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Pill Stuck in My Throat, Please Help!

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I took one of the green coffee extract capsules (drat that Dr. Oz) this morning and it is stuck in my throat. I have tried drinking lots of water and eating food, but nothing seems like it will dislodge it. I keep swallowing and that doesn't seem to help. Any ideas? At first I felt like throwing up, and now wish I did. I really don't want to induce vomiting. Is there any way this could be in my trachea? Breathing is fine. I just feel like I have a lump there (and it feels like it's rotating).


I don't want to go to urgent care if possible.




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I took one of the green coffee extract capsules (drat that Dr. Oz) this morning and it is stuck in my throat. I have tried drinking lots of water and eating food, but nothing seems like it will dislodge it. I keep swallowing and that doesn't seem to help. Any ideas? At first I felt like throwing up, and now wish I did. I really don't want to induce vomiting. Is there any way this could be in my trachea? Breathing is fine. I just feel like I have a lump there (and it feels like it's rotating).


I don't want to go to urgent care if possible.





You may actually have a lump there now, even if the pill is gone. That happened to me once with one of my prenatal vitamins--it irritated the spot where it was stuck so badly that I had a lump for the next 12 hours or so. I'd be really surprised if a stuck capsule survived plenty of eating and drinking, but I'd probably keep eating and drinking just in case. Have you tried drinking something very warm to try to melt down whatever might be lingering there?

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Agreeing with the one who said it's probably gone, having left a lump. I thought I had something stuck in my throat once...the feeling of it stuck there didn't leave me for over a week. I finally had a doctor look at it but she couldn't see anything there. Sorry 'bout that! It isn't any fun at.all.

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If the pill were actually in your trachea, I think you'd know it. You'd be coughing VERY VERY hard. If I get just a tiny bit of water or a small crumb in my trachea, it is so irritating that I KNOW it went down the wrong way! I can't stop coughing.


:iagree: although some things make it all the way into the bronchi and settle quietly (most don't). I recall one old man who started to cough and they have to stick a scope down and snag one of those plastic thingies to for closing bread bags. It had been in there so long it was calcified. There have also been calicifed cig. butts in more than one cadaver.


However, you wouldn't then FEEL it.

Most likely you have swallowed it, but it "pinging" the tissue on the way down and you are "feeling" it as a lump. I'd try sips of ice water to see if you can quiet it down, and then pop into bed and try to nap a bit or at least relax all the panicky feeling that goes with choking.

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I had this happened to myself just recently and I had to give myself the Heimlich maneuver. I was a very small pill and I wasn't choking but it was bugging the heck out of me. Anyhow, it worked and the pill came flying out and my throat was irritated for the rest of the day. I soothed it with cold drinks and ice. If you went to the hospital they would give you valium to see if your throat would relax enough for the pills to pass or them to dig out. I know this because it just happened to my dd last month. A shot of valium did the trick for her. I supposed that if you had a prescription for something like this and you could still swallow something else, you could try one of these and see if they help.

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Thanks everyone. Now it's just feeling like a lump, so I hope it has moved. I figured if it had been in my windpipe I'd really know it. It just felt super weird this time. I do think the tea is helping.


Kalanamak, did your dad place the pill in the mayo or did he use it as a chaser?


It will be a while before I take any more pills. I can tell I'm going to be feeling this for a while.



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Kalanamak, did your dad place the pill in the mayo or did he use it as a chaser?


It will be a while before I take any more pills. I can tell I'm going to be feeling this for a while.



He learned to grease it in mayo, but used it as a chaser when he first started having problems.


He got a pill crusher after that, but many pills are bitter and he still mixed it with something.


Then he gave up on the pills, and lived for another 10 years. :) I asked him about it and he'd wink and say, "I just can't reMEMber to take my ginko biloba."

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He learned to grease it in mayo, but used it as a chaser when he first started having problems.


He got a pill crusher after that, but many pills are bitter and he still mixed it with something.


Then he gave up on the pills, and lived for another 10 years. :) I asked him about it and he'd wink and say, "I just can't reMEMber to take my ginko biloba."


:001_smile: :001_smile: :001_smile: :001_smile:




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  • 1 year later...
Guest wheremysoulsleeps

Okay so what you should do is drink some tea. Afterwards grab to your throat and just hack the pill up. Give yourself some time before you take another. Good luck! :thumbup1:

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This happened to me a few months ago. I did go to the ER bc it was Ibuprophin, but they didn't do anything and I felt pretty dumb. They said it would dissolve and be fine. It did feel like it was flipping around when I swallowed and I felt it for the next two days. It left my throat sore. Nothing helped, just time. Sorry it kinda sucks.

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