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So what is your vote for the worst movie?

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Guest sarathan

I'm not sure if this is the worst movie I've ever seen, but I recently watched Lady in the Water and it was TERRIBLE! Boring, bad acting, the works. Bad, just bad.

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I don't watch horror and excessive language is plenty enough to make me leave or turn off a movie.

One more edit: I can't stand any of what I call 'stupid humor'.


We don't watch anything rated R. The language just gets to me.


And as for 'stupid humor': I cannot tolerate Jim Carrey at all.

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Several people have mentioned 'Lady in the Water' and I would have to agree. Painfully boring and pointless.


Also to add: any baseball themed movies (Bull Durham, Field of Dreams, the one with Robert Redford, etc...) They are just like a sedative to me. I could probably undergo surgery while watching one and wouldn't even know it.


On my refuse to see with actor/actress: Julia Roberts! Can. Not. Stand. Her. Period. Jim Carey, Jack Black, Adam Sandler (except Wedding Singer). Don't like over-the-top stupid humor.

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I just remembered...My nominee for worst foreign film is "Fat Girl". I love foreign films and I heard about this French film. So, there were scenes throughout the movie that were questionable but the ending was absolutely revolting. The ending was so disgusting that I can't type what happened. I wish I had some brain bleach for that one.

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Howard the Duck

The Mask, and actually most Jim carrey movies

The Time Machine (the more recent one where the conflict is presented and resolved in 2 minutes)

Rocky Horror Picture Show



Oh, I loved The Mask!


I'm shocked at the hate for Rocky Horror - that's in my top ten all time favorite movies list!!!

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Another vote for ALL Kevin Costner movies. I've never seen one I liked. He is on my must avoid list.


Same here - I can't stand that man! I also generally avoid movies with Tom Cruise and Mel Gibson, because I loathe them both, but their movies do tend to be a LOT better than Kevin Costner's movies.

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Dh & I both were just mesmerized by Se7en. We thought it was brilliant! Adding it to my Netflix right now, it's been too long.






Se7en is also a favorite here - we even have a framed one sheet of the movie on our bedroom wall - part of dh's Brad Pitt shrine of movie memorabilia, most of which is from Fight Club, another favorite of ours!

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I liked the idea of se7en, but hated the movie. However, I think Morgan Freeman should narrate everything, I vote for him for President, like in the meteor movie, Deep Impact, that's it. I could listen to him for hours. I even like his version of God.



Love Guru was not a great movie, but there is a HILARIOUS Morgan Freeman running joke that almost makes it worthwhile.

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Wild at Heart -- hated it





I didn't think anyone here would have even SEEN that movie - it's another of my favorites. I guess I'm a movie weirdo! I own the soundtrack, dvd, and even have a rolled up one sheet around here somewhere. IMO, it was Nicolas Cage's best movie role.

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Se7en is also a favorite here - we even have a framed one sheet of the movie on our bedroom wall - part of dh's Brad Pitt shrine of movie memorabilia, most of which is from Fight Club, another favorite of ours!
The only thing I liked about Se7en was Gwyneth Paltrow's end. I cannot stand that woman.
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Okay, I have replied to a ton of posts, so I better list my most hated movies. I'm SURE I'm missing some, but here are a few:


Van Helsing

Brothers Grimm (the one with Matt Damon - is that what it's called)

Pan's Labyrinth

Date Movie


I will admit we didn't finish Brothers Grimm or Date Movie - they were too painful and we gave up about 30 minutes in to each one. Pan's Labyrinth was only watchable with copious amounts of rum punch, and even then I absolutely hated it. Van Helsing was just.......pathetic.

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Tops on my list today is "Marie Antoinette." I just got a chance to watch it yesterday and it was horrible. I went back and read some of the reviews on it, and it looks like it's a "love it" or "hate it" kind of thing. It put me to sleep.
I've been toying with watching it muted; I understand it was filmed largely at Versailles.
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I HATE HATE HATE John Travolta and I have a love hate thing with Nicolas Cage.


