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Kitty getting worse :(

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Well, my cat had seemed to be doing slightly better three days after the dog attack. Once we took her off the pain meds as instructed, a lump formed in her abdomen. She started limping and not walking on one paw. So when she slowed down her progress I just thought she was letting her paw heal more. The past few days she hasn't moved much more than necessary. Now, she has slept on our bed for 12 plus hours without getting down. She did eat a wee bit when I put it in front of her nose but other than that she lays there. She is awake and purring, though. Her nose is warm with a fever.


We are a one income family and quite tight money wise. We are at the line of not affording more care for the cat due to having to feed our children :( We are taking her in to the vet today (another office visit fee) and praying she just needs antibiotics for an infection. She is running a fever :( I feel horrible having to draw the line and say we can't afford to do x,y or z. I remember people saying they couldn't afford to care for their pet properly and thinking "wow, really?!" But we are truly at that point. My heart breaks and feels almost like I am telling one of my kids I can't save them. In a hospital for "people" they are required to save them but a vet hospital is not a people hospital and wants payment in full... I understand but it still stings. Praying she just needs meds, but I know more than likely it is just wishful thinking :(.

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Can you call your local animal shelter? I know here they will provide care to low-income families for their pets. Maybe they can work something out with you.




pretty sure ours only does vaccines and putting them down. I may be wrong. I should check I suppose.

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I hope the vet is able to help your cat. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


Perhaps if you explain your financial situation, he or she will offer you a substantial discount. Many vets won't let an animal die just because the family can't afford the necessary care, especially in this type of situation where it was an emergency thing.


I'm so sorry you may have to make a no-win decision, but I think you should call the shelters in your area and ask if they know of a vet who will work with you on the finances. And again, don't hesitate to ask your own vet for help.


As in any profession, some vets are in it for the money, but many chose the career because they love animals and want to save as many as they can, so I'm praying that your vet is kind and caring and will work hard to save your cat even if you can't pay for everything she needs.


But ASK. Ask everyone you know. This is your cat's life, and even if you have to make the worst possible choice in the end, you will feel better about it knowing you did everything you possibly could to find her the care she needed.



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I understand the decision you may need to make since I am one of those people who had to choose my kids over our cat a few years ago (our cat had a long term illness that was too expensive to treat). It is heartbreaking. I hope your vet will help you, or you can find one who will.


Do know that you are NOT a bad person if you have to make this choice. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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I hope the vet is able to help your cat. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


Perhaps if you explain your financial situation, he or she will offer you a substantial discount. Many vets won't let an animal die just because the family can't afford the necessary care, especially in this type of situation where it was an emergency thing.


I'm so sorry you may have to make a no-win decision, but I think you should call the shelters in your area and ask if they know of a vet who will work with you on the finances. And again, don't hesitate to ask your own vet for help.


As in any profession, some vets are in it for the money, but many chose the career because they love animals and want to save as many as they can, so I'm praying that your vet is kind and caring and will work hard to save your cat even if you can't pay for everything she needs.


But ASK. Ask everyone you know. This is your cat's life, and even if you have to make the worst possible choice in the end, you will feel better about it knowing you did everything you possibly could to find her the care she needed.




I did call around. There is a mobile vet for low income that comes around but won't be here until Thursday. Doesn't look like they would save us too much money either :( I feel she needs to be seen now so we are taking her in. I will be sure to ask for assistance as well. My MIL may end up funding the vet bill if it comes to that and we can pay them back. She has basically offered but she also said there comes a point where we have to decide when we don't want her to suffer anymore. I know she was referring to having her put to sleep :( To her defense though, she is a HUGE animal lover and actually keeps all the ashes of her beloved pets on shelves with photos.. SO she isn't cold hearted and wouldn't not help if she can.

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I understand the decision you may need to make since I am one of those people who had to choose my kids over our cat a few years ago (our cat had a long term illness that was too expensive to treat). It is heartbreaking. I hope your vet will help you, or you can find one who will.


