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Driving around like lunatics, looking for wedding

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I explain the backstory in this thread. The Reader's Digest version is that we wanted to attend our neighbor's wedding this afternoon but had lost the invitation. I kept thinking it would show up. She is not a close friend, but a friendly neighbor we have known for more than ten years.


We asked another neighbor and a friend who were both invited, but not going, but neither could find the information we needed. I knew it was in a nearby city and was 99% sure of the church's denomination. Both my friend and my dh were "pretty sure" it was at 2:00.


DH was insistent that we "go"...so like a couple of crazy people in a sitcom, we dressed in our nice clothes and drove to this city half an hour away. We narrowed it down to two churches, but both looked deserted, so we either had the time and/or specific church wrong.


We ended up going to our daughter's nearby apartment. She moved out recently and we gave her a table that was unassembled because it needed washers and nuts. So we went to the hardware store in our church clothes and bought what we needed. We returned to her apartment, accomplished the deed, and laughed over our story.


I made dh promise NOT to tell our neighbor why we could not come to the wedding. He saw her and her new husband outside a little while ago, and just said he was sorry we were unable to come.


She said that the PHOTOGRAPHER didn't show up, had to be called, and had his dates mixed up! He came in the middle of the ceremony and they took their photos after the ceremony instead of before, so the reception was delayed. :tongue_smilie: BUT...they're married and I hope they have a long and happy life together.

Edited by PrairieSong
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OK, my post was goofy, but it was a goofy day! It's just like dh to have his mind made up about something and NOT be willing to change it.


"I planned to go to this wedding, and I'm GOING. So we don't know the exact time and church...I'm STILL going." Like a dog with a bone.

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My sister got married on the 16th. We had both grandmas, the pastor, and several cousins who got lost on the way to the venue. Thankfully the pastor's issues occurred before the rehearsal Friday night, so that was delayed by a half hour or so, but by golly he remembered where it was on Saturday. LOL


The photographer was a cousin of my mother's. She got snippy with us when we were fixing my *other* sister's dress (co-matrons of honor) and insisted we come outside for "one more picture" because "the dress will stay on for 5 more minutes." (It wouldn't. She waited. Unhappily. And then that one more picture was of our backs - exactly in the place that needed fixing. *sigh*


Whaddya do? With weddings, something always goes wrong. ;) It's okay! No one remembers it 10 years later.

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We did the same thing---except we traveled to a different state to do it!


We also couldn't find the invite. But we figured we would see someone at the hotel the night before or the morning of---nope, nada, no one! We asked at the front desk if they knew where the ceremony was--nope, nada, no idea! But the reception was at that hotel.


So we drove around the town looking for a church with a wedding. And we found it! About 3/4 of the way through the ceremony, we plopped into the back bench. Didn't feel stupid at all for traveling all that way without a clue--nope, nada, not a bit!

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My dh has a friend at work and his sister was getting married. Well, this friend works the night shift and worked the night before her wedding. Guess what? He went home in the morning and was going to sleep until that afternoon. He put his phone on vibrate and didn't wake up for the wedding. I guess they kept calling and calling, but the phone had fallen under the bed.


I guess she was pretty mad.

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We did the same thing---except we traveled to a different state to do it!


We also couldn't find the invite. But we figured we would see someone at the hotel the night before or the morning of---nope, nada, no one! We asked at the front desk if they knew where the ceremony was--nope, nada, no idea! But the reception was at that hotel.


So we drove around the town looking for a church with a wedding. And we found it! About 3/4 of the way through the ceremony, we plopped into the back bench. Didn't feel stupid at all for traveling all that way without a clue--nope, nada, not a bit!


How funny! I'm glad you DID find the wedding, and knew where the reception was, after traveling to a different state. My dh was SURE we would find the wedding. I wasn't. Oh well.

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My dh has a friend at work and his sister was getting married. Well, this friend works the night shift and worked the night before her wedding. Guess what? He went home in the morning and was going to sleep until that afternoon. He put his phone on vibrate and didn't wake up for the wedding. I guess they kept calling and calling, but the phone had fallen under the bed.


I guess she was pretty mad.


