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My water didnt break, right? (Might be TMI)

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I was at Toys R Us today when I went to the restroom... and stop right now if you dont want to read a little TMI.. but my underwear was a little wet. Definitely more than usual. I thought it odd but it didnt really worry me. Well my friends are making me feel like I should have called my Dr.


I feel fine.. nothing has happened since. Baby boy is still wiggling like crazy. Last night I thought I felt a little gush after being in the pool but I mean.. if this was amniotic fluid, it wouldnt leak and then just stop for 24 hours right? It would leak more often?


I read online about increased discharge and cervical fluid in the 3rd Trimester? That makes me feel a little better. My gut is telling me we're fine.


P.S. I have an appointment first thing Monday morning.


P.P.S. For some reason I feel totally inappropriate posting this on here:001_huh:

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Gush may have not been the best word. Frankly I felt like I peed just a little, and I might add I was laughing pretty hard at the time.


My MIL said she had this frequently with her second. Im feeling confident that it wasnt my water but I was induced with dd so I have never experienced it before. Hmph.

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I had this happen a week before delivering my last. I actually felt a small gush and was wet through my pants. Went home and got everything ready to leave for the hospital... And nothing else happened. If you spike a temp or if the movement slows, I'd definitely get checked. Personally, I kept an eye on things and decided against going in.

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My OB told me to lay down on my side for a while, then stand up and see if more "gushes"? Not sure, he's a pretty old-school OB, but that was his suggestion.

My water trickled for a while with DD4. I knew it was leaking, but it wasn't a lot at all until I walked up the stairs to get to the birthing center.

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My OB told me to lay down on my side for a while, then stand up and see if more "gushes"? Not sure, he's a pretty old-school OB, but that was his suggestion.

My water trickled for a while with DD4. I knew it was leaking, but it wasn't a lot at all until I walked up the stairs to get to the birthing center.



I read this same thing online just now.. Im laying down as we speak!:001_smile:

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I had this happen a week before delivering my last. I actually felt a small gush and was wet through my pants. Went home and got everything ready to leave for the hospital... And nothing else happened. If you spike a temp or if the movement slows, I'd definitely get checked. Personally, I kept an eye on things and decided against going in.


Thats what Im thinking.. If it happens again I wont hesitate.


The last few days his movement had kind of slowed (counting kicks still proved he was pretty active)-I know hes getting kind of scrunched at this point, but today hes been wiggling all around, so I feel good.

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Mine broke but not completely when I was in a checkout line! It wasn't a huge gush and wan't noticeable to anyone else, so I wasn't even positive my water broke. I had been having strong B-H contractions that day. The doctor wanted me to come in and they confirmed I was leaking fluid. I was checked in later that night, was having contractions but still had to be induced, and had DD the next day (3 weeks before EDD).

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Whatever you do, if you do go in, don't let them do an internal exam. There is no real danger with a small leak since it can just as easily stop and you still carry to term--unless they do an internal exam. Then there is a risk of infection.


They can check to see what it is for sure and make sure amniotic fluid levels are okay without an internal.

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My OB told me to lay down on my side for a while, then stand up and see if more "gushes"? Not sure, he's a pretty old-school OB, but that was his suggestion.

My water trickled for a while with DD4. I knew it was leaking, but it wasn't a lot at all until I walked up the stairs to get to the birthing center.


Both times my water broke, i was in bed. With dd I had the "movie" water breaking with a huge gush that just kept coming. With my last DS, I felt like I had peed even though nothing had happened, like laughing or sneezing. I got up, went to the bathroom, and nothing. Laid back down, had to go to the bathroom, and leaked before I got there. This kept happening. Any time I stood up I leaked. I finally googled it to see if my water had broke because it was so different than dd. After about an hour of this I decided to call the dr and go in. By the time I got to the hospital 45 min away I was having contractions so it was obvious I was in labor. Ended up with a csection at 2 am.


It's an easy test to see if your water broke. Better safe than an infection.

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With the little amount that it was, Im hoping I'm right. I have an appointment Monday. If I were to have it happen again or feel like I lost any more fluid at all, I would definitely want to get checked.


Ive been so positive that he will be stubborn and come after his due date. Now Im thinking I might really want to get things ready now, just in case:001_smile: Im hoping for a VBAC so anytime he comes on his own will work for me! Im really trying to avoid being induced.

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This is also TMI, but maybe will make you feel better about the pool. Everytime I get out of a pool or bath while pg, I leak. :o I thought my water leaked the first time(it felt like a heavy period but only lasted a few seconds), but then it consistently happened each time after leaving water. I saw a study that states water does not travel up the vagina, but after I experienced it, I beg to differ. Let us know what you do!

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Guest submarines
Whatever you do, if you do go in, don't let them do an internal exam. There is no real danger with a small leak since it can just as easily stop and you still carry to term--unless they do an internal exam. Then there is a risk of infection.


They can check to see what it is for sure and make sure amniotic fluid levels are okay without an internal.



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As an FYI, the amniotic fluid test will come back positive if there is any blood in the discharge. My water broke distinctly with my oldest, *I* thought it broke with #4, but was told later it didn't...although test was positive, and I felt kind of a "pop" and a little gush...the fluid was a bit bloody...she was born less than 2 hrs. later, so *something* happened that 4th of July afternoon.

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Gush may have not been the best word. Frankly I felt like I peed just a little, and I might add I was laughing pretty hard at the time.


My MIL said she had this frequently with her second. Im feeling confident that it wasnt my water but I was induced with dd so I have never experienced it before. Hmph.

TMI alert!

I did this OFTEN during this last pregnancy; I would feel "wet" in my underwear (just enough to be uncomfortable) - it was never amniotic fluid. When is your next check up? In general, you should have it checked out because there is a risk of infection IF it was your water.

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UPDATE: Nothing else has happened at all. Not another drop. My next appointment is tomorrow. Im feeling very confident that it wasn't my water.


After reading all of these posts though Im so excited for it to actually happen :) I was induced with dd and Im really hoping he will come on his own. Especially hoping for a vbac.


Thanks to all you ladies :)

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I suggest getting checked out. I thought once I was leaking with my twins, went in and had to be seen by the male ob since my regular female was away. He checked me and then *had to look at my underwear under microscope to check the kind of fluid*. Now, talk about embarrassing!!! Of course it was pee, but so dilute due to my high level of hydration as I was drinking constantly due to low amniotic fluid to begin with.


Better safe than sorry though!!!

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Just an update! Had our appointment this morning, talked to Dr. Looks like I peed myself and didnt even know it! Ahh the joys of pregnancy! ;)


Doc said if it would have been my water leaking, it wouldn't have stopped like it did.


Thanks everyone for the advice!

I'm guessing that he means you wouldn't have had a leak, then gone days without any more? Because with both dd and ds, I've had amniotic fluid leak, but been more than 12 hours from any further labor.

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I'm guessing that he means you wouldn't have had a leak, then gone days without any more? Because with both dd and ds, I've had amniotic fluid leak, but been more than 12 hours from any further labor.


Yes thats what he meant. This happened Saturday and my appointment was this morning. Not a drop between the two:001_smile:

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Glad to read the update! FWIW, my water broke on its own for both girls and it was like a glass of water being tipped over. I did have a gush both times. I always remember "TACO" from my birthing class...Time, Amount, Color, Odor.


Awesome to hear! I will have to remember TACO! Thats great:)

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