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If you can tear yourself away from the cupcakes, I've devised a Mad Libs game for you

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WTM Mad Libs


One day, DawnM found out she was going to have another baby. She decided she needed to immediately begin planning said baby's homeschool curriculum, as one can never plan too early. She immediately asked RemudaMom for some input on curricula and was told that she should really consider Rainbow Science and Rod & Staff as those were fantastic, vigorous, and had proven results, but that she should absolutely NOT consider Story of the World or Life of Fred as those were mere fluff and were known to cause children to end up dreadfully behind, in RemudaMom's most humble opinion.


This started a bit of a controversy on the WTM boards. Other posters jumped in. Some, like Imp and Coffeefreak, said they were highly offended by those comments (one of them once had a child who used Story of the World all through his high school years and went on to go to a prestigious college and is now working as a computer programmer, and the other had a very good friend in her homeschool group who had used Life of Fred with her children, and all 18 of them had apprenticed themselves to an x-ray tech and were doing just fine now, thank you very much.


Others, like Mrs Mungo and AngelBee said they totally agreed with RemudaMom and that, anyway, she had a right to her opinion, didn't she?! And still others like Faithemanor and Denisemomof4 posted a little late, saying things like "Huh? What happened? Why are there a bunch of deleted posts? Somebody PM me!"


A couple of posters (particularly Spy Car and JoLuRu) started flaming and insulting each other, and phrases like "big girl panties" were tossed about with abandon, but the whole controversy soon came to an end, helped along by the fact that the moderator threatened to lock the thread and even ban people, were such shennanigans to continue, and couldn't everyone talk about something more innocuous, like hourglasses? Meanwhile, other posts were coming up that ended up capturing the posters' interest instead, such as the ones about bricks and cupcakes (ah, yes, especially the Great Cupcake Kerfluffel!)


Anyway. The pregnancy moved along as pregnancies tend to do. DawnM decided to hold off on planning and kept herself busy with diving and drinking. She experienced strong cravings for spaghetti, and strong aversions to pickles. She gained 221 lbs, and her nose and toes bothered her from time to time, but otherwise she did very well. She was excited to tell all her online friends about the baby shower she eventually had, where she received a blender, a nail file, and a textbook for her new baby. She loved to feel the baby kiss and would often stroke her belly while singing I'm A Little Teapot to her unborn child.


Finally, the day came when she went into labor. She had been peacefully sleeping, dreaming about cheese when she was awakened by her water breaking, quickly followed by her first contraction. She hurried to the hospital where she was settled in and made as comfortable as possible. Her labor lasted 39 hours and she gave birth to a bouncing baby boy who she ended up naming Samuel. He weighed 754 pounds and was 5 inches long! Everyone said that he was quirky. He had beautiful ears, slept through the night by the time he was 2001 months old, and only cried when he was cozy. DawnM and her husband doted on him, and in the end, when he was old enough, they, of course, decided on Grammar Island for his main curriculum.


The End :D

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