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chronic sinus infection???

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I've had a sinus infection since April. I've done 3 rounds of antibiotics and it is still there. I also use a steroid nasal spray. I just cannot do another antibiotic again quite so soon. It is better, the pain, pressure and congestion are almost all gone. So, how can I get rid of the infection? I started using an amoeba free neti-pot this week. Any other thoughts???

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Yikes. So it hasn't gone away during this time? Or has it been recurring since April?


Many years ago I had recurring sinus infections - about a year of them - it was miserable. I was referred to a specialist and needed sinus surgery. I was much, much healthier after that surgery.

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Have you tried Mucinex D? It has guifenesin in it to help thin down mucous so it can be expelled. It also has pseudoephedrine in it to help slow new mucous that is forming.


I would take this and use the neti pot.


I think you can also get fungal infections in the sinuses. If 3 courses of antibiotics aren't working I wonder if that could be part of the problem.

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Have you had your teeth checked? I once had an abscessed tooth that drained through my sinuses & I was treated for a sinus infection for a few months. The draining kept the tooth from hurting. Antibiotics didn't help because the source of the infection was still present. When I had the root canal completed, the sinus drainage stopped completely.

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Have you had your teeth checked? I once had an abscessed tooth that drained through my sinuses & I was treated for a sinus infection for a few months. The draining kept the tooth from hurting. Antibiotics didn't help because the source of the infection was still present. When I had the root canal completed, the sinus drainage stopped completely.


:iagree:This happened to me, too.

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I can so relate.

drink lots of water.

musinex - thins mucus

ibruprophen - anti-inflamitory to reduce swelling in nasal tissue


I also use two homeopathic remedies, as the last time I had a sinus infection I did not want to do antibiotics. Now, I LOVE them.

I bought them at super supplements, but similar type stores shoudl have them.


boiron (brand) kali muricaticum

boiron - well, there is another one for sinusitus, but I'm out and don't remember the name. but boiron has a chart for symptoms and which herb works.

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What worked for my husband quite quickly was using a neti pot type product that looks like a giant syringe and sprays the neti solution into the sinus. To the saline solution in the neti syringe I added one dropperful of colidal silver. So that went in with the solution 2Xday. You would not believe the stuff that was forced out!


30 drops of Goldenseal tincture 3Xday. The Goldenseal works excellent for sinus infections.


Also, the dental issue is quite prominent in sinus infections. If you have ever had a root canal you need to google root canal and infection.


I hope you are feeling better soon.

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I would see an ENT. You could have a fungal infection in there.


:iagree: If you have not seen an ENT, I would ASAP. Could be fungal, could be yeast, could be a structure thing. I was on antibiotics on and off for a year with sinus stuff. Ended up having sinus surgery. I think I had yeast issues all along - I have gut issues too that are well controlled by probiotics and diet. Anyway, my ENT was great and much more helpful than the regular doc in this regard. Sinus surgery is no picnic, but worth it in my case.

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Have you considered

Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (Silent Reflux)




Does any of this sound familiar?






My mom had "sinus" symptoms for many, many years. I am quite certain that that she had reflux problems that were causing the symptoms. I now see my brother going through the same thing.

Edited by kitten18
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My stepdad has the same thing going on, and they told him he might have polyps in his sinuses that need to be removed. Also, he and my mom are pretty sure they have mold growing in their basement, and that might be aggravating it, so that's something else you could look into.

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when i stopped eating foods i was allergic too, my sinuses got much better - anything that can stop your body from making mucus is a good idea


Same here. When I stopped eating gluten, my perpetual sinus issues cleared up. Find a bottle of Bragg's raw apple cider vinegar and follow the recipe for the health drink on the side. That will help sinus issues, too.

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Same here. When I stopped eating gluten, my perpetual sinus issues cleared up. Find a bottle of Bragg's raw apple cider vinegar and follow the recipe for the health drink on the side. That will help sinus issues, too.


I actually have been enjoying apple cider vinegar and honey for quite a while.

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I had that problem as well. Turned out I had a cyst in my sinus cavity. It was only caught because I had a massive migraine and had never had one before so my doc ordered an MRI with contrast. I also had some mold growth in my sinuses we didn't know about. I very rarely get sick since I had surgery to remove the cyst. I will sick ALL THE TIME before. I was on antibiotics at least once every month or two. It was crazy! Hope you find your answer!

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