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Canned Veggies

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I only buy certain canned veggies:



Corn (add butter) -- not a bad idea to buy given the way the drought is destroying the US corn crop

Peas -- to add to M&C

Potatoes -- for quick home fries


I occasionally buy canned beets.


How do you make fries from canned potatoes? I would love your recipe!

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Is there anyway to make them taste better? My dh wants me to buy canned veggies because they are cheap and last a long time. Blech :glare:


How do you all buy veggies and save money? I'm going shopping today so the farmer's market is out. And the bunnies have number on our garden.




I won't do canned vegetables b/c of the BPA issue in them - chemicals I try to reduce as much as possible. We do a lot of frozen vegetables to save money, as well so doing the fresh ones we can. We prioritize buying quality vegetables b/c of how important they are for health - I would compromise in a lot of other grocery areas first before downgrading those.

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My advice for canned veggies is rinse, drain, and reseason (with zero or very little salt since usually canned veggies have a lot of sodium).


I would also encourage you to do a cost analysis of canned vs. frozen. In my area frozen vegetables go on sale, making them cheaper per ounce than canned vegetables (drained of canning liquid there is significantly less edible vegetable in the can than is marked in volume on the front). If you have access to a warehouse store like Sam's or Costco, they have big bags that can be an even better deal. You might need to repackage into smaller bags for freshness.

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We do a mix of canned and frozen. We just had a big can-can sale at our local grocery store and meant to get corn, tomatoes, peas & carrots and green beans. Dh messed up and bought potatoes. We just had them tonight, sauteed with olive oil, onions, garlic and spices until browned. Corn, and peas & carrots we just heat up and add butter and maybe some garlic.

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I will cook green beans in their liquid with a little onion powder and sometimes butter. I've had complements on that.


Corn is also cooked in its liquid w/ a little butter and salt. That always disappear.


Creamed corn tastes good in soups or stews or casseroles.


Those are the only ones that I've had good results with.


I have tried using mixed veggies in a casserole, and it's okay, but they tend to be very mushy. So are peas. And asapargus...but that doesn't save you much money on veggies and it's incredibly mushy.


I haven't bought canned potatoes because I don't think the canned is cheaper than the big bags of fresh potatoes.

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I would look into comparing frozen vs. canned. One can is cheaper than one bag of frozen, but the amount you get is more in the frozen bag, so it can turn out cheaper.


The only thing I buy canned is tomatoes, but we used to only buy canned because that is what we both grew up on. I used to just add a little pepper, garlic, and/or butter/olive oil.

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I buy canned when they are on sale or dirt-cheap for whatever reason, say 60 cents a can or better. Usually, I drain and rinse them and add to soups or casseroles to "stretch" the meal. Corn is the only canned vegetable we just simply eat without adding to something else. And, the kids aren't too crazy over that.


Beans (not the green kind but the legume kind) are cheaper dried in most cases and potatoes are cheaper fresh.


Like PP, I buy and use canned tomatoes...

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We cut down on meat and that frees up a lot of $ for fresher better vegetables from places like the farmer's market. We also grow and put up what we grow. If you put in season, it helps. We do buy some canned/frozen. You can buy tomatoes in those cardboard boxes, most gourmet websites say they are better.


Also we swap with others gardens. Someone gave us two beautiful eggplants and we gave them some peas earlier.

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I am another that drains, and then adds different liquids to canned foods. I make my own broths so I always have some in the freezer. Canned peas and green beans taste way better cooked in chicken broth. But then I also think they taste better cooked in fresh water rather than that salty brine they have been sitting in. I also season liberally. In green beans I may put a little olive oil (or bacon grease if I have any, which is not often), some garlic, and onion and bring to a boil. In carrots I put ginger, brown sugar or honey or molasses, and cook down.

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I've not seen frozen tomatoes and wondered if someone knows a good source for bpa free tomatoes?

Aseptic packs are supposedly BPA free, although I still wonder about what they are lined with. Pomi is a brand you can buy in aseptic packaging (like a carton of almond or rice milk, but shorter).


We also buy Bionature brand tomato paste and strained tomatoes in glass jars.


I cook down tomatoes from the garden and freeze those in silicone muffin pans, then pop out and store in a freezer bag.

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Aseptic packs are supposedly BPA free, although I still wonder about what they are lined with. Pomi is a brand you can buy in aseptic packaging (like a carton of almond or rice milk, but shorter).


We also buy Bionature brand tomato paste and strained tomatoes in glass jars.


I cook down tomatoes from the garden and freeze those in silicone muffin pans, then pop out and store in a freezer bag.


I've seen and used the Pomi brand. I also wondered about the packaging. Off to see where Bionature can be bought.

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