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How was your morning?

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I am sitting here trying not to blow my top that my FIFTH GRADER still cannot differentiate between/compare a rhombus, a parallelogram, polygon and/or a quadrilateral. :banghead::banghead: I just told him he needed to sit down and MEMORIZE the definitions, since "identifying them by sight" clearly isn't working for him. ARGGGGGG.

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I am sitting here trying not to blow my top that my FIFTH GRADER still cannot differentiate between/compare a rhombus, a parallelogram, polygon and/or a quadrilateral. :banghead::banghead: I just told him he needed to sit down and MEMORIZE the definitions, since "identifying them by sight" clearly isn't working for him. ARGGGGGG.



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Guest inoubliable
:eek::scared:I spent my morning on the phone with poison control. :glare:


She will be fine thankfully. It was homeopathic.


Off to look at lock boxes.


Eek! Glad it doesn't seem to be anything serious!


I spent my morning arguing with Comcast about a phone number that won't work. Two years it took for me to convince them that the phone number that they gave me was still showing up in directories as belonging to the previous owner and that I was starting to get harassing phone calls for the gentleman. They finally gave me a new number three weeks ago. Which wouldn't take incoming calls. I got it fixed this morning. After they knocked out my internet for over an hour. :glare:

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It's just that he has been trying to memorize these FOREVER and for some reason, they won't stick. This is from a boy who never, ever needs review. So I am :confused: and annoyed. Plus, he insists he DOES know them, and them when I quiz him, he gets them all wrong. Grrrr...

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Our morning hasn't gotten off to a good start. My son's sore throat from yesterday seems to have progressed to a cold, which means no horseback riding lessons for us today. :( Hopefully we will still get some schoolwork done, although I'm not very optimistic. I guess I will get some cleaning and laundry done, and work on memorizing my lines.



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Up at 5, drag the kids to drop The Husband at the hospital. Back home at 7:40. Taught a math lesson. Babysitter came so I drove back to the hospital to find I missed the surgeon with news of my husband's surgery...and maybe he's in recovery because he's not in surgery and not in his room. :cry: It's been a long morning already.

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I am trying to figure out a problem with ds17s computer. It has been a week long project. I think I solved it and then 2 days later, the problem comes back. I don't know if it is a virus or if he needs a new hard disk. His disk was replaced under warrenty 3 months ago, but now the warrenty is expired.


DD5 is having a rough morning. She has already been sent to her room once and it is only 8:30am. She is outside playing right now, but I suspect I will find that she kicked another hole in her wall when I go upstairs. :glare:


DD13 is supposed to be awake but is still sleeping. She wants me to cut her hair this morning before she gets school pictures taken at her new private school. I don't like to cut hair, but can't justify the cost when I can do it myself. I wouldn't mind so much, but dd5 will want a hair cut too, and I really don't want to cut her hair! She will beg the entire time I am cutting dd13s hair. She can't sit still long enough for me to do it and she is in a bad mood to boot.



I miss homeschooling but the schools chosen for the kids are the best choices for each.

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I was on the phone with exterminators trying to find someone to come out and give us an estimate to remove a hornets nest from inside the stones of our chimney. We were supposed to start school today but I had a bunch of stuff to finish organizing that I wanted to get done yesterday. Instead I was stung twice yesterday when a hornet got stuck in my hair, and couldn't use my left hand and spent the day with ice on my hand and my head.


Now, I don't even want to step outside. Thankfully it's raining so I don't have to listen to dd keep asking to play outside.

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:eek::scared:I spent my morning on the phone with poison control. :glare:


She will be fine thankfully. It was homeopathic.


Off to look at lock boxes.


Glad she is okay.


My morning was all about dog grooming. Spent about 1 1/2 - 2hrs on Dd's Springer this morning--split it into 2 sessions with a break in between--- and still have at least an hour more later today. He and I need a break! Then I'll do touch ups tomorrow and take him to breeder to check my work. I can already see I messed up one back foot. Took off too much hair.:glare:


Obviously we haven't started school yet this year.


