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Ds went to dentist today and was told.........

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that he needs to have all 4 of his wisdom teeth pulled out as soon as possible! The Dr. showed me the x-rays and his wisdom teeth are growing sideways, pushing bottom and top teeth forward.

I'm more nervous about this then him because when I had mine out many moons ago, they got infected and that's when I found out I was allergic to antibotics!! I wound up in the hospital because of the darned things!!


Has anyone out there had their wisdom teeth taken out recently?

If so, how'd it go?

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Can you get a second opinion? I think this is one of those surgeries that they just automatically do nowadays that, in some cases, is unnecessary. I was told I'd need mine out when I was 18. We just never got around to it and I still have them today (I'm 37).


My dentist does not automatically take them out. Mine are also impacted and lying sideways. They have never moved - they're just there. My dentist watches them carefully to make sure they stay put!


That said, my sister had hers removed a few months ago and, after a few days of discomfort, she was fine!!

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I had all four of mine taken out about 5 1/2 years ago...I think I was 28 or so.


Mine were all impacted, and causing pain--mostly jaw aches & headaches, not sharp pains. After two weeks of having these headaches everyday, I was fairly sure it was my wisdom teeth (my older sister had hers removed around the same age, or slightly younger). So I went to a dentist, they x-rayed, and confirmed that my wisdom teeth were impacted.


I was referred to an oral surgeon who tried to talk me out of it...he said there was no medical evidence that impacted wisdom teeth caused headaches (ha! I could have given him a headache right then!). I insisted, and he agreed to do the surgery. Afterwards, yes, I was sore, but the headaches & jaw aches were gone the same day.


Now, if your son is not in any pain, the reason I could see to have his wisdom teeth out now rather than later when they might cause him problems is this: If they get worse, they could get in the way of the nerves, and this can be cause for concern when the teeth do have to come out. My oral surgeon warned that my wisdom teeth were obstructing/crossing the nerves, and that during the surgery it was possible that those nerves could be accidentally severed, even by the most cautious surgeon. Sometimes they can heal themselves, sometimes not. It could lead to temporary or permanent numbness in the lips or jaw--in most cases, the only way to know is to wait & see. My numbness lasted several hours, maybe up to a full day (can't remember now...I just remember it took a really long time, and I was nervous it would be permanent--it wasn't).


I don't mean to scare you, but it probably is better that his wisdom teeth are removed now before they get in the way of the nerves. It would be easier now, and would have fewer consequences if it's not left until adulthood.

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I had mine taken out last Nov. It was so quick and easy. The worst parts are the anxiety before the procedure and then the yucky blood taste in your mouth afterward. Mine healed quickly and I didn't have to take much of the pain meds. Your son will be fine. :)

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The British National Health Service did a study in 2004 on removal of asymptomatic wisdom teeth and concluded the prophylactic removal creates more problems than it solves or something along those lines. You should be able to locate summaries by googling. And here is a recent American article:


Inside Today's Bulletin - Philadelphia's Family Newspaper

Majority Of Dental Specialists Are Extracting Wisdom Teeth Unnecessarily

By: Herb Denenberg, The Bulletin



Here's one of the greatest ripoffs in the history of dentistry: The unnecessary extraction of over six million third molars (also called wisdom teeth) every year, causing injury to an estimated 7,700 to 22,000 people each year. ......






FWIW, I have 2 partially impacted lower third molars and 2 fully erupted third molars. Thirty years ago, when I was 22, a dentist direly warned me that I would wake up in excruciating pain one morning if I did not have all 4 third molars removed. He also cited that they were difficult to clean and crowded. Frankly, I am glad I ignored his advice and just practiced good dental hygiene. My teeth are perfectly straight and nicely aligned.


Orthodontist recommended removal of my teen daughter's third molars because they could push against the other teeth and undo some of the orthodontia work. I have been unable to find photos of brace-straightened teeth that became misaligned due to crowding from wisdom teeth. Nor can I find statistics on likelihood of damage to adjacent teeth from 3rd molars.



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Dh had all 4 wisdom teeth and 2 molars pulled all at once last Nov. He was fine after a couple days and some serious amounts of Tylenol every 4 hrs (they suggested about 400mg MORE than I took for pain from my cesarean!). FWIW, he really should have had it done years ago. They did push his teeth out a little (after 4 yrs of braces in highschool), but not too noticeably. He had an infection that was reaching into his sinus cavity...not good. All is well now, though. He wishes he woud have done it earlier.


Editing to say that I still have mine. I only have the ones on the bottom (never got them on the top) and over the years, it really depended on which dentist I saw whether I needed them out or not. I've never had a problem, don't want to remove them.


Sorry I'm not very helpful :-(

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I have impacted(top)and sideways(bottom) wisdom teeth. I grew up during a time that going to the dentist was for emergencies only.


I wish that my wisdom teeth had been removed when I was a kid(I am 42 now), now I have terribly crooked bottom teeth because of the sideways wisdoms. I would seriously consider having your ds's sideways teeth removed. If for no other reason, but to save him from future problems with crooked teeth. That little operation now could save having braces later.


That's me 2 cents.



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I had severely impacted wisdom teeth and should have had them out many years before I actually did. If it were my child, I would just get it over with.


Are there any antibiotics you know your ds can tolerate? He may not need them, but just in case, you can give that info to the surgeon. I did get a sinus infection after my surgery because of the position of one of the top teeth; the surgeon had warned me that it was a possibility. It was gone in a few days with medication (and I have a number of allergies and sensitivities there, too).

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::delurking:: (for the second time today)


I would get it done and soon.


Mine were like that, and the dentist said I could wait a while. Well, I waited and got pregnant with my son (I know, this part isn't going to happen to your son) and wasn't able to get them out until he was 9 months old. By that point they pushed my other teeth out of line and I was in SEVERE pain.


So much pain, that I didn't need any pain meds after the oral surgery.



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If I am reading your signature line correctly, he is 17 years old. I suggest doing it now while he is still under your roof. He may not have insurance in the future when they *need* to be removed.


I have had two removed. I have a third that needs to go *now* but I have a seven week old who won't tolerate my time in a dentist's chair just yet. I wish all four teeth had been taken out years ago to save me the pain and frustration I've dealt with.

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I remember getting all (4) taken out at once. Going home to rest and watching Passion of the Christ later that evening. I recovered fairly quickly with no infections or problems.


I agree with others who state taking care of it now.

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I had a genetic flaw a double set oh joy. So instead of 4 I had 8. Oh great!!! They cut them all out at one time because they were making a mess out of my mouth. It hurt a bit I won't lie. I went to work that very night though because having a tooth pulled is just not worse than my paycheck dropping LOL. So I don't feel that it is just all that. The more you dread though as with anything probally the worse it will be. Good Luck

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I had all 4 of mine extracted 25 yrs ago (ACK) I did fine. I was off of school for a week, because of the general anesthesia but did fine. I was on pain killers, antibiotics and anti-inflammatories(?) I know there were 3 different meds.


THe most critical thing for me was that mom was insistent that I have it done over spring break and I was AS insistent that it *NOT* be done then. I won :D

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