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Spin off thread from Quivers- Show us your kitchen

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It's interesting to me how many of us do not have any pics or things on the front of our refrigerators. I put things on the sides, where they're not very visible, but I have found not putting anything on the front of the fridge goes a long way in helping my kitchen not seem cluttered, even when it's a mess!

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It's interesting to me how many of us do not have any pics or things on the front of our refrigerators. I put things on the sides, where they're not very visible, but I have found not putting anything on the front of the fridge goes a long way in helping my kitchen not seem cluttered, even when it's a mess!


I have a few things on the side of my fridge, too, but I just don't like the clutter on the front of it. Ugh.

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Sorry the photos are not that great.




This is my new stove - I love it!



This is my soapstone sink. The photo really doesn't do it justice.




This is the lovely cabinet my dh built. Pic is a bit blurry.




If you look at the top of the cabinet, you'll see my dh's train set. He says it's his mid-life crisis toy. :D

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Sorry the photos are not that great.




This is my new stove - I love it!



This is my soapstone sink. The photo really doesn't do it justice.




This is the lovely cabinet my dh built. Pic is a bit blurry.




If you look at the top of the cabinet, you'll see my dh's train set. He says it's his mid-life crisis toy. :D


Lovely!!! Really! It looks so warm and inviting. So, what brand is your stove? Is it Viking? My stove is the one we had when we moved in to our house and I'm looking forward to a new big one like yours!!!

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Thought I'd share my space that feels too small everywhere but the kitchen/dining area. I had the kids help with a 10 minute rescue before taking the pics. We had to get all of the crayons, coloring books, micro machines, my little ponies, cheerios and everything else cleaned up before I was willing to take a picture.






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Lovely!!! Really! It looks so warm and inviting. So, what brand is your stove? Is it Viking? My stove is the one we had when we moved in to our house and I'm looking forward to a new big one like yours!!!


Thank you, Jennifer! We researched the Viking, and it did not get good reviews. Ours is a DCS, and I really like it so far. The only complaint I have it that the front burner does not do well on a simmer level. It keeps popping. Other than that, the stove has been a dream! I cook a lot, and many times for my parents as well, so this stove has been a real blessing.

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*sigh* Me too. This thread just confirms for me that I was right all along--my kitchen IS the most hideous kitchen ever. Someday...someday!!!


Hmmm, maybe I should start a thread for posting pictures of our most embarrassing kitchens! My 1960s-era kitchen—complete with original appliances, paneling, and lovely stick-on metal "bricks", thank you!—would be a nice way to kick off a little support group :lol:


If I only had the nerve I'd show you both that if you saw my kitchen you'd feel like yours was straight out of Better Homes and Gardens. Mine is the worst, hands down. Awful. But I don't have the nerve, so don't ask. Although that would be a really funny thread. "Post your pictures of the world's ugliest kitchen!" :lol::lol:

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The center island is usually piled high with school books. The kids have been at camp, so it got cleaned off. It won't stay like that for long.







The door leads to the back porch, which has been turned into a giant chess board:







This is her favorite spot in the house. It's a little inconvenient for me.





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Anj, show us your kitchen - maybe we can help? I swear our last house was the ugliest kitchen ever, but we managed to make it cheerful enough.


Perry, I love all the windows you have. I would love to have that much light in my kitchen. I'm cracking up because your dog blends into your floor like ours does. And she's always in the middle of things, snoozing away.

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Anj, show us your kitchen - maybe we can help? I swear our last house was the ugliest kitchen ever, but we managed to make it cheerful enough.


Hmmm...I'll think about it. I can describe some aspects of it. Wait, I'll go start another thread. I don't want to hijack this one.:auto:

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I guess I'll represent TWTM small kitchen posse.




Is there a kitchen table, or do you eat in your dining room? Mine is wider than yours, but still too small for a table. When we bought this house there was a narrow table with a bench and two chairs. It was one of those sets designed for small kitchens. Even so, we removed it because it took up space. We eat in the dining room all the time.


I love your "simplify" sign. I need that in every room of my house! It would remind me to get rid of clutter!

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Hmmm...I'll think about it. I can describe some aspects of it. Wait, I'll go start another thread. I don't want to hijack this one.:auto:


Just post a darn picture! Come on! We've been email penpals for how many years and I have never seen a picture of any part of your house! Post a darn picture.:tongue_smilie:

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LisaNY - I love your colors, your cabinets with the line of colored trim, your train set above the cabinets, and that lovely little cabinet your dh made!


