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s/o What grammar or spelling mistakes annoy you?

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I said dove the other day instead of dived, and one of my kids corrected me. It was a terrible feeling thinking I'd done that before, and it felt extra terrible because I am a hsing parent.


I know it's wrong, but the brain is a cruel mistress. I had a bit of sniffle, and prayed I hadn't said it, or typed it, to people who would remember.


That doesn't answer your question, but it's been on my mind. :tongue_smilie:

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I heard some fancy schmancy guy on NPR say "snuck" earlier this week, too.



He's probably over 40. :D


At any rate, I think sneaked & dived are in the same category as Me & I. They don't always sound correct, and although one knows it's" me", one assumes many folks are expecting to hear "I".


Danm mongrel hybrid that is English!

Edited by LibraryLover
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I'm not a fan of text speak in typing on forums. I realize that it originally had something to do with being charged by how long the message was, but that's generally not the case anymore. I don't see how it's all that much more difficult to type "I went to the store for milk" instead of typing "I went 2 the store 4 milk"


I also cringe whenever I see someone type the word really as rilly.

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All this grammar and spelling talk has me thinking about writing instruction, and brought this to mind. I know it's a bit of a tangent.


From Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm ....




It would be false to say that one could ever be alone when one has one's lovely thoughts to comfort one. One sits by one's self, it is true, but one thinks; one opens one's favorite book and reads one's favorite story; one speaks to one's aunt or one's brother, fondles one's cat, or looks at one's photograph album. There is one's work also: what a joy it is to one, if one happens to like work. All one's little household tasks keep one from being lonely. Does one ever feel bereft when one picks up one's chips to light one's fire for one's evening meal? Or when one washes one's milk pail before milking one's cow? One would fancy not. R. R. R.


"It is perfectly dreadful," sighed Rebecca when she read it aloud after school. "Putting in `one' all the time doesn't make it sound any more like a book, and it looks silly besides."


"You say such queer things," objected Miss Dearborn. "I don't see what makes you do it. Why did you put in anything so common as picking up chips?"


"Because I was talking about `household tasks' in the sentence before, and it IS one of my household tasks. Don't you think calling supper `one's evening meal' is pretty? and isn't `bereft' a nice word?"


"Yes, that part of it does very well. It is the cat, the chips, and the milk pail that I don't like."


"All right!" sighed Rebecca. "Out they go; Does the cow go too?"


"Yes, I don't like a cow in a composition," said the difficult Miss Dearborn.


So besides the misuse of apostrophes, we can now add the inclusion of a cow as not quite correct. Also, must be careful about too many 'ones'.

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Text speak. Well. I have a thought about that.


I must have gorilla fingers, because I make mistakes on my iPhone all of the time when I try to write out full words. It's so touch sensitive. Minimizing the message helps make it more clear. I know it sounds crazy, but yes, typing "u" for "you", for example, has a much better chance of getting a point across. When I try to type out 'you", it often comes out 'tip'. The tiny keyboard is very sensitive, and autocorrect can make mincemeat out of any message.

Edited by LibraryLover
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All this grammar and spelling talk has me thinking about writing instruction, and brought this to mind. I know it's a bit of a tangent.


From Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm ....




It would be false to say that one could ever be alone when one has one's lovely thoughts to comfort one. One sits by one's self, it is true, but one thinks; one opens one's favorite book and reads one's favorite story; one speaks to one's aunt or one's brother, fondles one's cat, or looks at one's photograph album. There is one's work also: what a joy it is to one, if one happens to like work. All one's little household tasks keep one from being lonely. Does one ever feel bereft when one picks up one's chips to light one's fire for one's evening meal? Or when one washes one's milk pail before milking one's cow? One would fancy not. R. R. R.


"It is perfectly dreadful," sighed Rebecca when she read it aloud after school. "Putting in `one' all the time doesn't make it sound any more like a book, and it looks silly besides."


"You say such queer things," objected Miss Dearborn. "I don't see what makes you do it. Why did you put in anything so common as picking up chips?"


"Because I was talking about `household tasks' in the sentence before, and it IS one of my household tasks. Don't you think calling supper `one's evening meal' is pretty? and isn't `bereft' a nice word?"


"Yes, that part of it does very well. It is the cat, the chips, and the milk pail that I don't like."


"All right!" sighed Rebecca. "Out they go; Does the cow go too?"


"Yes, I don't like a cow in a composition," said the difficult Miss Dearborn.


