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What made me smile today......(fill in your story)

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This is actually from yesterday dd was being lazy, I am very patient with lazy, she sent herself in the "principals office" (dh study) to do her work.


Today she woke and ready to start school and be done for the day.:D We finished phonics, reading, poetry, language, arithmetic and science before 9:30A. We even made a banana chocolate chip bread for this afternoons snack.


I love homeschooling!

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My airy/3D-brained dd, this morning, got a 100 in the full review test I gave her of Singapore 2B, after 10 weeks off, and then 2 weeks of gentle review. HELLO Singapore 3A!


My instinct that her brain just needs time to go "off duty" for the summer is proving correct for her. She needs the physical challenges of doing hard things, which I can better provide in the summer. It helps her think better.

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Liz Curtis Higgs mentioned me by name in her live video broad cast yesterday. I had emailed her about getting an autographed copy of a book for my DD for Christmas, and mentioned that a friend and I were passing on a lunch outing and having tuna sandwiches while watching her live feed. She told everyone who was listening! I am still smiling today.

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:001_smile: we have four two-day old chicks who greeted us at the coop this morning. they are little puffballs running around on stick legs, and have figured out how to drink and eat by themselves. this is the second batch this momma has hatched this year! :001_smile:

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My daughter was so excited for me to see how the lime juice was eating the "confederate" sugar up in the icing she was making.....gotta love good ole southern sugar. She was shocked when I had her reread the yellow box....confectioners sugar? I have been saying confederate my whole life....LOL Has me chuckling days later

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My 1-year old giant puppy ran a stranger off. He came in our backyard uninvited. Yeah, it was the water delivery guy all confused. We don't get water delivered. He's never, ever going to make that mistake again. I love that dog. She keeps her people safe.

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the weather was gorgeous this morning.


I went out into the cool morning, with each blade of grass strung with dewdrops. My cow came running to see me as the sun peeped over the horizon, in a sky of pink and orange.


Where is the green-with-envy smiley? Sounds lovely.

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Well, I slept well last night. F-i-l is watching the kids this afternoon- quiet time for mom, ya!!! Dh got his bonus and vacation payout from work today and it was even better than I thought it would be, I'm just thrilled about that. We should have our house payoff amount saved up in another 2 months time!

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I think I did something awful that I don't remember and Karma is visiting me. I have had a horrid morning AND yesterday!! Nothing is working out. Someone send me some of your sparkles and fairy dust.


I'm sorry. Some days and weeks are so stinking hard. :grouphug:

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Yesterday-my dd7 (who has had a LOT of trouble reading due to vision issues) begged to read dd4's bedtime story. Then offered to read her three more. As we were going somewhere, she panicked and said "Wait!!! We can't leave! I need my book!" i had to tell her TWICE to stop reading and eat. My mama heart is swelling with pride for her. :001_smile:

Today-afternoon TeA time with dh while kiddos watched a movie. :D:001_huh:

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