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Heartburn in PG

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Whine--a lot. :tongue_smilie:

Other than that, take tums for instant relief, and umm, one of the OTC long-term relief meds my midwife ok'd (Zantac, I think, maybe?) for longish stretches of less discomfort. I feel your pain! I hate heartburn--sorry, mama!:grouphug:

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Oh, my goodness! I feel so sorry for you heartburn sufferers! The only advice I can offer is to never let your stomach get really, really empty. The only two times in my life I ever got heartburn occurred during pregnancy--I had it ONCE with each of my two children--and it happened during the night when my stomach was empty. It scared me to death the first time because I was 29yo and had never had heartburn before! I thought I was having a heart attack. Dh laughed at me, and then sat up with me while I chewed a couple of Tums and then ate some graham crackers at about 3:00 AM.

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I used to get heartburn like crazy. Maalox. What helped even more though -- if my heartburn came at night (which is often did) -- was to sleep on my left side instead of my right side. It made all the difference with each of my pregnancies, though I don't know why.

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I think the reason a lot of water makes it worse is because then you have a lot more very liquid-y stuff in your stomach to be able to come up. Thicker things are not as likely to come up through that relaxed sphincter.


Slippery elm bark makes a mucilage (love that word!) that thickens the acid and makes it harder for it to bubble up.

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During my 1st pregnancy it was the worst. Especially at night. I like the generic fruity Tums or the little minty ones. I would also eat a small bowl of ice cream before bed, it seemed to help. With this pregnancy, yogurt with granola helped, too. I was amazed when my heartburn went away the same day my son was delivered. :-)

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This may sound counterintuitive, but it really worked for me: A hefty squeeze of lime (lemon would probably work) in my sparkling water every day. Still water made me nauseated, but I could do sparkling.


I went through tons of tums before I discovered this trick, and I can't explain the science of why an acid would relieve acid reflux, but a friend of mine said she also found relief from lime juice in ginger ale when pregnant. Go figure!

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I was so utterly miserable with heartburn during PG. And the craziest thing was that within minutes of my kids being born the heartburn went completely away.


Same here. I'd get it so bad with each pregnancy that I would have panic attacks. My husband would tell me to calm down and I'm thinking, "I feel like I want to tear my skin off and you want me to remain calm?!?"


But the moment the kids were born.. poof. Gone.

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I can't handle tums. They taste disgusting and my tummy is already oversensitive to disgusting. I have found some relief with Calmacid from Melaluca. I hink you have to buy it from a distributor, like other mlms. But they taste better and don't make me throw up.

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This may sound counterintuitive, but it really worked for me: A hefty squeeze of lime (lemon would probably work) in my sparkling water every day. Still water made me nauseated, but I could do sparkling.


Limes and lemons are both alkaline foods, so they help to reduce the acidity in your stomach. However, they can bring on rebound acid indigestion also.


Think of it this way: your stomach acid is supposed to be acidic. If you take products that reduce the acidity, they'll work temporarily but, after a few days, your body will go into overdrive to get the pH of your stomach back to where it's supposed to be. Then you take more acid-reducers and the cycle starts over again.


Zantac works by acting on the cells in the stomach lining that produce acid in the first place.

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Limes and lemons are both alkaline foods, so they help to reduce the acidity in your stomach. However, they can bring on rebound acid indigestion also.


Think of it this way: your stomach acid is supposed to be acidic. If you take products that reduce the acidity, they'll work temporarily but, after a few days, your body will go into overdrive to get the pH of your stomach back to where it's supposed to be. Then you take more acid-reducers and the cycle starts over again.


Zantac works by acting on the cells in the stomach lining that produce acid in the first place.


Interesting--obviously my experience is anecdotal, but I never had any trouble with an acid rebound. In fact, I had two and a half pregnancies with really terrible heartburn before I stumbled upon this with halfway through my pregnancy with my third kiddo, and it definitely gave me full relief from my symptoms. Of course, I'm not prone to acid reflux when I'm not pregnant, so I don't know if that's somehow a factor.


To the OP, I hope you find relief!

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Whine--a lot. :tongue_smilie:

Other than that, take tums for instant relief, and umm, one of the OTC long-term relief meds my midwife ok'd (Zantac, I think, maybe?) for longish stretches of less discomfort. I feel your pain! I hate heartburn--sorry, mama!:grouphug:


:iagree::iagree::iagree: and avoiding triggers. Like plain water. :001_huh:

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I used Gaviscon - I'm not in the US, but I believe it is available there. It is a liquid, and as well as having acid neutralizing properties it forms a barrier which prevents refluxing. The pharmacist (who'd recently had a baby) told me she kept a bottle at home, and one in her handbag. It definitely helped.

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