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House sellers, realtors, etc. Can you look at this pic please?

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We are listing my house in 5 days. I'm trying to get pictures taken now to get ready. I need to buy one more curtain panel for the window and new lamp shades for the fan and I need to clean the wall under the desk. Other than that, how does this look? What do you think of the books on the shelf? My mom said they are fine, I'm not so sure..lol


I'll have more pictures as we go I'm sure..lol





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The books wouldn't be an issue but is that whole desk/shelf unit a build in? Because that would be a problem for me. The house would have to be otherwise perfect for me to contemplate buying it and removing that. At the very least, I would take down the shelves while trying to sell.

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The shelves and desk are built ins. Most people...even the realtor...says to leave them and the people can remove them as needed which wouldn't be too big of a problem for them. At this point, we don't have time to remove them anyway so they stay for now.

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The books are a problem for me. Try putting the smaller ones on their side to put a little color in the two upper outermost cubbies of the shelves. Then put a couple layed on their side in the long slender shelf in the middle. Where you currently have books, put some on side and some standing upright so that there is a little pattern.


Do not put drapes up. It will cheapen the room to a buyer who doesn't like your pattern, and it will cut out too much natural light.


Put something tall like a vase of flowers or lamp to hide that cord hanging from the shelf to the desk.


Quickly paint the light fixture covers instead of new ones. Clean and paint a stripe around the base that matches one of the colors of the bins.


That's my $.02



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So cute! Looks great.


I would stage the area though. Can you add a chair and put a book open on the desk like you were reading there. I would add a coffee cup too, so potential buyers could see themselves sitting there doing office work or Bible study.


Also on left it looks like a cord running down the wall from the shelves. Can you move the bouquet of flowers to hid the cord?


Lastly, I love, love the shelves and love your bins.

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Try putting the smaller ones on their side to put a little color in the two upper outermost cubbies of the shelves. Then put a couple layed on their side in the long slender shelf in the middle. Where you currently have books, put some on side and some standing upright so that there is a little pattern. :)



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The shelves and desk are built ins. Most people...even the realtor...says to leave them and the people can remove them as needed which wouldn't be too big of a problem for them. At this point, we don't have time to remove them anyway so they stay for now.


I agree. We would have squealed with delight for some built ins. Less furniture to buy! The books look fine. Seriously, my house sold when we were in the middle of baking 75 cupcakes, the dog was barking, and my kids were still in their pjs. The couple fell on love with the functionality of the house through the flour on the floor, the cake batter on the counters, and the frosting and cupcakes all over the table lol. They came over an hour early, so I did not have time to clean up.

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I like it - which means nothing -- prospective home buyers are looking with a different eye.


I would take everything off the shelves. While I love and totally understand the functionality of the colored containers, trust me, someone else might be totally turned off by them.


Oh, and trust me, while it would be nice to expect someone to look past the color of something, they don't.


I think it, however, looks like a great space and I would love it.

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The books are a problem for me. Try putting the smaller ones on their side to put a little color in the two upper outermost cubbies of the shelves. Then put a couple layed on their side in the long slender shelf in the middle. Where you currently have books, put some on side and some standing upright so that there is a little pattern.


Do not put drapes up. It will cheapen the room to a buyer who doesn't like your pattern, and it will cut out too much natural light.


Put something tall like a vase of flowers or lamp to hide that cord hanging from the shelf to the desk.


Quickly paint the light fixture covers instead of new ones. Clean and paint a stripe around the base that matches one of the colors of the bins.


That's my $.02






I would also remove any books that have the spine damaged (yes it's anal, but I've successfully staged two of my own homes). The fact the books on the right are leaning would distract my mind. Again, anal, and very sub-conscious, but there is a psychology to it.


I would take the flowers you have and find a bigger vase, taller maybe and spread out to balance the weight of the bookshelves. While I understand the function of the built-in, it looks like it has a funky design. Filling the right hand space with a larger floral arrangement will help.


Agree about the curtains for sure.


I would almost remove the baskets and stage the bookcase with a few nice books and knick-knacks, few, like 3-5 (use odd numbers) per shelf.


People aren't going to know what to do with it (again very sub-conscious thinking). If it's decorated they will remember that, not that they couldn't figure out how to use the space.


I would also put a chair at the desk, like a dining chair, not an office chair. I would find a pretty journal or some pretty stationery, maybe in the one of the baskets. Set the journal out with a nice pen or letter opener.


You really have to show people HOW they should use a space. Also maybe a tray of candles or something decorative on the left side of the table.


I'll see if I can find some pics for you.

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The books wouldn't be an issue but is that whole desk/shelf unit a build in? Because that would be a problem for me. The house would have to be otherwise perfect for me to contemplate buying it and removing that. At the very least, I would take down the shelves while trying to sell.


I'd leave a sign on the desk/shelves saying they are built-in BUT you will remove (and repair any damage to wall) if buyers do not want them.

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I think there are too many bins. I'd eliminate the pinkish ones to make it seem more like an office a man could use. You need a chair (smaller one) and a few, very neat desk accessories to define its use better.


I think some sheer panels that cover the wall, not the window, would be nice, especially if you can coordinate the color with the bins more.

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I'd leave a sign on the desk/shelves saying they are built-in BUT you will remove (and repair any damage to wall) if buyers do not want them.


I don't think it will be easy to remove the shelves and desk because it looks like someone cut the crown molding near the ceiling and probably the trim board on the floor.


