal! (But I'm glad I don't have to do anything else that day!)


Is this the apico-something? Sounds like what one of the previous posters said was horrible..... I'll keep that in mind: apico = please knock me out first ;)

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it was nothin'.


The second time was more traumatic, because there was an infection. My cheek even bruised, but that had more to do with the infection and whatnot.

So far it's sounding like the really awful ones involve abcesses and infections.... Mine's not infected or anything so here's hoping that's an optomistic sign! :)

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I have had a couple, but I will never again have one not done by an endodontist. They specialize in that kind of stuff and mine is really cute.


I had one done by a dentist that didn't do a good job and years later it became infected around the root. It was terrible and painful to fix.

Yes! Definitely a specialist... The only thing that makes me more nervous than dental work is dental work by someone I don't completely trust!!! :eek: I've not met my endodontist yet, but she comes highly recommended, used to be faculty at the dental school here and has a few decades of experience. Somehow I'm not thinking "cute"... LOL

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and then one on an upper molar that was horrible because it had to be re-done. I think it took 4 appointments to get that upper molar finished with a specialist (he had a microscopic image as he worked). It was very painful but probably only had to be redone because of an odd anatomy of my tooth. Although my lower molar was not "fun" it was very easy in comparison and I think that is the more normal experience.



That sounds like the apicoectomy that Sue in St Pete mentioned... I think I'm seeing a pattern here -- I'll have to call my friend with the horrible experience and see if that word rings a bell with her!

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A good endodontist is going to listen to you in regards to pain control and do a professional job. Frankly it's no worse than a deep filling if it's done correctly. The problems come with someone who is sloppy, doesn't know what they're doing, and/or doesn't listen.

The endodontist I'm going to is supposed to be really good... so here's hoping she follows the pattern you've noticed :) This tooth has already had a really deep filling (just last week! LOL) and I didn't feel a thing, so I'm hopeful!!

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Who does it is everything.


We just moved here and the closest dentist was Gentech. I didn't realize that they employ mostly new dentists, at least at our branch. I had gone in a couple time because I had daily pain for months, so they decided to do a Root Canal. I say a couple of times because they couldn't, "see anything," so they would just adjust my bite on the cavity they had filled there and send me home. :rolleyes:


The Root Canal took about 4 hours, which is NOT normal. Then I continued to have ongoing pain and they told me that it could, "bother," me for up to a year. :confused:


By now we have lived her for a year so my dh asked a coworker for a recommendation and we tried a new dentist. Love our new dentist. Come to find out half the the ongoing pain was because my bite was WAAAAAY high. Absurdly so. The rest was because they missed a root, and this time sent me to a oral surgeon to have it finished correctly.


Hasn't given me any problems since, but now something I want to ever go through again.


If at all possibly I would have an oral surgeon do it. He was speedy and had additional equipment to make sure he got everything.



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Who does it is everything.


We just moved here and the closest dentist was Gentech. I didn't realize that they employ mostly new dentists, at least at our branch.

Fortunately I'll be seeing a "veteran" -- I've had new dentists before and not been impressed... hence some of my dental phobia! :eek:

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Not fair...I couldn't vote more than once!


I would have voted:

not terrible for : lower molar, upper molar, AND front teeth! Sad, huh? I inherited bad teeth from my parents. And I DO take care of them!


But the breakthrough was when I discovered the key: going to an endodontist. THEY know how to do root canals, because that's all they do. (Bear with me if this has already been discussed - I haven't read through the rest of this thread yet.)


AND my endodontist has fluffy pillows, cozy blankets, AND cable tv! He takes a whole hour to get you completely numb. So you sit there for an hour with your pillow and blanket and remote control, and he comes in once every twenty minutes to give you a novocaine shot. And of course, you only feel a pinch on the first shot, you don't feel a thing after that. Now, first of all, you tell ANY busy homeschooling mother that she has to go somewhere and put her feet up and watch cable tv for an hour? Not too shabby! So after getting you completely numb, he comes in with his helpers and all his tools, and he works like crazy for twenty minutes, and then he's done. You don't feel a thing because you're so SO numb. Three appointments like that, and the root canal is done. The worst part of the whole thing is that novocaine tends to give me a headache, so I generally feel kind of yucky the night afterwards. Which means, of course, that I have to go home and go to bed - more time with the remote control or my book and hubby has to take care of the kids!


So, um, no, generally I don't find root canals to be all that bad!


Oh, I guess the worst part would be the expense - the part that insurance doesn't cover, of course. Yuck.


Good luck!

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Not fair...I couldn't vote more than once!


I would have voted:

not terrible for : lower molar, upper molar, AND front teeth!

Oh no! It should have let you check all three! Oh well, I'll mentally add that in ;)


So it seems the pattern is not related to which tooth as much as it is to a) going to an endodontist and b) not having an apico-whatever-it-is that someone else posted about... So I should be good on both those counts!! Yay!

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