Perry - Cool chess set! And I don't even like chess:D I like the sage green of your walls and that is the cutest area rug I have ever seen;)


Nick's Mama-Zach's Mama Too - Your SIL's kitchen may be fancier, but it is cold in comparison to yours. I like your warm colors so much better.

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I guess I'll represent TWTM small kitchen posse.




Okay, imagine your kitchen as it is. Except take that window and make it go all the way to the floor so that there is no cabinetry there and move the sink across from the stove. That was my old kitchen. I would stand in it and cry.


I was grateful to get a new kitchen!

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I am sooooo envious of all these beautiful kitchens. If we didn't rent, mine would be changed completely in a heartbeat! Even so, here it is in all it's glory:D


The first was taken from standing in the pantry, there are two windows to the left and the table is almost touching the wall. The second one shows every bit of counter/cabinet space I have - so no, I don't own a coffee maker, bread machine, mixer, dishwasher, etc 'cause there's NO place to put them! It's also a much older pic since I stood in the place where my table now is to take it.:) And, yes, the whole room is that "lovely" dark paneling. I have no dining room, either.... I want to move SO BAD!





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Just post a darn picture! Come on! We've been email penpals for how many years and I have never seen a picture of any part of your house! Post a darn picture.:tongue_smilie:


That is so untrue!

I sent you a picture of the Christmas tree a couple of years ago!

And anyway, do you not realize that there is a vast difference between sending a picture to one person who I've been emailing with for ten years and posting it on a public message board for all the world to see?



Will one of you who have been to my house please tell this woman that I am right????



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I will have to join the small kitchen posse!!! What I don't like about ours is that it's in the middle of the house with the living room off one way and the master bedroom off another way and a bathroom off another way and the sunroom off another way. So it's right in the middle of the traffic flow for, well, everywhere!! Ugh.


What I *like* about our kitchen is that we won a $1200 gift card at Ikea two years ago and so my dh (a handy, dandy carpenter) redid all our kitchen cabinets! They're *great*. He's still doing some of the finish up work, but we're getting there. Here's a photo:




Anyway, to bring up the wall words topic ... I discovered the Uppercase Living vinyl-applique stuff a few months back and put some on our walls. I LOVE IT! It's *so* easy -- you order the design you want (they have tons of words, phrases and embellishments) or you custom design your own, and then when you get it you follow the instructions for rubbing them onto the wall. No mess!


I put "Give us this day our daily bread" on our kitchen wall. I'll try to post a picture.





What do you think? I have my shopping list going for more, they're so cool I love them! I enjoy these products so much I did become an independent demonstrator for the company -- so if you want any information, just email or PM me for my website info. I can show you how to access the online catalog (or I could post the info. here?). I hope, hope, hope it's okay to mention this here in the context of a message about kitchen decorating; I know I'm new here and I know not to spam, but in this case it seems okay?? If not, someone tell me and I'll edit my message.


I loved seeing lots of pics of others' kitchens. We're looking at a house to buy and it has a bigger kitchen that isn't in the middle of the traffic flow. {*Dreaming*}


Darla S.

Homeschooling mom of seven

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What do you think? I have my shopping list going for more, they're so cool I love them! I enjoy these products so much I did become an independent demonstrator for the company -- so if you want any information, just email or PM me for my website info. I can show you how to access the online catalog (or I could post the info. here?). I hope, hope, hope it's okay to mention this here in the context of a message about kitchen decorating; I know I'm new here and I know not to spam, but in this case it seems okay?? If not, someone tell me and I'll edit my message.



Personally, I would love a link to the online catalog!!! I am thinking I would like some quotes on the classroom wall!

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Sharon - I didn't forget.:) The way I put the words on the wall was pretty easy. I picked a font I liked from the computer and sized it and then printed out my quote. Before you type, set your page to the landscape orientation. (I used the Bradley's Hand font in Windows, 200 point size).


Before you print decide how far from the top of the wall or molding you want the words to be and type it in so the spacing from the top of your page to the top of your letters is the right distance.


Next, flip your pages over and outline the letters with a charcoal pencil. When that's all done, page by page place the words where you want them on the wall, charcoal side to the wall, and rub the front of the word (on the right side). When you remove the paper your word should be there in faint charcoal. Do this until your whole quote is up and where you like it. (The charcoal will wipe right off if you don't like where you've put your word.)


When you have everything "charcoal-ed" onto the wall, it's time to paint. I just mixed some acrylic paint to a bluish gray that I liked and used a fine brush. I've done it before with the stencil pencils and a small brush. I just depends on the finish you want.


It's really a pretty quick process once you try it. I hope this makes sense.


Thanks, Amy! I can't wait to show this to dd when she comes home tomorrow from a week at my mom's house.

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