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MIL Is Missing

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Glad she's home. It will be interesting how she views this though. If you called the RCMP then you probably shouldn't have. But if you hadn't, then you didn't care about her enough to do so. :p

Well, the vm she left (again, I thought it was her temp roommate, and I already knew she was home safe, and was telling Wolf she'd been found so I didn't pick up) she seemed to find everyone being worried amusing. :glare:


We didn't call the RCMP to file the report. A friend of hers did.


I found out when I got on the puter this am, and found a msg from Wolf's aunt, telling me she was missing. Nobody called us, just a msg via fb. :glare:


2 hrs after that msg, the RCMP called to relay a msg that Wolf's cousin was looking for him re: his mother. We were asleep and didn't hear the phone. We were, however, awake when the aunt fb'd me, but I wasn't at the puter.


Her friend told me that yes, she called the RCMP at 9pm yesterday, but was going to call us this am. Seriously?! Report his mother missing, but don't call her only child til the next day? wth?! And I ended up calling HER, she never did call us.


It's a cluster whatsits. Somehow, that same friend got listed as next of kin to boot. Not Wolf, not his cousin that shares power of attorney (lives in the same town), but a friend that nobody really flipping knows. The friend hadn't even talked to ANY of the family before contacting the RCMP. She'd heard from MIL's temp roommate that MIL's sil called, hadn't heard from her, and took it from there. MIL's addy book was w/the temp roommate, all our contact info is there, but nobody called us.


I don't know where we go from here. This has been an ongoing concern for us, that MIL lives so far away, and if anything happened, we're not able to be there if needed w/out 10-12hr drive. (I think that's about what it would take from here, either way, it's a heck of a drive)


I just don't know.

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Well, the vm she left (again, I thought it was her temp roommate, and I already knew she was home safe, and was telling Wolf she'd been found so I didn't pick up) she seemed to find everyone being worried amusing. :glare:


We didn't call the RCMP to file the report. A friend of hers did.


I found out when I got on the puter this am, and found a msg from Wolf's aunt, telling me she was missing. Nobody called us, just a msg via fb. :glare:


2 hrs after that msg, the RCMP called to relay a msg that Wolf's cousin was looking for him re: his mother. We were asleep and didn't hear the phone. We were, however, awake when the aunt fb'd me, but I wasn't at the puter.


Her friend told me that yes, she called the RCMP at 9pm yesterday, but was going to call us this am. Seriously?! Report his mother missing, but don't call her only child til the next day? wth?! And I ended up calling HER, she never did call us.


It's a cluster whatsits. Somehow, that same friend got listed as next of kin to boot. Not Wolf, not his cousin that shares power of attorney (lives in the same town), but a friend that nobody really flipping knows. The friend hadn't even talked to ANY of the family before contacting the RCMP. She'd heard from MIL's temp roommate that MIL's sil called, hadn't heard from her, and took it from there. MIL's addy book was w/the temp roommate, all our contact info is there, but nobody called us.


I don't know where we go from here. This has been an ongoing concern for us, that MIL lives so far away, and if anything happened, we're not able to be there if needed w/out 10-12hr drive. (I think that's about what it would take from here, either way, it's a heck of a drive)


I just don't know.


That is just crazy!! Oh my gosh! I don't even know what to say. :confused:

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I don't know what to say either, Ibby.


The MIL's sister, the one who questioned Tazzie's paternity called after we knew she was found...I let the call go to vm...she was telling me MIL was missing, so apparently not in the family grapevine loop.


interesting...the aunt, whom we haven't had anything to do w/for 7 yrs can manage to find our ph#, but nobody else can? Really? And who the heck was she talking to that didn't tell her that we already KNEW about the situation?


bunch of drama llamas, I swear. Everyone needed to get their fix off the situation before her son was informed.


the cousin (when MIL was still missing) announced she was going to go to where MIL lives. I asked why. If her SON is waiting to see if the RCMP want/need him there, why the heck would her NIECE need to be there?


Cause it's drama.


I'm exhausted.

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he's having a beer, I'm having a rye and coke and pain meds.


anyone surprised that RSD is flaring?


I just honestly don't know where to go from here. It's brought some things out in the open, like the lies MIL has been telling...basically that Wolf and I don't bother w/her, her life revolves around us and our kids (remember, she spent a whopping hr w/us, then disappeared w/out even bothering to say goodbye to get ready for a dinner), etc, etc,etc.


Basically, everyone was under the impression that we never talk to her, nada.


Ppl were shocked to find out that we've repeatedly asked her to move to our province, even to the point of offering for Wolf to use her return ticket, pack up hre place, drive everything back, and let her stay w/us for a mth or 2 until she found an apt. She waffled on that...saying yes, then no, Wolf wouldn't know what she wnated from her apt, she'd pack herself, then no she wasn't moving at all, then yes she would, then no...(this was back when we were still in a townhouse, and before Boo was born).


So, yeah. It's brought some things to light. incl my disability. she'd told ppl I had a hurt arm, but they didn't know the extent, that I was perm disabled, that it's 80% loss, etc.


So she's been rocking the 'woe is me' waif ploy for yrs.


I just haven't processed it all.


Glad she's safe, obviously. Her story isn't adding up though. Makes me wonder if she did this on purpose. then feeling bad for thinking that.


