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I want to throw all of my laundry away and start over!!!

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My solutions are:


*Disposable clothes?

*Birthday suits?

*Newspapers carefully crafted into sheets and blankets? (environmentally friendly alternative)


And the last option is to actually bite the bullet and do the mountain of laundry that I said we would never again have after the last time this happened.....ughhhhhhh


Does it multiply while we're sleeping???!!! :001_huh::cursing::banghead:

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I'm in the process of minimizing our wardrobes to help with this problem. I would really like to HAVE to do laundry at least every other day. I just went through my daughters' dresser. They wear the same size and between the two of them they have over 30 long sleeve shirts and 20 pants. Obviously we have a problem :glare:

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Yes, it multiplies while you are sleeping. Well, at least mine does.


I always tell my family that for a week or so, we're going to go naked and, at the same time, fast.


That would make my job easier.


They never cooperate. And I just would feel awkward doing those things on my own.

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Yes, it multiplies while you are sleeping. Well, at least mine does.


I always tell my family that for a week or so, we're going to go naked and, at the same time, fast.


That would make my job easier.


They never cooperate. And I just would feel awkward doing those things on my own.



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My solutions are:


*Disposable clothes?

*Birthday suits?

*Newspapers carefully crafted into sheets and blankets? (environmentally friendly alternative)


And the last option is to actually bite the bullet and do the mountain of laundry that I said we would never again have after the last time this happened.....ughhhhhhh


Does it multiply while we're sleeping???!!! :001_huh::cursing::banghead:

I firmly believe that the laundry multiplies while you sleep.

And Every. Single. Week. I say "This laundry pile will never happen again!". And guess what? It happens again. :glare:

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My solutions are:


*Disposable clothes?

*Birthday suits?

*Newspapers carefully crafted into sheets and blankets? (environmentally friendly alternative)


And the last option is to actually bite the bullet and do the mountain of laundry that I said we would never again have after the last time this happened.....ughhhhhhh


Does it multiply while we're sleeping???!!! :001_huh::cursing::banghead:


I definitely think it multiplies while we sleep. Our oldest daughter loves doing laundry and she does 90% of it for me. All I have to do is go pick it up in the basement and put it away. I love her. ;)

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Disposable clothes exist, but my guess is that they're cost prohibitive for everyday use. Instead, limit the volume each person has. I cut the kids down to 7 outfits each (plus 1 special outfit and 2 pairs of pajamas) for the summer. Laundry has never been easier!

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It multiplies in the dark. Sort of like mushrooms.


DD18 went camping this week and I just got the wet/muddy/smoky things under control today. But DS16 will be home from his camp job later this afternoon with a week's worth of wet/muddy/smoky clothes.



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No kidding. I've been fighting the laundry monster for a few weeks now. Our primary problem seems to be that I have enough time/energy to wash and dry the load but not put it away. I've been able to get just enough put away to have a basket to dump the next load into.


I just emptied and refilled a basket. I have three to put away, a load in the dryer, a load in the wash, and no clean whites.


I'm also in the process of clearing out clothes we have no business owning...like things too small/stained to wear outside the house (but they try to anyway).

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Yes, it multiplies while you are sleeping. Well, at least mine does.


I always tell my family that for a week or so, we're going to go naked and, at the same time, fast.


That would make my job easier.


They never cooperate. And I just would feel awkward doing those things on my own.


:lol: I love this! My family would happily cooperate with the going naked bit but unfortunately not the fasting part. And I hate cooking more than I hate laundry.

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It multiplies like bunnies! There's always so much! I do laundry all the time. I could never cut down on our clothes though. That would mean I'd have to do it even more frequently. Ack. Actually, doing the laundry isn't an issue. It's that whole folding and putting away bit that I have issues with. I can wash and dry laundry, but folding? putting away? We're just going to wear it again, right? I can live out of a laundry basket. Okay, that's not totally true, but some days I think that might be the way to go. Just keep everyone's clothes in the laundry room in baskets and we each go get what we need. Sigh.

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I am quite certain that the laundry is in cahoots with the dust bunnys to see who can take over the house first!:lol:


Don't forget Legos! I know they play a part in the conspiracy as well!! ;)


Thanks to everyone who posted for commiserating with me! A huge part of the problem for us is the endless baby clothes, burp rags, and ds's bed wetting challenges :(


I have a mountain of bedding right now from both ds and the babies....I'm tempted to cover everything in my house in vinyl !!!!

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My problem is compounded by the problem that we don't have a washer/dryer.


Laundry bags pile up until I can get to the laundromat.


I call it the laundry monster.


My daughter also loves to pull all of her brother's clothing out of his dresser and dump it on floor.

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