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Okay, Wednesday night, I went out with my friend to a special exhibit at the art museum and I got kind of dressed up for me- meaning clothes that actually fit, with no stains, holes, etc. I didn't wear my tennis shoes and I actually brushed my hair. :lol: I looked kind of nice for a change, if I do say so myself. No comments from dh.


Today, I've been mostly working outside on the yard/ gardening stuff. I'm wearing a hideously old bathing suit that's so worn out my b00ks won't stay in the shelf and a pair of giant, gray, granny looking shorts. I'm covered in dirt and my hair looks like I've stuck my finger in the electrical socket. (I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the window.) Dh came into the kitchen while I was pouring myself a glass of iced tea and squeezes me and says, "S3xy Mama!"


WHAT? :confused:

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Maybe it has to do with the books not staying on the shelf.




Yep, this is what he's thinking! :drool5:





That's what I was thinking, too!


I could see if the b00ks were popping out of the shelf, maybe, but no, they're sagging down below the shelf in the abdomen region, while the shelf is still up on the wall! :lol:



What part confuses you?





Well, I like my man after he's been working hard around the house and yard too. Just saying. . . :auto:


It must be all the dirt and sweat clinging to my dewey skin . . . :tongue_smilie:

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Well, to put it in perspective, I find DH a lot more sexy in his sweatpants and t-shirt and looking "grubby" than I ever have when he's in his dress blues or a suit.


Suits don't do much for me. Yes they look nice, but they dirt and sweat makes a man Sexy. :D

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My dh thinks it's very sexy when I do yard work. Mostly because it means HE is not doing the yard work.


If I ever washed the cars, he'd be all over me . . .


Along these lines... It doesn't matter what my husband looks or smells like while standing at the sink doing dishes.:drool5:

If I ever see him scrubbing the shower... I may pass out.

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Along these lines... It doesn't matter what my husband looks or smells like while standing at the sink doing dishes.:drool5:

If I ever see him scrubbing the shower... I may pass out.



Heck yah! If dh ever scrubbed the shower, I'd lock the kids out of the house and pull the shades down! :D



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My dh took the day off work to clean house...and yes he's been scrubbing the shower ;)


You lucky lady! To heck with the kids taking a nap. Tell them you and dh need a nap, lock the door, and get busy! :lol:


If I ever saw my dh scrubbing the shower that would be the sign that the aliens have really invaded and dh was one of the first to have his body taken over. :D

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