So besides the misuse of apostrophes, we can now add the inclusion of a cow as not quite correct. Also, must be careful about too many 'ones'.


~No cows, check.


Text speak. Well. I have a thought about that.


I must have gorilla fingers, because I make mistakes on my iPhone all of the time when I try to write out full words. It's so touch sensitive. Minimizing the message helps make it more clear. I know it sounds crazy, but yes, typing "u" for "you", for example, has a much better chance of getting one's point across. When I try to type out 'you", it often comes out 'tip'. The tiny keyboard is very sensitive, and autocorrect can make mincemeat out of any message.


I have mentioned this before, but one day? Dh texted me a question. I started to answer, "correct" but typed, "coreect" and my autocorrect changed it to, "fleecy." DH was soooooo confused.:lol:

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Dilemna. :willy_nilly:


LOL, I didn't even know that was wrong until a few years ago when someone pointed it out to me. I was shocked and thought the person telling me was wrong. :) Then I did some research, and apparently there are a lot of us who were taught incorrectly, but nobody seems to know why. My hunch is that there was a textbook long ago with a spelling error in it.

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On another board I used to visit, an ex-PS teacher would regularly speak out against homeschooling whilst using poor grammar and spelling. Sometimes I almost had to sit on my hands to keep myself from taking a proverbial red pen to her posts.


I would not have resisted the temptation. ;)

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From Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm ....




It would be false to say that one could ever be alone when one has one's lovely thoughts to comfort one. One sits by one's self, it is true, but one thinks; one opens one's favorite book and reads one's favorite story; one speaks to one's aunt or one's brother, fondles one's cat, or looks at one's photograph album. There is one's work also: what a joy it is to one, if one happens to like work. All one's little household tasks keep one from being lonely. Does one ever feel bereft when one picks up one's chips to light one's fire for one's evening meal? Or when one washes one's milk pail before milking one's cow? One would fancy not. R. R. R.


:lol::lol::lol: There is coffee all over one's screen now, and one is laughing uncontrollably. What a joy it is to one! :lol::lol::lol:

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:lol::lol::lol: There is coffee all over one's screen now, and one is laughing uncontrollably. What a joy it is to one! :lol::lol::lol:


One is always pleased when one is able to make one's friends and acquaintances laugh. One usually feels one's own laughter bubbling up inside of one in response. :D One's own coffee often ends up on one's own screen! But, alas, one often has duties which one must perform instead of chatting with one's friends. One's dog will expect his walk.:glare:

Edited by shanvan
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Not particularly related, but some text talk drives me nuts when it makes its way onto facebook. My sil posted a status and her little sister (middle school or so at the time?) commented: 'wut' ......... really? Because wHAt would have been too much work? :D :lol: Oh, and the ? would have totally been too much, too.... :D
I use text talk on facebook if I am posting from my phone. It is too much work otherwise.
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I used to have a boss whose marketing copy talked about our company's "high-quality" products and services and our "excellent" staff and "great" prices. I couldn't convince him that using quotation marks made it seem he was saying exactly the opposite of what he intended.


They aren't spelling errors, but anyways and anywho make me cringe.

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One is always pleased when one is able to make one's friends and acquaintances laugh. One usually feels one's own laughter bubbling up inside of one in response. :D One's own coffee often ends up on one's own screen! But, alas, one often had duties which one must perform instead of chatting with one's friends. One's dog will expect his walk.:glare:




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Anyone remember the Friends episode when Joey was trying to learn how and when to use air quotes?:lol:

:lol: Yes!

Text speak. Well. I have a thought about that.


I must have gorilla fingers, because I make mistakes on my iPhone all of the time when I try to write out full words. It's so touch sensitive. Minimizing the message helps make it more clear. I know it sounds crazy, but yes, typing "u" for "you", for example, has a much better chance of getting a point across. When I try to type out 'you", it often comes out 'tip'. The tiny keyboard is very sensitive, and autocorrect can make mincemeat out of any message.

Oh text speak in texts doesn't bother me. Text speak on fb does ;)

Fleecy? Wut? Where did ones' autocoreect come up with that? ;)


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This whole thread has me cracking up. :lol:


My brain has been in auto correct mode for as long as I can remember, and it never seems to turn off. I've learned to live with it and rarely correct people that aren't friends or family.


I used to read a lot of fanfiction and one that always drove me nuts was shudder vs. shutter. I always wondered how in the world someone could mix those up?


As for text speak, I don't use it, even when texting, and my kids are forbidden to use it when texting me. They know if they do, I won't respond. :D

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