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Four day per week school for older students?

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Does this work or no? If it works, HOW does it work?


We're a part of a co-op that meets on Mondays. In the mornings, we do music, we break for an hour lunch, then in the fall we'll start with American History classes in the afternoon for two hours. The kids will THEN want to play for about an hour and it'll be time to go home. I know that it'll be too much to come home and THEN do math and language arts. OVER LOAD!


I insist that my boys (6th and 4th graders this fall) keep up with math and language arts. Both of those subjects call for five day weeks with the curriculum to finish out the year on time (which I NEED to do).


Do you have any suggestions? Will this work? I'm all :bigear:.

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We do math and Latin over the summer and my kids are ahead in both subjects. We usually do math 4x/week (even if we have co-op or other activities--some weeks we're out of the house 3 days, but manage to get math done). We do reading before bed. For grammar, we did AG in one year. Writing we haven't done enough of.



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We did co-op last year and it really ate up our Wednesday's. We tried to work on math and lang. those days as well, but it was really tough. This year I'll have a 9th, 7th, and 4th grader, and we decided not to continue co-op, at least until the spring, because it's just too time consuming.

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I shift things in the schedule to even it out. Afterall, a day at co-op is school! So I may have them do two lessons of math one day or just spread it all out so that we complete 5 by theend of the week. This year, we started in August which gave us a jump start to make up for the "lost" day.

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I shift things in the schedule to even it out. Afterall, a day at co-op is school! So I may have them do two lessons of math one day or just spread it all out so that we complete 5 by theend of the week. This year, we started in August which gave us a jump start to make up for the "lost" day.




If you really must do 5 lessons in a week, you could spread it out over the week as suggested above, or get up earlier on co-op day to get it done, or do it on Saturday or Sunday. Or, just start your year earlier/end it later with just those two subjects, if there's no other way to fit it in and you really do have to finish every bit of it.


We don't belong to any co-ops, but I agree with the above - co-op is school! So are field trips and other activities that take us away from curriculum sometimes. I often juggle things so we don't have to be overloaded so I'd probably spread it out over the week, or just take a little longer to finish the curriculum.


What is that saying? - Use your curriculum, don't let it use you? I don't think that's quite right... maybe someone will correct me. ;)

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We do 4 days and a full day enrichment thing on Fridays. She does 5 math lessons (one day she does 2). Everything else I adjust.


I have a very social DD and her Fridays are important. Important as in I don't think she would be happy homeschooling without them. I am willing to have a less rigorous cirriculum to accommodate this.


DD's general happiness and attitude take priority over rigor! This is what works for us.

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Does this work or no? If it works, HOW does it work?


We're a part of a co-op that meets on Mondays. In the mornings, we do music, we break for an hour lunch, then in the fall we'll start with American History classes in the afternoon for two hours. The kids will THEN want to play for about an hour and it'll be time to go home. I know that it'll be too much to come home and THEN do math and language arts. OVER LOAD!


I insist that my boys (6th and 4th graders this fall) keep up with math and language arts. Both of those subjects call for five day weeks with the curriculum to finish out the year on time (which I NEED to do).


Do you have any suggestions? Will this work? I'm all :bigear:.


We end up with a 4 day week. We have a co-op one day a week, for us it is Thursday. The fall semester, the kids have to do 5 days of math, grammar, spelling, etc. IF they are at a point in the spring that they can finish the book doing only 4 days a week, they may. BUT they still have to get 4 days a week in.


By the time my kids are in 6th grade, they are doing all their own scheduling. I tell them what they need to do and they plan it out for the week. So in the fall, they can plan to do 2 lessons in one day if that is what they choose to do.


We started school this week. Middle dd has a friend spending the night tonight, so school will not be happenings until friend goes home tomorrow. Knowing that she wouldn't want to do school tomorrow afternoon, dd started school Sunday night. She will still have the 5 lessons finished this week. I don't really car when they do the work as long as it gets done.


(This reminds me. I need to update the curriculum in my sig!)

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Both of those subjects call for five day weeks with the curriculum to finish out the year on time (which I NEED to do).


4-day weeks work for us because we aren't on any kind of a deadline to finish our work. When we finish one class, we go right into the next one. We take vacations but we do not do large ones like taking December off or all of June and July. That would actually drive me crazy.

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This next year Wednesdays will be our enrichment/elective/co-op day. I adjusted our schedule so that the dc have 1.5 hours for math 4 days/week. They like it because they felt rushed before with only an hour and because they get a break mid-week from the basic subjects.


One could do the same with language arts or any other subject that requires 5 lessons per week.

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Saturday and Sunday. Once we got to highschool, they ended up with a 7 day school week. Because I wasn't "doing school" with the younger ones on the weekend, I had time for discussions/corrections with the older ones. But weekends are very flexible -- if we were out of town or just felt really lazy, we didn't do anything academic. This year we will have a Friday co-op, so everyone will have some weekend school subjects to do.

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