Absolutely! There are a few John Travolta things that are tolerable, but it's just that and nothing more. Grease is so cheesy it's good--but not great and not because of JT. He wasn't bad on Welcome Back Kotter. I think maybe he was made to play a goofball. I've seen him do a good job of acting in more serious roles, but I don't care for him. He kinda creeps me out.


Nicolas Cage is one I either love or hate. There's no in between with him. Wind Talkers and Captain Corelli's Mandolin are examples of good Nic Cage movies. I do wish he wouldn't talk through his nose so much.


Matthew Broderick is probably the actor who annoys me the most. His voice just grates on my nerves. He's whiny. Every time someone on the board says, "Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?" I have the most awful flashbacks of all the Matthew Broderick movies I've suffered through. When the kids were small and The Lion King came out, we took them to see it in the theater--something we almost never do with our entire family. Simba irritated me all the way through the movie. It was even more annoying that I couldn't figure out why he irritated me so. I wanted to team up with Scar and kill the little punk animated lion myself. The voice was so familiar, but I couldn't quite place it. By the last scene of the movie, I had figured it out and made dh and the kids wait while I checked the credits. Then I ranted about what a ridiculous choice that was for Simba's voice. Oh, and his wife annoys me too. I think they were made for each other. :rant: :cursing: :banghead:


:001_huh: Oops. Sorry.:blushing:


When I start talking this way, my family is shocked. I am never so critical of normal people, but I can be quite cruel in my criticism of some celebrities. Although, if I ever met them, I'm sure I could be nice and try to see a real person in there somewhere. :D

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I didn't think anyone here would have even SEEN that movie - it's another of my favorites. I guess I'm a movie weirdo! I own the soundtrack, dvd, and even have a rolled up one sheet around here somewhere. IMO, it was Nicolas Cage's best movie role.


Well, we were in grad school and it was showing for free, I think. I didn't know anything about it before we went. I was a bit on the shocked side, I seem to recall. The mood of the movie and my mood that night just did not mix well, I guess. So not a fave for me at all.

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:lol: See, now I like Gwyneth Paltrow and Mel Gibson and we all enjoyed The Brother's Grimm--all except youngest dd who was really freaked out by one scene.


We're all looking forward to The Love Guru. We're Mike Myers fans. Youngest ds has watched the clips on YouTube over and over and walks around repeating them. He goes around saying "Marishka Hargatay" in that goofy voice. I finally explained to him that it is an actress' name and showed him a picture of her. He only laughed harder. We love stupid, goofy humor, but it's got to be our kind of stupid, goofy humor.

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:lol: See, now I like Gwyneth Paltrow and Mel Gibson and we all enjoyed The Brother's Grimm--all except youngest dd who was really freaked out by one scene.
We can agree to disagree about Gwynnie, but I was surprised by how much I enjoyed Brothers Grimm.
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I'm not sure if this is the worst movie I've ever seen, but I recently watched Lady in the Water and it was TERRIBLE! Boring, bad acting, the works. Bad, just bad.


Ooh, I loved Lady in the Water. I thought it was interesting, suspenseful, and excellent acting from Paul Giamatti in particular.


Isn't if funny how different our opinions on something like this can be? My brother and I have a very similar (and odd) sense of humor, but our taste in movies which are not comedies couldn't be any more different. I've learned not to steer clear of action or drama movies he recommends. Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Silence of the Lambs, and Se7en are among his favorites! His wife likes the Saw movies which I just refuse to even try. They are such funny people--keep me in stitches whenever they're around--but they have a definite dark side to them that I don't think I have. At least my dark side looks a lot different.

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1. Wind. My mom chooses movies based on the cover pic. The title of this one sums up the plot & everything.


2. The Lemon Sisters. See above.


3. Time Machine. Sure, somebody reasonable picked this one. Someone who bothers to read the back of the box. But didn't the ending sort-of leave you feeling violated, plot-wise? As in, there could have been one, but HA! GOTCHA!!


