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So what is your vote for the worst movie?

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"Terms of Endearment" is also on the top of my awful list, along with "Hope Floats"; that movie is so depressing. It's even worse than "Terms of Endearment".



I read a review some where about Hope Floats. It said a bad movie shouldn't have the word "floats" in the title. The reviewer said the movie reminded him of something else that "floats" and belongs in the toliet. Gross but kinda funny:)

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Worst movie ever was "Solaris" with George Clooney. Sorry George!!!


"Howard's End" is one of my all time favorite movies. Sorry to see someone put it on this list...... Guess we all have different tastes.


I really have a hard time watching Ann Hathaway in movies..... In fact I just couldn't go to the new "Get Smart" movie because of that.

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Zoinks! I was bleeped! How funny--I didn't even think about the fact that the title might be construed as vulgarity. :tongue_smilie:


Well, that's a first for me. Anyway, the bleeped word rhymes with crammed. Starring Stuart Townsend. Avoid at all costs.



But the books are great!

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Even better than the Royal Tennenbaums was

The Darjeeling Limited

Even my dd7 liked it.

Thats been in my Netflix, looks really good! I may have to bump it up.


SusanG, yeah the books were good. Interview with a Vampire was the best one, but when I got to The Vampire Lestat, I'm sorry to say I laughed by a** off through the whole thing....Lestat.... a rock star.....kills me. :lol:

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Thats been in my Netflix, looks really good! I may have to bump it up.


SusanG, yeah the books were good. Interview with a Vampire was the best one, but when I got to The Vampire Lestat, I'm sorry to say I laughed by a** off through the whole thing....Lestat.... a rock star.....kills me. :lol:



I'd probably agree with you, but Vampire Lestat was my introduction to Anne Rice when I was 12, so I "remember" it as a fabulous book. I read the other two after reading that first. Then went on to read Exit to Eden, which is still a favorite, and the Beauty Books. Ah, good times...

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Napoleon Dynamite - There's over an hour of my life I'll never get back. I wish I had been doing something more productive, like, say, surfing the net. Stupid, stupid, stupid, and not the least bit funny.quote]


:iagree: I'd have to agree there's a good 60+ mins. gone over this one. But, I've seen a lot of movies so it may not be the "worst". It sure would make my list of top 5, though.

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Running with Scissors....


Another one I really liked! Book too.


Napoleon Dynamite - There's over an hour of my life I'll never get back. I wish I had been doing something more productive, like, say, surfing the net. Stupid, stupid, stupid, and not the least bit funny.quote]


:iagree: I'd have to agree there's a good 60+ mins. gone over this one. But, I've seen a lot of movies so it may not be the "worst". It sure would make my list of top 5, though.


Ok, I've been quiet about the whole Napoleon Dynamite thing, but the time has come for me to open my big fat mouth. :O I think, in my ever so humble opinion, that the characters were great. I loved them. I love John Heder, I love what he did with the character, I love the Napoleon quotes, and I got a kick out of the 2 main guys.

That being said, what actuallly happened in the film (i.e. almost nothing) was a waste of a potential good movie. I do though LOVE the part at the end where he danced, because c'mon, did anyone even have a clue that was coming?????

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Drop Dead Fred...


Aww, that one was cute.


I'd probably agree with you, but Vampire Lestat was my introduction to Anne Rice when I was 12, so I "remember" it as a fabulous book. I read the other two after reading that first. Then went on to read Exit to Eden, which is still a favorite, and the Beauty Books. Ah, good times...


Well for a 12 year old, a vampire rock star is an AWESOME hero!

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Drop Dead Fred...
Oh, I love Rik Mayall, but I will agree that Fred was a disappointment.... though not in the same league of badness as The Punisher, Leonard Part 6, or, my vote earlier for worst movie ever, It's Pat.
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It's gotta be Castaway (with Tom Hanks) for me. That was the most absurd movie ever - still can't get over "Wilson" (the basketball). Blech!!!!!


Honestly, after seeing Castaway, I can't watch anything with Tom Hanks in it.


That means you must have missed "The Terminal". (Shudder) It was waaaay worse than Castaway. I can't imagine why anyone *ever* thought it was a good idea for a full-length movie.

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DH and I recently had the misfortune of seeing the new Adam Sandler movie "Don't Mess With the Zohan." (It was a two-fer deal.) Ugh! It was HORRIBLE! My suggestion for that movie: don't just avoid it once it comes out on DVD - run from it!
Once you've seen The Big Tease, you need never watch another hairdressing comedy again.
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Oh, man, is that the one where I thought the trailer was a spoof? Like some cheap knock-off of a Capital One ad? ;)


And Ray Liotta is in it, lol!


They could have absolutely made it a spoof. Of the "Epic Movie", etc. ilk.


You know, I have to chuckle each time I scroll by your post telling how you watched two hours of Alexander. :-) I actually think that you were the reason I didn't rent that; I remember touching it, in the video store, and something saying..."Nooo...didn't someone say that was one of the worst movies, ever? Wasn't it...Abbey?!"


See, your movie wisdom has helped others, lol. ;)

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Oh, there's one I'd repressed (though I think it was made for TV)...


It's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas


At times I thought I was watching Meet the Feebles.

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You know, I have to chuckle each time I scroll by your post telling how you watched two hours of Alexander. :-) I actually think that you were the reason I didn't rent that; I remember touching it, in the video store, and something saying..."Nooo...didn't someone say that was one of the worst movies, ever? Wasn't it...Abbey?!"


You know, sometimes I even doubt myself. I thought, "It couldn't possibly have been as bad as I remember, could it?!" So it was on tv recently, and I watched a few minutes again, just somewhere randomly in the middle.


It was, in fact, at least as bad as I remembered -- I couldn't even look directly at it!

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My dh got so excited about Memento and having me watch movies with him is his love language. But I had a lot of trouble sitting through that entire stupid waste of time. Lucky for him, I really love my dh. But he knows I won't ever sit through it again.

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