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Our baby is with Christ today...

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A Psalm for your baby, based on Psalm 23, written by David, who knew the heartache of a child who died in the womb


The LORD is baby's shepherd,

Baby shall never be in want.

He makes baby lie down in green pastures;

He leads baby beside quiet waters.

He restored baby's soul;

He guides baby in the paths of righteousness

For His name's sake.

Even though baby walked through the valley of the shadow of death,

Baby feared no evil, for You were with baby;

Your rod and Your staff, they comfort baby.

You prepared a table before baby in the presence of my enemies;

You have anointed baby's head with oil;

Baby's cup overflows.

Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow baby all the days eternal life,

As baby dwells in the house of the LORD forever.



I am in tears after reading this. Thank you so much for posting this...

Thank you all for your overpouring of love and prayers.:grouphug:


This experience was test of faith in many ways. Timothy has told me that he feels closer to God than he did before. My heart wishes so much that we could have had our baby but God knows why we could not.


I can only take peace in knowing that my little one is with Christ now and that someday when we will be reunited. I am thankful for God carrying me, I really feel his mercy and grace over me.

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We lost a baby about half way through a pregnancy a few years ago. I remember the emotional pain...but I also remember the absolute peace I had (the presence of peace does not mean there is an absence of pain.) We named him and my boys still talk about him. I am certain we shall see him again in Glory. I also am certain he was spared a lot of pain here on earth...the Lord had his best in mind.


May his perfect peace and love surround you as you go through this. The song Held by Natalie Grant really ministered to me around that time...that the promise is not that he would make everything okay but that I would be held during those painful times. I pray Jesus holds you now.

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I too have felt the pain of loss of a child and I'm praying for your family. May God grant you comfort during this time and always. Knowing that my baby is with Him gives me so much peace. I'm glad that you feel the same way. We can look forward to meeting our children in Heaven.

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So sorry for your loss, and yet so touched by your grace during this difficult time. I have 3 babies in heaven and can't wait to greet them one day. I will be lifting you and your family up in this difficult time.


God bless you!!


:grouphug: Dee

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