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Former meat and cheese lovers who are now vegan?

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We are not vegans, but my youngest had a hankering for egg salad (I know eggs are not vegan. However, we have organic, free range chickens), but we didn't have mayo. She made egg salad with a fruity olive oil, mustard, salt & pepper. It was really good!


I get this doesn't help. lol But I was thinking olive oil is a very good thing to always have available. :)

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We also use Veganaise.


Daiya has a new wedge style cheese It's good with fruit, crackers, and quince paste. There's three flavors.



My family loves Soy Bleu's Blue Cheese on top of salads.



Tofutti is doing a vegan ricotta. I ate it in manicotti this week and it was pretty good.



Galaxy does a decent parmesan. It makes a world of difference in vegan minestrone. My mom puts a rind in hers (dairy cheese), and this vegan version makes it more like that.



Don't forget to check out kosher markets. There's always hidden vegan treasure there. We buy a whipping cream that's vegan at ours. It's the kind you whip in the mixer. :drool5: Crazy good!


Because I just ate one, I have to tell you about the Trader Joe's bake and serve Cinnamon Rolls!! Ooo mama! They're yummy and... not health foody.:001_smile:




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Daiya is the only cheese worth mentioning, and it's only really for cooking. Makes decent fake pizza. We use Veganaise for the mayo, which I assume you've already tried. It's okay, just a bit thin.


:iagree: I did have someone make me a lasagna using Follow Your Heart cheese and it was the best lasagna I had ever had. I tried it once and didn't care for it so maybe it's better in a dish instead of the main component of a dish.


And I have to point out that twice recently a restaurant served me dairy cheese on my food instead of the Daiya cheese and I swear I almost gagged because it tasted so bad! Dairy cheese is NOT good after you haven't had it for awhile and this comes from someone who loooooved dairy cheese. :D

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Daiya is the only cheese worth mentioning, and it's only really for cooking. Makes decent fake pizza.

Not vegan either but Daiya tastes pretty good and is soy free! Azure co-op is selling it now as well.


Also, I've made cheese sauces w/ cashews and pinenuts and had very good luck. I used a homemade "ricotta" in a lasagna that was awesome.

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Does the veganaise taste like mayo? Or is it somewhat different? daiya is somewhat different. I don't like it plain but love it melted.


Veganaise is DELICIOUS. DD used to be more sensitive to eggs so I would buy that. I just kept on eating it cause it's so darned good.

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Does the veganaise taste like mayo? Or is it somewhat different? daiya is somewhat different. I don't like it plain but love it melted.


I can't tell the difference although some in my family can. If it weren't 4x the cost of regular mayonnaise from the store, I'd buy it regularly.

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my 8 yo LOVES daiya pepperjack quesidillas (on rice tortillas)


My boys are pretty happy with Daiya and Vegan Gourmet. I can handle small amounts of Vegan Gourmet. Oh, but we HATE the cheddar in both varieties - just the jack and mozz in vegan gourmet, and the mozz and pepperjack in daiya. I actually am allergic to several daiya ingredients, so i havent tried it.


personally i miss cheese like CRAZY and havent found anything that works. Well, one local tofu company's italian herb firm tofu works fine as a ricotta sub for me . . . and a small amount of vegan gourmet gives it a creamy feel, but too much and i dont like the flavor. Plus i'm actually allergic to one ingredient in that, too


I have been using various things to sub for mayo - some places avacado works, some places soy yoghurt works, some places olive oil works. I tried making a home-made vegan mayo but it didnt set, but was still a great base for a pasta salad dressing . . .

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