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Ugh, Facebook friend woes

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I was at a friend's house on Friday. Another mom was there - we had never met before, although our teens have known each other for about 3 years, and we have some other mutual friends. So my friend (the hostess) said that the other mom and I should be Facebook friends - sure, why not? I looked her up on Saturday and sent a friend request, which she accepted.


This morning a strangely familiar photo showed up on my newsfeed. The new friend had posted a photo with a comment. And the more I looked at it, the more familiar it became, until I realized it was MY photo! She had not "shared" the photo from my page - she had downloaded it and reposted it on her page.


The funny thing is that I almost commented on her photo, "Oh this looks like a photo I took, too!" until I figured out it WAS the photo I took. Maybe I should have. Maybe I still will.


I am kinda creeped out by this and I'm not sure why. The picture is of an inanimate object. It's not great photography, so I'm not worried about losing my royalty rights or anything. It just feels wrong. And how did she not think I'd see it on my newsfeed? Would it bother you?

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I barely know facebook, and I didnt know how to share-- still don't. I once saved a pic from someone else's site, and re-posted it on mine. It wasn't malicious. (but I did put in the comment that XX person took the pic) I regularly have to have my 12 year old son help me with facebook.


I'd let it go, but if it happens again, then send them a PM with a "what the heck,,," kinda PM. :D

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This may be a bit O/T, but I don't get the concept of becoming Facebook friends with people you barely know. :confused:


Is it a popularity thing? "I have more FB friends than you do, so I must be a better person than you are." :glare:


I don't even want to be FB friends with most of the people I know, let alone with people who are barely even acquaintances.

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Did she take the picture from your blog and then posted it as her own or did she do a repost thing (like when someone shares a picture from a page)?


It wasn't shared as my photo - it would have said that on FB. It's on her page as her photo - she had to have downloaded it from my account and then uploaded it back to hers. I looked at some of her other activity, and she does know how to "share" photos & give credit. Just not for me. :(


I just posted a comment. :)

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This may be a bit O/T, but I don't get the concept of becoming Facebook friends with people you barely know. :confused:


Is it a popularity thing? "I have more FB friends than you do, so I must be a better person than you are." :glare:


I don't even want to be FB friends with most of the people I know, let alone with people who are barely even acquaintances.


That's what I feel like. I am in a FB group, but they are HSers and a mature audience. I don't have many friends on FB.

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This may be a bit O/T, but I don't get the concept of becoming Facebook friends with people you barely know. :confused:


Is it a popularity thing? "I have more FB friends than you do, so I must be a better person than you are." :glare:


I don't even want to be FB friends with most of the people I know, let alone with people who are barely even acquaintances.


I don't have a lot of FB friends. But this woman is in a circle of friends I have IRL (even though we'd never met before). So when the hostess friend said we should be FB friends - it seemed harmless. And the hostess friend has already tagged us together for another event she's planning.


Now I regret it, of course! Because I need to either "unfriend" her or deal with someone who doesn't share the same sense of boundaries.

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Now I regret it, of course! Because I need to either "unfriend" her or deal with someone who doesn't share the same sense of boundaries.



Well, don't beat yourself up for it. Who would have guessed that she would have swiped one of your photos? I know it's not something that ever would have occurred to me.


The most important thing here is to set some boundaries immediately, starting with "quit stealing my stuff," and hopefully she will get the hint and you'll have no more problems with her. She might not be malicious; she might just be clueless.


But I would be very annoyed with her! :glare:

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You can restrict her without unfriending her. That will stop annoying sharing of photos, because she won't be able to see them anymore, but it isn't as obvious as unfriending them.


I just went through my friend list.


I deleted 4 of them.

I made another 10 or so "acquaintances" and then changed my settings so that acquaintances can't really see much. :)

Everybody else is either family or real friends.

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OR she liked the photo, wanted to share it, BUT was on an iPad or mobile devise and didn't have that option so she saved and posted. I do that all the time. Since it wasn't a pic of people I wouldn't think it was a big deal.


:iagree: Not everyone is adept at FB. She could have just thought your picture was interesting and she might think this is HOW people share photos.

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Not to hijack this, but I have a related question. I have a fair number of facebook friends that I don't know very well, but we have children in the same classes and the like. One woman in that category has posted pictures of a play that both our kids were in. I was thinking of doing the same as the woman here -- downloading the two that feature my son, and posting them to the album I have of his pictures on FB, so that our extended family will see them. Would it be better manners to "share" them?


OP, would you have thought what I'm thinking of doing as odd as what this woman did? FWIW, I see them as different, but I have hesitated since I don't want to offend this other mother.

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Is there an option to share the photos (look at the bottom of the pic)? If so, that's what I would do. Otherwise, you should ask her first. And actually, she should probably have asked your permission before posting pics of your kid on fb. It's not illegal or anything, but some people get really upset about that.

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I don't have a lot of FB friends. But this woman is in a circle of friends I have IRL (even though we'd never met before). So when the hostess friend said we should be FB friends - it seemed harmless. And the hostess friend has already tagged us together for another event she's planning.


Now I regret it, of course! Because I need to either "unfriend" her or deal with someone who doesn't share the same sense of boundaries.


If you unfriend her she might not ever realize it. Just 'unfriend' and move on.

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Not to hijack this, but I have a related question. I have a fair number of facebook friends that I don't know very well, but we have children in the same classes and the like. One woman in that category has posted pictures of a play that both our kids were in. I was thinking of doing the same as the woman here -- downloading the two that feature my son, and posting them to the album I have of his pictures on FB, so that our extended family will see them. Would it be better manners to "share" them?


OP, would you have thought what I'm thinking of doing as odd as what this woman did? FWIW, I see them as different, but I have hesitated since I don't want to offend this other mother.


I think you could either "share" them, or put on a note on her wall telling her how great the photos turned out and does she mind if you put them on your wall for your family?

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I think you could either "share" them, or put on a note on her wall telling her how great the photos turned out and does she mind if you put them on your wall for your family?


I've done that -- asked people if I could copy a picture from their wall.

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OR she liked the photo, wanted to share it, BUT was on an iPad or mobile devise and didn't have that option so she saved and posted. I do that all the time. Since it wasn't a pic of people I wouldn't think it was a big deal.


when I share stuff from FB on my phone, it doesn't share it in the normal sense; it actually uploads it as my own picture, and posts it as a "mobile upload". that bothers me that it does that, so I try to avoid sharing on my phone.

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This may be a bit O/T, but I don't get the concept of becoming Facebook friends with people you barely know. :confused:


Is it a popularity thing? "I have more FB friends than you do, so I must be a better person than you are." :glare:


I don't even want to be FB friends with most of the people I know, let alone with people who are barely even acquaintances.




I am so with you on this one. I find facebook to be a very intimate place - I mean, people put EVERYTHING out there. Only close friends and family for me.

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