Do know that you are NOT a bad person if you have to make this choice. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


thank you

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I did call around. There is a mobile vet for low income that comes around but won't be here until Thursday. Doesn't look like they would save us too much money either :( I feel she needs to be seen now so we are taking her in. I will be sure to ask for assistance as well. My MIL may end up funding the vet bill if it comes to that and we can pay them back. She has basically offered but she also said there comes a point where we have to decide when we don't want her to suffer anymore. I know she was referring to having her put to sleep :( To her defense though, she is a HUGE animal lover and actually keeps all the ashes of her beloved pets on shelves with photos.. SO she isn't cold hearted and wouldn't not help if she can.


Well, at least you have a few options.


I think you will end up basing your decision on what the vet tells you. If the prognosis is excellent, that's wonderful, and I'd take your MIL up on her offer. If the vet says things are incredibly bleak, you might end up feeling like you're doing your cat a favor by ending her suffering, and the financial issue won't even come into play.


I'll pray that she has an easily-treated infection and that she will be fine soon. Maybe it's just wishful thinking, but that's what I'm praying for!



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I did call around. There is a mobile vet for low income that comes around but won't be here until Thursday. Doesn't look like they would save us too much money either :( I feel she needs to be seen now so we are taking her in. I will be sure to ask for assistance as well. My MIL may end up funding the vet bill if it comes to that and we can pay them back. She has basically offered but she also said there comes a point where we have to decide when we don't want her to suffer anymore. I know she was referring to having her put to sleep :( To her defense though, she is a HUGE animal lover and actually keeps all the ashes of her beloved pets on shelves with photos.. SO she isn't cold hearted and wouldn't not help if she can.


:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Praying the answer is quick, inexpensive, and clear. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Thank y'all so much for being so encouraging! She had us really scared for a moment there. We did get her seen and was told that she more than likely had a hernia and bowel obstruction requiring immediate surgery. Immediate 2000 dollar surgery. We asked many, many questions in regards to outcome, etc. and MIL offered to pay it and us pay her back with in the next year. So, we opted for them to go straight to surgery and not do xrays or ultrasound. That saved us 400 right off the bat. I got a call this evening letting us know that it was a large absess and obviously there was a puncture wound from the dog bite last week (we were previously told that after they examined her there were no punctures) They inserted a drain and are keeping her overnight with I.V. antibiotics and fluids. Hopefully, she will come home tomorrow. I am SO thankful it wasn't something just absolutely horrible. When we arrived her fever was nearly 106 and they were quite concerned to act quickly. I am irritated that this all could have been avoided if they had noticed the puncture wound that I paid them 208 dollars last week to find and would have prescribed antibiotics as a precautionary so this wouldn't have happened... I am relieved to know what ailes her, though...many emotions. What a day.

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Well, my cat had seemed to be doing slightly better three days after the dog attack. Once we took her off the pain meds as instructed, a lump formed in her abdomen. She started limping and not walking on one paw. So when she slowed down her progress I just thought she was letting her paw heal more. The past few days she hasn't moved much more than necessary. Now, she has slept on our bed for 12 plus hours without getting down. She did eat a wee bit when I put it in front of her nose but other than that she lays there. She is awake and purring, though. Her nose is warm with a fever.


We are a one income family and quite tight money wise. We are at the line of not affording more care for the cat due to having to feed our children :( We are taking her in to the vet today (another office visit fee) and praying she just needs antibiotics for an infection. She is running a fever :( I feel horrible having to draw the line and say we can't afford to do x,y or z. I remember people saying they couldn't afford to care for their pet properly and thinking "wow, really?!" But we are truly at that point. My heart breaks and feels almost like I am telling one of my kids I can't save them. In a hospital for "people" they are required to save them but a vet hospital is not a people hospital and wants payment in full... I understand but it still stings. Praying she just needs meds, but I know more than likely it is just wishful thinking :(.


