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Talk me into running again. Please. Tell me why I should do it. Remind me of how wonderful it feels to get out there and get it done.




A little background: I started running when I turned 40. I used the Prevention plan; I like it *much* better than the C25K from coolrunning.com. I worked the plan, got to the point where I was running 30 minutes at a time for 3-4 times a week. I ran like that for 6 months and didn't lose a pound. Not one. But I felt great. Strong. Amazing. Me, a 40 year old frump could run 3 miles at a pop. The day I turned 40 I couldn't run to the stop sign....


Any-hoo (thank you, Col ;)) I quit when it got cold because running in that weather really hurt my lungs! I can run in the hottest, most humid weather, but that cold KILLED.


So help me out here. How do I make that adjustment so I can keep going all year? When I quit I figured I'd just start up again in the spring. That was 4 years ago...


Is there any hope for me??? :(

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I, too, stopped last winter, although I hadn't nearly gotten as far as you had.


This Monday I started again - with my DH! I had never dreamed I could run with anyone I know. I thought I'd be too embarrassed. The house where we spend the summer is on a paved loop that is one mile long. My goal by the end of the summer is to run that mile. I was so surprised when I was able to run more than 2/3 of it the first time I went out!!!


You can do this. Start out reasonably again. Use baby steps. Listen to something great on your ipod.


I am running every other morning. Tomorrow I will run. I won't be on the computer until late afternoon or evening, but I will check for a message from you saying you did it, okay?


Come on - just do it once, at least!!!!!

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I'm trying again. I've gone out 5 times and I'm pooped. The good news is that at last, I'm sleeping through the night with just 5 runs. I'll go out again tomorrow. I am not using any method. I used to be an areobics instructor before it was known to be bad for the knees. I got my stamina up and started running, for years. As the kids got older, I just couldn't keep up. Dh was gone a lot and they hated going with me, so I eventually stopped. After 5 years I am back at it. I am starting by walking for about 10 minutes, running for 20 - 30, and then walk home. My trail is through a cow pasture so I run along side the baby cows while they munch away, swinging their heads to check me out and go back to eating, and I'm running with rabbits. I wish they'd stay beside me but they always duck and hide. And it's beautiful to run with the sunrise, except for the CA fires, caugh, caugh. Once I'm fit again, I'll start with distance running.

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if you have to do it outside.

I have never been one to run in the cold or rain. Bad weather means I go to the gym and run on a treadmill or take a step class.


I took up running in my early twenties as a way to get rid of job related stress, and quickly became addicted to the 'high' I experienced when my run was over.

Pregnancies and lack of babysitters have stalled my running for up to two years in the past, so I can relate to feeling discouraged at having to build up strength and endurance again.

A friend who was more serious about his running than I was, encouraged me by telling me my body would "remember" its previous routines and getting back in the groove would not be as hard as I thought.

Maybe he was playing mind games, maybe it's true, either way it worked for me!

I think you will be pleasantly surprised at how quickly your body gets back into the routine.

Think about how strong you'll feel when you get your legs moving again.

That feeling of power and strength just seems to carry over into the rest of your day.

I just feel happier after a good run and you probably do too, which is why you want to get started again!

Start now while the weather allows, build up that addiction to moving and maybe it'll carry you longer when the cold starts.

Just Do It!:D

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.....cue the Rocky music.....





I DID IT!!!!


Wow!!! What a great feeling that is :D Now, I didn't go fast, and I didn't go far, but I RAN. How cool is that?!


There are a few 1-mile loops near my house. I picked my favorite one and just started. The first part of this loop is a pretty good incline (not quite a hill, but you're not going flat, that's for sure!). I chose that one :)


I ran up the hill and then walked a bit to bring my heart rate down. Then I ran the next half-mile; walked a bit, then ran home. Woo-hoooooo!!!! It took me about 15 minutes to run/walk that mile (s-l-o-w I know). But. I. Did. It. :D I walked for about 5 minutes afterwards too.


My legs felt great, my breathing was really good (I guess working out 3-5 days a week for most of the last year has helped with something, huh?) My right ankle felt a little funky, but I was running on the shoulder, and the road has a camber to it. I moved to the middle of the road, and my ankle felt perfectly fine. My throat feels a bit itchy, and I'm coughing a little but that'll pass.


OH! dh woke me up at 5:15 so I could get out there and get it done EARLY. So I was running with the birds and the rabbits and the sunrise. Nice. :D

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.....cue the Rocky music.....





I DID IT!!!!


Wow!!! What a great feeling that is :D Now, I didn't go fast, and I didn't go far, but I RAN. How cool is that?!


There are a few 1-mile loops near my house. I picked my favorite one and just started. The first part of this loop is a pretty good incline (not quite a hill, but you're not going flat, that's for sure!). I chose that one :)


I ran up the hill and then walked a bit to bring my heart rate down. Then I ran the next half-mile; walked a bit, then ran home. Woo-hoooooo!!!! It took me about 15 minutes to run/walk that mile (s-l-o-w I know). But. I. Did. It. :D I walked for about 5 minutes afterwards too.


My legs felt great, my breathing was really good (I guess working out 3-5 days a week for most of the last year has helped with something, huh?) My right ankle felt a little funky, but I was running on the shoulder, and the road has a camber to it. I moved to the middle of the road, and my ankle felt perfectly fine. My throat feels a bit itchy, and I'm coughing a little but that'll pass.


OH! dh woke me up at 5:15 so I could get out there and get it done EARLY. So I was running with the birds and the rabbits and the sunrise. Nice. :D


Woo-Hoo! Good for you!


I've never been athletic, but I did actually have a short running habit around 4 or 5 years ago and I loved it! I've already been thinking about trying it again this fall - after the baby, after milk supply is well established, after I remember my name again (or maybe before, LOL!) etc. Your post makes me even more excited to think about it!