Oh my goodness!!! That is sad. Dh was joking with me that he hoped we wouldn't lose the invitation to our own CHILDREN'S wedding someday.

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DH was insistent that we "go"...so like a couple of crazy people in a sitcom, we dressed in our nice clothes and drove to this city half an hour away. We narrowed it down to two churches, but both looked deserted, so we either had the time and/or specific church wrong.


Oh my, what a crazy day! We had a similar mix-up for a friend's wedding many years ago except we didn't have to drive to another city. It was at a church in our small town but like you, we'd lost the invitation with the details. So we knew it was one of those churches right downtown at the four corners. Except there were 3 churches right downtown. And we picked the wrong one. In the 5 minutes it took to figure this out and get to the right church the service was over. It was literally a 2-minute service. Ok, maybe 3. But we were 5 minutes late so it had been over for a couple minutes by then. :tongue_smilie:

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It was literally a 2-minute service. Ok, maybe 3. But we were 5 minutes late so it had been over for a couple minutes by then. :tongue_smilie:



We went to a wedding like this. It was the first wedding officiated by a pastor friend of ours. He talked fast normally but this day he was nervous and was talking like an auctioneer. We got bogged down finding parking in the overflowing parking lot and got into the church 5 min. after the start time. We missed the wedding! (They let us see the video later).

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We went to a wedding like this. It was the first wedding officiated by a pastor friend of ours. He talked fast normally but this day he was nervous and was talking like an auctioneer. We got bogged down finding parking in the overflowing parking lot and got into the church 5 min. after the start time. We missed the wedding! (They let us see the video later).


Oh wow, a five-minute wedding? One of our daughters was a bridemaid in a wedding that lasted fifteen minutes, including the music. We're Catholic so we are used to weddings lasting an hour or longer. Five minutes is crazy fast.

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I thought about you yesterday and wondered what had happened.


Your intentions were good! :grouphug:


When my ds was 5, she was going to be the flower girl in my mother's cousin's wedding. I don't remember why, but me and my mom and my grandmother were going to the church separate from everyone else -- and it was a church that my mom had no idea where it was but she knew the very main road it was on.


We must have pulled into 20 different church parking lots that day -- it was a saturday in the spring and every single church had a wedding that day.


Finally, and it had to have been the last church we pulled into, we found the correct church -- if my sister was five y/o, this must have been 47 years ago.


See, this stuff still happens.;)

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We went to dh's goddaughters wedding. I THINK it was in Long Island . We had directions but got so lost. We went over some huge bridge around NYC , we kept stopping and asking for directions but no-one knew. Somehow we arrived 2 hours late and guess what the ceremony was delayed for 2 hours. It was an outdoor ceremony and they delayed due to weather so everyone just kept eating and drinking at the pre-ceremony reception so when we arrived, they were herding everyone outside so we were there for the ceremony but is was so late by then, that we only stayed for the salad part of the dinner (they were dragging out the courses so it was around 10 pm and they had only served salad by then). So to this day, I could not really tell you where that wedding took place.

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Anybody else have a goofy story to share? I can't be the only one...


I bought tickets Friday for the performance of The Merry Wives of Windsor.


When we got to the theater, I found out our tickets had been for the afternoon performance.


We had to pay another 50 bucks but we saw The Liar and enjoyed it. I would have been happier if they had shown us grace and not made us pay again. Live and learn.

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Oh, no, I'm sorry you couldn't find the wedding.


OK, I'm kind of embarrassed to be telling this story, but since we're all sharing...


When my oldest ds was 8 or 9, we were enrolled in a charter school, and one of the things he had to do was the end of the year testing. Anyway, it was scheduled for one morning at a church about 10 miles away from here. DH dropped him off in the morning, and I was supposed to pick him up. As I go to leave, I realize I don't have the address of the church. I try calling DH at work, but he's nowhere to be found. I'm starting to panic. I know the name of the street though, so I figure the church can't be too hard to find, right? Turns out there are about 20 churches on this street. I'm driving up and down, trying to scope them all out and figure out which one has the testing. Finally, finally found it (didn't help that it was partially obscured by utility trucks doing work out front). My poor ds was the last one there. I felt like such a dunce. Anyway, I know that "lost" feeling!

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