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Memorizing Books of The Bible...


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We used the song on Wee Sing Bible Songs. I catch myself humming to myself anytime I need to find one of the minor prophets. It worked great for us. I think there are two songs actually...OT and NT (obviously :)). This makes me think that I need to pull this back out for my littler ones. I did this a year and a half ago with DS to start Kindergarten. Thanks for the reminder!




mommy to ds-7, dd 4 1/2, ds 3, dd 4 months

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We are actually memorizing them during our family Bible time. My husband reads from the Vos' Story Bible, then he reads some from a teaching book, and then we review the books of the OT (which is where we are) and when we've mastered them, we add another one.


I bought Contenders for the Faith award pins for Books of the OT to give to our younger two when they learn them all. They earn pins through completing different areas of interest.

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We also used the Wee Sing Bible Songs. My children learned the songs when they were 5 & 6, and they still know them now at 10 & 11. After they learn memory work from a song, I eventually expect them to recite it spoken, though. They don't have a problem with doing it either way.



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I taught my boys the books of the bible by the Wee Sing Cd. They learned the songs fast. However, they never really got good at saying them without singing (neither did I, the song sticks hard) and I know they NEVER learned the order if I asked them to go to such and such a book. They always had to sing the song to figure out how far and where the book was between other books. SOngs get the names, but not necessarily learned for use in finding in the bible.


I did find great success with a picture method similar to The states/capitols book Millard Fillmore. I got mine from the Doctor Memory. He has a bible basics book that teaches by learning pictures that are connected to one another. THerefore, they always saw the picture in their head immediately, and could also see before and after books. This product is wonderful, but I can't vouch for their customer service speediness. They are SLOW as molasses.

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Another things we did was to print out a list of the books, laminate them, cut them apart, and then they had to try to put them in the right order. In addition to the songs, this really seemed effective.




I love your idea. I found this website with some colorful flashcards that can fit onto business cards:




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We used the song on Wee Sing Bible Songs. I catch myself humming to myself anytime I need to find one of the minor prophets. It worked great for us. I think there are two songs actually...OT and NT (obviously :)).


This song is a great start if you don't find another one. Starting with a song like this and giving it a couple of months, should make any written work to test knowledge easier.

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I was just looking for some ideas on memorizing all the Books of the Bible. I was going to try 10 at a time, or maybe one big stream of names for the OT, then do the NT. I would like to do it with all 4 of my dc. Any ideas?

Oh yeah, I have a K'er, 2nd, 3rd, and 6th grader


as a Sunday school teacher was teach the books by categories first:


Old Testament

Books of Law, History, Poetry, Major Prophets, Minor Prophets


New Testament

Books of History (the Gospels plus Acts), Pauline Epistles, General Epistles, Prophesy.


The books are grouped that way in our Bibles, after all.


I didn't teach them any songs because then they'd have to sing through the songs in their heads first to get to the book they wanted, not unlike having to sing the Alphabet Song to figure out what comes after R :-)

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