Now I'm looking at Ds's Cocker and thinking how much he needs grooming. Argh! He's gonna have to wait.

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I'm trying to do lessons with the ongoing agonizing pain of eating gluten this past Sunday. Let's just say that my patience is non-existent.


Why don't kids realize when Mom doesn't feel well and just freaking behave and do what they are supposed to do?


Someone please come get my 3 yr old.

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blah...I got up early this morning intending to leave dd here with grandma and head to the local homeschool shop. Instead dd woke up as I was about to leave {I was running late}, and the two mystery bug bites on her hand were much worse, plus she had another on her bum. And she's still complaining of being itchy all over. I am really really really hoping it's not chicken pox {what does that look like anyways?}, as they have not gone away even with liberal application of cortaid cream yesterday.


So today's plans are canceled - I think I might take a trip to the thrift store I was as yesterday for the half off sale - the day after a sale is always a good time to go as they put so much new stuff out to replace what sold.

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Two of my children are dawdling. I really have no patience for it anymore. My oldest daughter takes forever to finish her work. I find her staring out the window a lot but she refuses to acknowledge it. My youngest takes forever to finish math if I don't push him along. He wants to pretend his pencil is an airplane or tell a joke. It is so frustrating. But i am the bad guy according to them. :banghead:


Hopefully tomorrow will be better.


Elise in NC

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:grouphug: to everyone whose mornings have not gone as well as you would've liked.


Our morning has been better than I expected, thankfully. Ds9 was already whining about how much more work he has to do this year. How do you explain to kids that K & 1st grade work does not last forever??? He's jealous of his little brother who was done in an hour... somehow he cannot fathom that he only had an hour (or less) of work at one time.


He's always my difficult one though, so I expect nothing less than the complaints I receive. :tongue_smilie:

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Well, no one ingested poison here, which I suppose means my morning was better than yours. However, it still kind of stank.


It's my husband's birthday, and anyone who's ever tried to help me figure out what to get for him or how to help him celebrate birthdays and Christmas may remember how impossible he is about this kind of thing. Essentially, he's miserable if we don't get him presents and generally devote ourselves to celebrating him all day, but nothing we do or get is every really right.


In addition, this year we're pretty broke. So, there just isn't any spare change lying about with which to indulge him . . . which of course makes his mood even less pleasant.


He took the day off from work (always does on his birthday), but my daughter has to work this afternoon, and both kids have dance classes this evening. We tried to shift the celebration day to yesterday, but that didn't work for a variety of reasons. We don't have any good gifts for him. And we can't afford the time or money to go do anything. So, he's sitting in the living room playing on his computer, and my son and I have decided not to come home after dropping my daughter at work, but to pack up schoolwork and have our first-day meeting at Panera.


Ugh. Honestly, he's great in a lot of ways, but I never come closer to fantasizing abou divorce than around his birthday and Christmas.

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:grouphug: all around for people with crummy mornings. I hope the afternoon goes better.


Up at 5, drag the kids to drop The Husband at the hospital. Back home at 7:40. Taught a math lesson. Babysitter came so I drove back to the hospital to find I missed the surgeon with news of my husband's surgery...and maybe he's in recovery because he's not in surgery and not in his room. :cry: It's been a long morning already.


This sounds scary. I hope you've found him by now and that he is recovering nicely. :grouphug:


School was good. However, today marks the 2 year anniversary of my mom's death so that is hard.


:grouphug: I'm sorry.


Ugh. Honestly, he's great in a lot of ways, but I never come closer to fantasizing abou divorce than around his birthday and Christmas.


:grouphug: I had a roommate in college with your dh's attitude. It is hard to make their special day live up to their expectations.

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I am really really really hoping it's not chicken pox {what does that look like anyways?}, as they have not gone away even with liberal application of cortaid cream yesterday.


I'm not a doctor, and don't play one on TV, but it doesn't sound like the usual presentation of chickenpox. :D I think they usually start on the trunk, not the hand. I don't remember them looking like big bites. They have a very distinct appearance. You can probably google for photos.

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