4. I know there are a couple worse than the ones listed. Some that literally left me ANGRY at the...complete lack of...anything. I mean, I don't want to see a horror film, but I'm not going to hold that against it, kwim? As long as it's up front about what it is, it's my responsibility to know I don't like that.


By the same token, if your movie doesn't end, SAY SO. So I know to avoid it. I'd rather...gouge my own eyes out? I don't know. Something that doesn't make you feel as though you are. literally. measuring out your life w/ coffee spoons. And then DUMPING it, spoonful by spoonful into a vast abyss.


Now. To the poster who doesn't like Spiderman, et al. Let me just say, many superhero movies are surprisingly philosophical. Spiderman II happens to be the best ex of this that I have seen. It's Plato's Republic. It illustrates the question: "What is justice?" and "Is a just man just because he is *perceived* as being so or because he actually *is* so?" and "What if a just man is perceived as being *unjust*?"


Yes. Spidey II is ownable.


ETA: I'm w/ the Costner-phobes. His acting...sends shivers down my spine. And not in a good way. :)

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:iagree: YES!! I have this, too! I LOVED Nick Cage in Raising Arizona and Moonstruck. Brilliant. And he was the only thing that kept the National Treasure movies from turning totally ridiculous--perfect blend of gravity and camp. But I absolutely abhored Wild at Heart--and almost everything else he's ever done. Mostly I can't stand him. And yet....




I believe I have shared on the old boards my feelings about Mr. Cage. Basically you can take any plot, who cares about the plot, do you even really need a plot, and let Mr. Cage bring his fineness to the film and it is A-Okay.


Mr Cage is just fine. Easy on the eyes, kind of quirky, what more could you want?

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People I hate more... in other words I don't even attempt to see their movies... Jack Black (although, I have not yet seen Nacho Libre)


Don't bother with Nacho Libre. We like Jack Black and none of us thought it was funny. I fell asleep. They showed all the funny parts on the commercials.

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Kevin is just so ickky. Although there are others who stink just as badly if not worse. It is just that I actually thought I might like those and watched them. He wasn't awful in Robin Hood, I guess. :001_huh: maybe. :glare: sorta...


People I hate more... in other words I don't even attempt to see their movies: Tom Cruise, Vin Deisel, The Rock (does he have a name?), Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Lopez, Adam Sandler, Jack Black (although, I have not yet seen Nacho Libre) hmmm... oh! Cameron Diaz and Ben Stiller.


Please, take Jack Black's name out of that list. He doesn't belong there!


I heart Jack Black. Though if you don't like him, Nacho Libre probably won't help matters. :lol:

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I believe I have shared on the old boards my feelings about Mr. Cage. Basically you can take any plot, who cares about the plot, do you even really need a plot, and let Mr. Cage bring his fineness to the film and it is A-Okay.


Mr Cage is just fine. Easy on the eyes, kind of quirky, what more could you want?


I would have totally agreed. In fact, he was one of my "safe" actors--as in, if he's in it, it's safe. Not stupid, not crass.


And then I saw Lord of War.

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Please, take Jack Black's name out of that list. He doesn't belong there!


I heart Jack Black. Though if you don't like him, Nacho Libre probably won't help matters. :lol:



If you want to like Jack Black, try School of Rock and Be Kind Rewind. He's amazing in both.

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Pan's Labyrinth


Yuck, yucky, yuck!

i liked Pans Labyrinth. Don't hit me.


ISo, outside of those obvious ones for me I'd say The Toy with Robin Williams, AI, and American Beauty. We started watching Blade Runner last night but didn't finish it. I hope it gets better because what I've seen so far is boring and borderline dumb. ;)




Blade Runner is in my top movies, its brilliant. The book is better (as always). Also really liked American Beauty.


I guess since I'm already running out of the way of those rotten tomatoes, I'll go ahead and admit this:


Lord of the Rings: Second Worst Move Ever.