While the shelves and desk are in OK shape, it would be a deal breaker for me to have them left in the house.

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The neighborhood we live in and the price point we are listing at, people will expect SOME work needing to be done and we have most everything else in the house completed, so I'm not looking to do more work by removing bookcases. Almost everybody that has seen them in person tell us to leave them and we have already remodeled this room. That was one thing I asked everybody BEFORE we remodeled so that we could work on the removal in the remodel but were advised to leave them.


The problem I'm having is where do you draw the line between staging a house you *live* in and functionality? Those baskets hold supplies I need to run a business. I have removed EVERYTHING else in the house that can hold my business supplies...every single one of those baskets are holding supplies I need to use on a daily basis. If I remove those, I have no place left to put things. The books can go (they are library books b/c we got rid of ALL of our books..lol) and I can stage the bottom shelf they are on. The flowers are only there because my daughter just had a dance recital..lol I can replace them with something else when they die though.


My husband is having a really hard time wanting to do away with HIS computer desk though....driving me nuts. It's cluttered and on one of those cheap stands, etc. He's standing his ground on it though..lol I can remove it for pictures, but it will remain for showings though. We may go to blows over it..lol

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The neighborhood we live in and the price point we are listing at, people will expect SOME work needing to be done and we have most everything else in the house completed, so I'm not looking to do more work by removing bookcases. Almost everybody that has seen them in person tell us to leave them and we have already remodeled this room. That was one thing I asked everybody BEFORE we remodeled so that we could work on the removal in the remodel but were advised to leave them.


The problem I'm having is where do you draw the line between staging a house you *live* in and functionality? Those baskets hold supplies I need to run a business. I have removed EVERYTHING else in the house that can hold my business supplies...every single one of those baskets are holding supplies I need to use on a daily basis. If I remove those, I have no place left to put things. The books can go (they are library books b/c we got rid of ALL of our books..lol) and I can stage the bottom shelf they are on. The flowers are only there because my daughter just had a dance recital..lol I can replace them with something else when they die though.


My husband is having a really hard time wanting to do away with HIS computer desk though....driving me nuts. It's cluttered and on one of those cheap stands, etc. He's standing his ground on it though..lol I can remove it for pictures, but it will remain for showings though. We may go to blows over it..lol


I agree with whoever suggested just getting rid of the pink baskets. If you can I would see if a photo box could replace them. You could get a more masculine looking box. Michael's sometimes has them on sale.


I understand about the stress, really I do. Moving and selling is never really fun.

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I agree with whoever suggested just getting rid of the pink baskets. If you can I would see if a photo box could replace them. You could get a more masculine looking box. Michael's sometimes has them on sale.


I understand about the stress, really I do. Moving and selling is never really fun.


In red, an excellent idea. I did this and i have those boxes in all the kids' rooms in the new house.


I have bought them at michael's and at homegoods.

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I like the books, but not the bins. Do you have any other bins in a more neutral color that you could use to hold your work supplies? Also, I think the desk is too bare. It doesn't look like it's used, and kind of makes it look like wasted space. Add some supplies to make it look functional, but not cluttered.

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I like the books, but not the bins. Do you have any other bins in a more neutral color that you could use to hold your work supplies? Also, I think the desk is too bare. It doesn't look like it's used, and kind of makes it look like wasted space. Add some supplies to make it look functional, but not cluttered.


I will go look at Michaels tomorrow to see if I can find something more neutral. We have already spent SO much money on this that I hate to spend more..lol I'll try though. I'll try to think of what I can do to stage the desk itself too.

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I will go look at Michaels tomorrow to see if I can find something more neutral. We have already spent SO much money on this that I hate to spend more..lol I'll try though. I'll try to think of what I can do to stage the desk itself too.


You could even pull out a nice serving bowl and add some fresh fruit. Even a clear glass bowl with lemons or oranges would work.


I know, who wants to spend money when all you want to do is sell the house.

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My husband is having a really hard time wanting to do away with HIS computer desk though....driving me nuts. It's cluttered and on one of those cheap stands, etc. He's standing his ground on it though..lol I can remove it for pictures, but it will remain for showings though. We may go to blows over it..lol


Since you are already planning to take at least one staged photo, why not do the same in this room? You could take the bins out (since people seem to have an issue with them), stage the shelves, and take a picture for the online listing. Then you can put back the bins with your needed supplies. It is kind of a compromise.

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I've been househunting all week. I'm motivated; however, I'm no pushover. I've caught so much water damage, flaws in construction (mainly owner done), tricks to fool prospective buyers (please do not stink up your place with carpet fresh, Frebreeze, or candles. It alerts me, and I really start to sniff out what you are hiding - and usually find it).


In my opinion - as a critical yet eager buyer - the books are fine. I'm looking at the location, the floor, the walls, the ceiling, the windows, the size of the room, etc. The books are the least of my worries and do not detract from anything. Though, they do catch my attention. I've spent most of the day today glancing at books as I walk by to determine if the seller homeschools.

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I also thought of this idea. I'm not opposed to changing them up a bit just as long as I have a place to store my supplies. I'm running out of storage..rofl The library books, they are likely going to go back soon anyway, but more will take the place. Hopefully we can cut down on the number.


This is a very nerve wracking experience!


Since you are already planning to take at least one staged photo, why not do the same in this room? You could take the bins out (since people seem to have an issue with them), stage the shelves, and take a picture for the online listing. Then you can put back the bins with your needed supplies. It is kind of a compromise.
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