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"Do you have a pencil? Where is your pencil?"

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I noticed while browsing the TeacherspayTeachers site that some of the teachers actually have signs made up indicating the deposit fee or charge for replacement pencils. I have threatened to start selling pencils to my kids.


Last week I actually heard myself says,"Don't come to school without your pencil." Um, mom, you mean, "Don't come to the basement?" :lol:

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Pencils are like socks around here. There is just some black hole that makes them disappear.


It's the gnomes. We have an infestation of evil, sock stealing gnomes. They take the pencils, too. And the book you were reading/working in yesterday.


I hate those gnomes.

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I have a big ole tomato can (the costco size) that I covered in pretty wrapping paper, it's full of pencils, and it sits in the middle of the table when we're doing school.


Are you constantly restocking it?! I'm sure we'd lose even more pencils if the kids weren't expected to be responsible for their pencil.


I'm thinking about somehow marking pencils this year so I know what belongs to whom. We do have some pencils in the middle of the table in a caddy with our rulers, scissors, glue, etc but the kids are expected to keep track of their pencil.

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I have a big ole tomato can (the costco size) that I covered in pretty wrapping paper, it's full of pencils, and it sits in the middle of the table when we're doing school.



I have a Pampered Chef tool caddy full of pencils, erasers, eraser caps, scissors, glue sticks, etc etc etc. on top of the school cabinet. They know where the pencils are, it just never occurs to them to grab one when they are AT the school cabinet grabbing their books :D

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I always know right where my son's pencil is...


Wound through his toes. :001_huh: :tongue_smilie: :glare: :smash:


Ask me how many times a day I "remind" him that it needs to be between his fingers and not his toes...







Yeah. Don't ask me. :banghead:

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Are you constantly restocking it?! I'm sure we'd lose even more pencils if the kids weren't expected to be responsible for their pencil.


I'm thinking about somehow marking pencils this year so I know what belongs to whom. We do have some pencils in the middle of the table in a caddy with our rulers, scissors, glue, etc but the kids are expected to keep track of their pencil.


I have paper covered tubes on the school table. In the school room. Stocked with Black Warriors that i sharpened myself. Sunday. They all had weird, random writing implements this morning. :glare:


I tried giving them color coded mechanical pencils last year, both to avoid pencil sharpening field trips (in rotation with drink and bathroom field trips) and so I'd know whose pencil it was lying around... Nope. They.just.disappear. Poof!

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Ours end up outside!:tongue_smilie: One day I was picking up toys and sticks in the yard so DH could mow. I found 12 pencils and three colored pencils! What the heck? I have threatened to tie yarn to their pencils and tape the yarn to their desks. I may try that this year so we don't spend an hour a day looking for them.:001_smile:

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It's the gnomes. We have an infestation of evil, sock stealing gnomes. They take the pencils, too. And the book you were reading/working in yesterday.


I hate those gnomes.


Our sock stealing gnomes prefer to steal only one sock of a matched pair. They are generous and leave the other one.


They hide the pencils under the sofa cushions, or in the first place you looked after you have scoured the entire house.

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I'm thinking about somehow marking pencils this year so I know what belongs to whom. We do have some pencils in the middle of the table in a caddy with our rulers, scissors, glue, etc but the kids are expected to keep track of their pencil.

When I taught middle school I wrapped the top of *my* pens with colored electrical tape. I could see from across the room if someone had one of *my* pens.


Slightly OT.. can anyone tell me how to get pencil lead out of coffee cups? We keep ours in big coffee mugs which are then useless because their insides are covered in graphite.

I would use a little baking soda/water paste. I think that should take it off.

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When we do find our pencils, they usually are missing the erasers. Our toddler bites the eraser off any pencil she gets her hands on. I am glad she doesn't swallow them. :tongue_smilie:


Our black hole includes one shoe of several pairs in the house, and occasionally a toothbrush. How does one lose a toothbrush?

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Oh my goodness, not my kids. I bought some of those caddies from the $1 spot at Target and they are each FILLED with about 100 pencils. Those caddies stay in their "school bin", though. Everyone can come to my house and take a pencil!

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Oh yes! That and their insistence on doing schoolwork with pencils that need sharpening.


Ugh, not mine. Mine can barely get through a lesson without needing to resharpen.


I hate to tell ya, but in some cases it doesn't get better w/age! My son is taking community college classes and is often asked if he has a pencil to loan to someone!


Eta: Ds says, "At the final exam, no less!"



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