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I did it. I deactivated my FB

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I've been wanting to pull the plug for some time now. I am just too addicted! We are coming out of a rough year with infertility and I found myself just sinking lower every time I opened FB and saw everyone's pregnant bellies and new babies.


I was also just wasting a lot of time when I could have been with my girls (like right now).


We'll see how long it lasts. I need to get it out of my system so I am not on it all day.


I wonder when the withdrawals will kick in...

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I deactivated my account back in June and have LOVED it! It was so freeing to me to not have to read about people and their drama. I did go through a time where I would wonder what someone was doing and wish I could get on FB to check on them. But, now, it doesn't even cross my mind except when I hear about the drama and I am thankful I am not sucked into reading it.


The withdrawal takes a few days and then you will be so happy you made the cut!!!! Good luck over the next few days :)

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I want to do the same. How did you do it? Did you actually delete everything? I almost never get on FB, so I don't have the addiction issue (This forum appeals to me more). When I do get on I just get annoyed at what I see.

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I want to do the same. How did you do it? Did you actually delete everything? I almost never get on FB, so I don't have the addiction issue (This forum appeals to me more). When I do get on I just get annoyed at what I see.


You can just deactivate it and you disappear from FB, but you can log back in at any time and magically reappear and have all your pictures and everything just as you left them.


Apparently to really delete your account, you have to go in and delete every picture or something insane like that. I think they make it difficult. I'm really not sure. I didn't want to do that just yet. FB really is how I keep in touch with so many people. I just have to learn to behave and control myself. :)

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Did you remember to let people know beforehand?


I cancelled mine on the spur of the moment. It appeared to other people as though I had just unfriended them and hidden my profile.


OK. So I got back on and posted that I am deactivating and I'll do it tonight. I don't want anyone to think I am blocking them...

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I've been wanting to pull the plug for some time now. I am just too addicted! We are coming out of a rough year with infertility and I found myself just sinking lower every time I opened FB and saw everyone's pregnant bellies and new babies.


I was also just wasting a lot of time when I could have been with my girls (like right now).


We'll see how long it lasts. I need to get it out of my system so I am not on it all day.


I wonder when the withdrawals will kick in...

:party:I hope you feel empowered.

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Did you remember to let people know beforehand?


I cancelled mine on the spur of the moment. It appeared to other people as though I had just unfriended them and hidden my profile.



Some people got mad at me....sheesh. I deactivated mine before the summer and I will NEVER go back. I didn't have an addiction, like I do to this board:D. .....but , it has saved me from so much drama! Lol.


Google: permanently delete Facebook account....if you are sure that is what you want to do. Follow the instructions.....it was easy.....and oh, so freeing!

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You can just deactivate it and you disappear from FB, but you can log back in at any time and magically reappear and have all your pictures and everything just as you left them.


Apparently to really delete your account, you have to go in and delete every picture or something insane like that. I think they make it difficult. I'm really not sure. I didn't want to do that just yet. FB really is how I keep in touch with so many people. I just have to learn to behave and control myself. :)


Because I think it would be helpful to get rides home from college! :tongue_smilie:



I've never had a Facebook acct. :001_smile:

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I deactivated mine last year. I was tired of the drama and fakeness of it all. However, I did have to make a new account recently. It is annoying that every local homeschool group is only on Facebook:(. So, I created a new account only for group access....no friends, photos, nothing.

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You can just deactivate it and you disappear from FB, but you can log back in at any time and magically reappear and have all your pictures and everything just as you left them.


Apparently to really delete your account, you have to go in and delete every picture or something insane like that. I think they make it difficult. I'm really not sure.



I admit it --- I was the insane person who took it ALLLLLLLLLLLL down!!!! I'm so glad I did!!! There is just too much "accessibility" out there. I'm not a doomsday type person and I don't live in fear, but I do believe in being prudent.


On top of that, there's just too much JUNK out there! The day I said "enough" I had logged on to a beverage company's page to get a coupon. The first person's pic that was shown next to her post was a COMPLETELY naked woman covered only in tattoos! I was so embarassed I know I blushed! My first thought was what if my son had walked in while I was trying to pull off a coupon and seen THAT!!!


I will admit, it does get difficult from time to time. So much is done via FB now. For instance, there's a consignment sale coming to our area next week. It was like an act of congress to get the flyer because the only site they have is a FB site.


The lack of drama is a DEFINITE PLUS!!!!!!!! I don't unintentionally get involved in other people's business anymore! It's GREAT!!!!!!


Hope you learn to love being "unplugged!"

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I permanently deleted mine a few months ago (yes, they do make it tricky!). I'm very glad I did. My RL friendships are stronger for it because now I do my gossiping in person! :lol: I haven't missed the drama, and I'm finding I have a lot more time to read to my kids & pursue my own studies.


A few people have been a little annoyed that I'm not as 'easy' to 'talk' to now. I sometimes find myself a little out of the loop with my friends. So it's not perfect. But I'm really happy I did it. I have more RL life now - I'm going deeper rather than wider, y'know?

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I don't spend a lot of time on FB but I do enjoy being able to share photos and family updates with family and friends who live out of state.


BUT, I am so sick of everyone using FB as a platform for their personal and political views. I also am tired of reading complaints about everything under the sun from some of my FB "friends". I also find myself feeling inferior to some whose lives seem so glamorous on FB.


I would love to delete FB but I don't know of an easier way to keep up with my family members who I don't see very often.


Good for you!!


Elise in NC

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Deleted mine a year ago. Ahh freedom! I am never in the know and things go on that I never hear about but I dont mind. If someone really cared about me knowing something they would call or send an email. I am sad sometimes because so many aquaintence type friends stay in touch through FB, but I enjoy bumping into old friends and catching up rather than seeing them and already knowing everything that is going on in their lives.

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Twice FB has accidentally posted private messages publicly. The first time I knew about it, I deactivated my account but missed it and got back on. When it happened last week, I deactivated again to take a break, then logged back on to delete it for good. But I did not go through and delete every picture, post, etc. Does anyone know if you really need to do that, too?

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