I just don't know.

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he's having a beer, I'm having a rye and coke and pain meds.


anyone surprised that RSD is flaring?


I just honestly don't know where to go from here. It's brought some things out in the open, like the lies MIL has been telling...basically that Wolf and I don't bother w/her, her life revolves around us and our kids (remember, she spent a whopping hr w/us, then disappeared w/out even bothering to say goodbye to get ready for a dinner), etc, etc,etc.


Basically, everyone was under the impression that we never talk to her, nada.


Ppl were shocked to find out that we've repeatedly asked her to move to our province, even to the point of offering for Wolf to use her return ticket, pack up hre place, drive everything back, and let her stay w/us for a mth or 2 until she found an apt. She waffled on that...saying yes, then no, Wolf wouldn't know what she wnated from her apt, she'd pack herself, then no she wasn't moving at all, then yes she would, then no...(this was back when we were still in a townhouse, and before Boo was born).


So, yeah. It's brought some things to light. incl my disability. she'd told ppl I had a hurt arm, but they didn't know the extent, that I was perm disabled, that it's 80% loss, etc.


So she's been rocking the 'woe is me' waif ploy for yrs.


I just haven't processed it all.


Glad she's safe, obviously. Her story isn't adding up though. Makes me wonder if she did this on purpose. then feeling bad for thinking that.


I just don't know.


I thought you were trying to go low contact with mother-in-law to the point of Wolf having to field all contact with her and that you were going no contact with your own mother.


I guess I'm confused now that you have stated you asked mil to move to your area prior to the recent birth of your last child. When you were complaining about mil wanting to be called at onset of labor with Boo, I recall your resolve to insist Wolf deal with her while from there on out.


Now you seem quite concerned that other family members are under impression you seldom interact with mil. If you truly did go low contact with mil, then that is an accurate assessment on the part of your extended family members.


You just have to do what is best for your family and not fret so much about others' impressions of you.

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I thought you were trying to go low contact with mother-in-law to the point of Wolf having to field all contact with her and that you were going no contact with your own mother.


I guess I'm confused now that you have stated you asked mil to move to your area prior to the recent birth of your last child. When you were complaining about mil wanting to be called at onset of labor with Boo, I recall your resolve to insist Wolf deal with her while from there on out.


Now you seem quite concerned that other family members are under impression you seldom interact with mil. If you truly did go low contact with mil, then that is an accurate assessment on the part of your extended family members.


You just have to do what is best for your family and not fret so much about others' impressions of you.

Like a lot of things in life, it's complicated, I'm sure.

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Her story isn't adding up though. Makes me wonder if she did this on purpose. then feeling bad for thinking that.


I just don't know.



just because she isn't as bad as your mother (you haven't cut her off) doens't mean she doesn't play the games. don't feel bad for being suspicious. her past behavior justifies suspicion.


saw this recently "my mother loves going on guilt trips so much, she owns the travel agency."

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I don't know what to say either, Ibby.


The MIL's sister, the one who questioned Tazzie's paternity called after we knew she was found...I let the call go to vm...she was telling me MIL was missing, so apparently not in the family grapevine loop.


interesting...the aunt, whom we haven't had anything to do w/for 7 yrs can manage to find our ph#, but nobody else can? Really? And who the heck was she talking to that didn't tell her that we already KNEW about the situation?


bunch of drama llamas, I swear. Everyone needed to get their fix off the situation before her son was informed.


the cousin (when MIL was still missing) announced she was going to go to where MIL lives. I asked why. If her SON is waiting to see if the RCMP want/need him there, why the heck would her NIECE need to be there?


Cause it's drama.


I'm exhausted.

:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I'll bet you are. :(

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I thought you were trying to go low contact with mother-in-law to the point of Wolf having to field all contact with her and that you were going no contact with your own mother.


I guess I'm confused now that you have stated you asked mil to move to your area prior to the recent birth of your last child. When you were complaining about mil wanting to be called at onset of labor with Boo, I recall your resolve to insist Wolf deal with her while from there on out.


Now you seem quite concerned that other family members are under impression you seldom interact with mil. If you truly did go low contact with mil, then that is an accurate assessment on the part of your extended family members.


You just have to do what is best for your family and not fret so much about others' impressions of you.

OK, let me see if I can straighten this out.


Yes, *I* have gone low contact. However, Wolf has not, and she's led everyone to believe that HE doesn't bother w/her. That he doesn't call, nada.


When we last tried to encourage MIL to move to our province was a cpl of yrs before Boo was born. We gave up b/c she was using it as a ploy for attention...yes she was...no she wasn't...yes she was...no she wasn't...


It's frustrating, and hurtful, to discover that she's playing the, 'my only son has abandoned me, I LIVE for my grandkids, and I never see them, they never call..." etc, when he's always talking to her, we drove a cpl of hrs out of our way to see her and she barely spent an hr w/us before going to get ready for a dinner, didn't bother to say goodbye...Take an improptu trip last summer to see her at a half way point btwn our place and hers...So yeah, I was upset about that yesterday. I feel like, since she's claiming that none of us bother w/her, then fine! Make it a reality. Since she's p!ssing and moaning that her son never calls, then go for it.


It chaps my hide to have anyone lie about my family...that it's his mother just ticks me off more.

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