I would really be talking to the owner of the dog that is so crappy

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Thank y'all so much for being so encouraging! She had us really scared for a moment there. We did get her seen and was told that she more than likely had a hernia and bowel obstruction requiring immediate surgery. Immediate 2000 dollar surgery. We asked many, many questions in regards to outcome, etc. and MIL offered to pay it and us pay her back with in the next year. So, we opted for them to go straight to surgery and not do xrays or ultrasound. That saved us 400 right off the bat. I got a call this evening letting us know that it was a large absess and obviously there was a puncture wound from the dog bite last week (we were previously told that after they examined her there were no punctures) They inserted a drain and are keeping her overnight with I.V. antibiotics and fluids. Hopefully, she will come home tomorrow. I am SO thankful it wasn't something just absolutely horrible. When we arrived her fever was nearly 106 and they were quite concerned to act quickly. I am irritated that this all could have been avoided if they had noticed the puncture wound that I paid them 208 dollars last week to find and would have prescribed antibiotics as a precautionary so this wouldn't have happened... I am relieved to know what ailes her, though...many emotions. What a day.

I'm so glad that she got the treatment that she needed. I hope everything will be looking up from this point. :)

I would really be talking to the owner of the dog that is so crappy


I was told to bring all vet bills to the court hearing. Hoping they are told to pay them!


I hope so too. Poor kitty. She's really been through the wringer. :(

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I have been out of the house for hours, and as soon as I got home, I checked for an update. I'm so glad things are looking so positive for your cat!!! :hurray:


I hope you can get the dog owner to pay the vet bills -- and I can understand why you would be very annoyed that the vet didn't find the wounds and give your cat the antibiotics she needed, because she has suffered unnecessarily, and you also incurred vet bills you shouldn't have needed to pay. :angry:


The most important thing is that it looks like your kitty is going to be OK. I'll keep praying for her! :grouphug:

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I understand the decision you may need to make since I am one of those people who had to choose my kids over our cat a few years ago (our cat had a long term illness that was too expensive to treat). It is heartbreaking. I hope your vet will help you, or you can find one who will.


Do know that you are NOT a bad person if you have to make this choice. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


:iagree::iagree: SO been there. I hope your kitty will be ok. :grouphug::grouphug:

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I don't know the specifics about the dog biting your cat but wanted to tell you that years ago (when I was a child) a neighbor's dog ran into our yard and attacked our cat. The neighbor's house insurance paid for all vet bills. Hopefully you can somehow get your vet bills paid by the dog's owner. Glad your kitty is going to be ok!

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Sorry, y'all! She is doing MUCH better. She is home with us. She still has a drain in. Her fever is gone, she doesn't seem to be in too much pain and with her wearing an e collar to keep her from licking and biting on the drain, she has also allowed her paw to heal better. I am quite optimistic that it will all turn out well now.


Unfortunately, I had to help a rescue of another injured kitten this morning. I suspect that the mother cat has been killed by the same dogs. It looks like the kittens front paws are both broken. I was able to hand it over to the humane society and they were taking it straight to the vet. I wish I could afford to care for it myself.


eta: I have a court date for the dog hearing. I also have pictures of the dogs running loose this morning and yesterday. Don't think the owners will love the evidence that is racking up against them. I am hoping the judge will tell them to pay our vet bills!

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Thank you so much for the update! I'm so glad your kitty is on the mend, but terribly sorry to hear about the other one that was rescued.


If it was the same dog, can't the police get involved? (Or is it something that's suspected but can't be proven?)

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Thank you so much for the update! I'm so glad your kitty is on the mend, but terribly sorry to hear about the other one that was rescued.


If it was the same dog, can't the police get involved? (Or is it something that's suspected but can't be proven?)


suspected but definitely not proven. I spoke with another animal control officer and they said that they have caught a wild dog in our area that isn't a domestic pet and is quite aggressive. So, technically, there is no way to prove that the domestic dog that attacked my cat was the dog doing all of the attacking in the neighborhood.

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