OMG, someone ELSE who feels this way about that movie. DH and I were so bored, the dialogue was so cheesy, it was just AWFUL. We never watched the rest of them. (PS: Charlie was in that, so if it comes around again, I will watch it but J*ST to see him)


There are so many, but Cool Hand Luke comes to mind immediately

Like that one Too!


Oh, I loved The Mask!


I'm shocked at the hate for Rocky Horror - that's in my top ten all time favorite movies list!!!

Me too SusanG, I love that movie. I taught my kids the Time Warp even!


Don't bother with Nacho Libre. We like Jack Black and none of us thought it was funny. I fell asleep. They showed all the funny parts on the commercials.

Agreed, sucked.


Someone already mentioned my personal WORSE MOVIE EVER: A History of Violence. It was advertised as a sort of psychological drama, but it was nothing but killing, blood, bad acting, and me rooting for all the characters to just shut up and die.

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I didn't think anyone here would have even SEEN that movie - it's another of my favorites. I guess I'm a movie weirdo! I own the soundtrack, dvd, and even have a rolled up one sheet around here somewhere. IMO, it was Nicolas Cage's best movie role.


It's a symbol of my individuality and my belief of personal freedom.



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:iagree: YES!! I have this, too! I LOVED Nick Cage in Raising Arizona and Moonstruck. Brilliant. And he was the only thing that kept the National Treasure movies from turning totally ridiculous--perfect blend of gravity and camp. But I absolutely abhored Wild at Heart--and almost everything else he's ever done. Mostly I can't stand him. And yet....





Moonstruck was definitely his best, imnsho.

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It's a symbol of my individuality and my belief of personal freedom.





OMG, I have to watch it again tomorrow now. One of the best lines from any movie. EVER. It's worth watching for the cameos alone - Willem Dafoe in his sleaziest role ever, and Sherilyn Fenn is super hot even as a bleeding, dying car accident victim!

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I believe I have shared on the old boards my feelings about Mr. Cage. Basically you can take any plot, who cares about the plot, do you even really need a plot, and let Mr. Cage bring his fineness to the film and it is A-Okay.


Mr Cage is just fine. Easy on the eyes, kind of quirky, what more could you want?


Oh, I've been holding back my fingers.


Did someone say they have a love hate relationship with Nicolas Cage? Well, I have a love love relationship with him.


The movie is secondary. Superfluous. Gets in the way, actually.

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Sad screwed up marriage to begin with, sad screwed up marriage at the end. Awful.




Sad screwed up wife, incredibly faithful husband and father. I loved his character. I want to think that even if were to decide to become a self centered, neurotic b*tch that my husband would still resist the sweet, beautiful, kind hearted woman in front of him.


I think he would. But to be on the safe side I think I will refrain from morphing into a self-centered, neurotic b*tch. Except for about 24 hours out of each month, and then the big pimples give away the reason why, so he forgives me.

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Oh, I've been holding back my fingers.


Did someone say they have a love hate relationship with Nicolas Cage? Well, I have a love love relationship with him.


The movie is secondary. Superfluous. Gets in the way, actually.




Love love relationship with the following actors:


Nicolas Cage

John Cusack

Johnny Depp

Mandy Patinkin

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Sad screwed up marriage to begin with, sad screwed up marriage at the end. Awful.


Oh I liked this movie. I was impressed with Sandler's acting, it was more than I expected from him after The Water Boy and Happy Gilmore, y'know.


I thought it was a good story too.

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How is it that no one has mentioned "The English Patient?"


People, please. That was one awful movie, made worse by the fact that everyone else I know seemed to love it.



Or what about The Piano, from a couple of years earlier? Yuckomatic!


But people loved it. :confused:

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Please, take Jack Black's name out of that list. He doesn't belong there!


I heart Jack Black. Though if you don't like him, Nacho Libre probably won't help matters. :lol:


I knew I loved you, Amy!!


I love the part is School of Rock-

The student says, "Are you drunk?


And Jack Black says, "Nooooo, I'm hungover. I was drunk yesterday."


:lol::lol::lol: Yeah, we're all about class here at Casa de Laney

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