(I agree with pp - if weather's bad go to a gym or get a treadmill - maybe save up for a really good one?)

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Talk me into running again. Please. Tell me why I should do it. Remind me of how wonderful it feels to get out there and get it done.




A little background: I started running when I turned 40. I used the Prevention plan; I like it *much* better than the C25K from coolrunning.com. I worked the plan, got to the point where I was running 30 minutes at a time for 3-4 times a week. I ran like that for 6 months and didn't lose a pound. Not one. But I felt great. Strong. Amazing. Me, a 40 year old frump could run 3 miles at a pop. The day I turned 40 I couldn't run to the stop sign....


Any-hoo (thank you, Col ;)) I quit when it got cold because running in that weather really hurt my lungs! I can run in the hottest, most humid weather, but that cold KILLED.


So help me out here. How do I make that adjustment so I can keep going all year? When I quit I figured I'd just start up again in the spring. That was 4 years ago...


Is there any hope for me??? :(


Yes there's hope just get out there NO EXCUSES:D think of how great you'll feel just because you went out and did it. The best benefit of running for me is toned legs, no one to say "moooooom" for 1 hr. as for winter I couldn't go out below 40 degrees. I did the treadmill or taebo.

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I started running 6 weeks ago (using Cto5K, but anything would work) and am thrilled with it!! I have never (never!) liked running or exercise. Even though I can't run 3 miles yet, I am already feeling better about myself.


I think it helps that I have a goal. I am running a half-marathon on my birthday in January. My 42nd birthday! Yea, me! :)


Do it, do it, do it!!

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Good for you for just getting out there, and especially for running up the hill and walking on the flat or downhill.

One big motivator for me is my mp3 player, onto which I download books from my public library. I don't download much serious literature for running (too hard to follow when there's a shortage of oxygen in your brain), but it's always something that will make me want to get out the door. I use a cheap Samsung Mp3 player I bought for $80 4 years ago. I've run with it in drenching rain, snow, sleet, and weather so hot that the ear buds got squishy sounding from the sweat in my ears (ick), and it just keeps right on going. It really makes the time go faster. It doesn't make me go faster, just the time.


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Talk me into running again. Please. Tell me why I should do it. Remind me of how wonderful it feels to get out there and get it done.


Sorry I missed this yesterday; good on you for getting out there first thing this a.m and truly moving!!! It does feel good, mentally, to get it done. Even with all the time I put in to it, though, I can't honestly say I feel real good in the midst of it. Lately I've been running in the morning, which is rilly, rilly difficult for me. Not because I'm not a morning person; I'm a 'round the clock person.;) So I'm up and at 'em early, but my body just does not do well with pounding the pavement first thing in the day. But during the summer, I have such mounds of work to do at home outside during the afternoon, I've wanted to run earler in the day. So out I go, but lemme tell ya, I feel so thoroughly nauseated, running early. Bleh. I would so-o-o-o love to be one of those people to whom this comes easily.


Ah, well. We do it. And there must be something I like about it or I wouldn't keep goin'! You go, too, girl!!:)

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A little background: I started running when I turned 40. I used the Prevention plan; I like it *much* better than the C25K from coolrunning.com.



I would love to get into running...I don't like it but know it would benefit me....

Any info would be great!



PS: Way to go ...getting out there and just doing it:D

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I DID IT!!!!


OH! dh woke me up at 5:15 so I could get out there and get it done EARLY. So I was running with the birds and the rabbits and the sunrise. Nice. :D


Yeah! It's great to start. I didn't get out early today, but I did get out at 8:00. To bad you're not in the same time zone, I'd get up with you and go out at the same time, but it's 3:15 here when you get up. If I wake up, I'll "help" you go, though.

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A little background: I started running when I turned 40. I used the Prevention plan; I like it *much* better than the C25K from coolrunning.com.



I would love to get into running...I don't like it but know it would benefit me....

Any info would be great!



PS: Way to go ...getting out there and just doing it:D


Here ya go! http://www.prevention.com/cda/article/burn-fat-faster/8bc7d08f88803110VgnVCM20000012281eac____/fitness/walking/walking.goals/walking.for.weight.loss/0/1


The schedule is on Page 2 of the article.

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I started running three years ago and loved it. Then that winter, a friend of mine who loves to run says she usually takes the month of December off.


Well, I took off December, January, February, March, and April. I ran sporadically the next summer, but never got back into it like before.


Last fall I started up again. The others are right -- it won't take you nearly as long to get back to where you were than it took the first time. I also bought an iPod, and it has made a huge difference to me. I like to listen to audiobooks or podcasts when I run. It makes it much easier to get started.


I also recommend buying a treadmill. I run on my treadmill most of the time. I could not do this without listening to a podcast or audiobook, but I actually enjoy it if I have something good to listen to. My dh's work schedule makes it nearly impossible to run outside on most days. It's also extremely hilly where I live, so running outside almost required a pickax to get up the steep inclines. I have to drive to get to a place where the hills are manageable, so the treadmill is my best friend.

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When I tried running 5 years ago I used a plan I found in Runner's World - I don't know if it's similar to the Prevention Plan or not - or it's available on the website or not. Basically you started with a warm up walk, then run 2 min. walk 1min. for a total of 20 min. or so. Do that 3x/week. The next week run 3min, walk 1min. etc. The next week.... etc. After several weeks you're up to running 6 min. walking 1 min. You do this 3 times and you have run for almost 20 min. straight - this was amazing to me. If someone had told me I could have run for 20 min. straight I would have thought they were nuts - but building up like this worked.


Didn't know if that might help someone.

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