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I wish I could steal this cat

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There is a trailer in my neighborhood with 17 or so unfixed cats. They allow most of them to roam through town unfixed. Town bylaws state you can only have 3 cats and 3 dogs. In addition to these 17 adult cats and however many kittens are inside they now have a puppy too. One of the cats is a young male that has chosen our home to be his. Everyday he comes and lays on our step, lays with my puppy in the yard. The 2 play together never hissing or fighting. If I open my door to do anything (take out the trash, kids to play, walk the dog etc) the cat walks right in and makes himself at home. The last time we took him back to his owners home and offered to buy him and were refused. He is under weight, and looking for a loving home. BUt he is not our cat so we can't just keep him.


I plan on reporting their home on Tuesday when town office opens again, the little girl there just told me 2 of the cats just had kittens again. So I know that the bulk of these cats will have to be rehomed anyway. But I am not going to just keep someone else's cat. No matter how tempting it is to go get the supplies and let him move right in. He already thinks this is his home.


It sucks to take him back there and know that his is not being as well cared for as he should, and then have him come back day after day (we do not put out food or water etc so it is not due to that, he just really likes our home).


I won't act on my urge to keep this cat, just had to get it out kwim. That's all.

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You guys have twisted my rubber arm. This afternoon when I take the dd4 and the 2 littles I am watching to town we will pick up kitty supplies. Currently the puppy and the cat are running through the hosue apparently playing tag. One will chase the other and tap with a paw and then they run the other way with the tagged one in pursuit. It is rather hilarious to see.

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Frankly I would keep the cat.



And any others that wander by I would take to the humane society. Our area has a feral cat program where you trap the cat and they spay it. Might look into it.


This varies by location, but I'm actually in the process of trying to trap a cat to get it spayed. Around here it has to be truly feral, as in not coming up for you to pet it, for them to spay/neuter. They also clip one of the ears so that other people will know the cat has already been trapped and had surgery. I know it's different in other places, and unfortunately some areas don't even have this option.

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You guys have twisted my rubber arm. This afternoon when I take the dd4 and the 2 littles I am watching to town we will pick up kitty supplies. Currently the puppy and the cat are running through the hosue apparently playing tag. One will chase the other and tap with a paw and then they run the other way with the tagged one in pursuit. It is rather hilarious to see.



Good for you! I would definitely keep him too! It makes me so mad when I see situations like that (people being irresponsible about their animals)

Sounds like you've got a great cat! :D

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You guys have twisted my rubber arm. This afternoon when I take the dd4 and the 2 littles I am watching to town we will pick up kitty supplies. Currently the puppy and the cat are running through the hosue apparently playing tag. One will chase the other and tap with a paw and then they run the other way with the tagged one in pursuit. It is rather hilarious to see.


I'm so glad you decided to keep him! It definitely sounds like the best outcome for both you and the kitty :D

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You don't live near MedicMom, do you? I would be concerned about the nutters accosting you and accusing you of stealing their cat. And I'm pretty sure animal hoarders actually do know every single one of their animals.


I would totally be in the keep him camp, but... With all the threads about crazies lately, I'd be careful. ;)

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It's highly unlikely that all the animals there are up to date with vet care. I can't even imagine the expense of 17 cats with proper supplies/shots, etc.


My oldest works in animal health, I don't even want to know how much she spends on her cat per year.


Have a frank talk with the vet when you take it in for a lookover and see what you can do about paperwork formality issues. I don't know if you'll have to board the cat for quarantine issues in your area.

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Things went well the first night. Dog got 1 scratch last night and 1 this morning for pestering the cat when it wanted to be left alone. Otherwise they have done well. I fell asleep with the puppy on my feet and the cat on my pillow with me. WOke up to the puppy practically in my arms licking the cat and the hanging on to the puppy's tail. Perfect picture moment and the camera was in another room of course. The cat has asserted that he is the boss of the house now and the puppy goes where teh cat goes but stays out of the way mostly. She keeps trying to get the cat to come play which is what got her the 2 scratches, and she loves to lick the cat. The cat just stands there purring but with the funniest look on it's face while the dog slobbers all over him lol

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Things went well the first night. Dog got 1 scratch last night and 1 this morning for pestering the cat when it wanted to be left alone. Otherwise they have done well. I fell asleep with the puppy on my feet and the cat on my pillow with me. WOke up to the puppy practically in my arms licking the cat and the hanging on to the puppy's tail. Perfect picture moment and the camera was in another room of course. The cat has asserted that he is the boss of the house now and the puppy goes where teh cat goes but stays out of the way mostly. She keeps trying to get the cat to come play which is what got her the 2 scratches, and she loves to lick the cat. The cat just stands there purring but with the funniest look on it's face while the dog slobbers all over him lol



Awww ... I have warm fuzzies just reading that. How cute!

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You are going to need to have the cat vetted, checked for intestinal parasites and Feline Leukemia/FIV, then vaccines started.

If there are intestinal parasites you should probably have the dog dewormed again as well.


Make sure that your children understand that cleaning the cat litter box should be done at least once per day and they wash their hands every time when they are done. The whole box should be cleaned out on a weekly basis then.


Are you planning on keeping the cat indoors now as well? If not then he needs to be altered asap. Kittens can reproduce as early as 4-5 months sometimes. SO he really should not be out and about until he is altered.

Congrats on the newest family member.


You also might want to consider having him microchipped to help you in your ownership of him then.

Edited by vettechmomof2
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You are going to need to have the cat vetted, checked for intestinal parasites and Feline Leukemia/FIV, then vaccines started.

If there are intestinal parasites you should probably have the dog dewormed again as well.


Make sure that your children understand that cleaning the cat litter box should be done at least once per day and they wash their hands every time when they are done. The whole box should be cleaned out on a weekly basis then.


Are you planning on keeping the cat indoors now as well? If not then he needs to be altered asap. Kittens can reproduce as early as 4-5 months sometimes. SO he really should not be out and about until he is altered.

Congrats on the newest family member.


You also might want to consider having him microchipped to help you in your ownership of him then.



He will be indoor only, which he is quite vocally opposed to right now, but he will adjust. I am the only one that does the litter box. We always had cats before and that has been teh general rule. I am paranoid about the kids getting sick from it. I am calling the vet next week to schedule an appt for him. Can't get him fixed until next month but I can get him checked and vaxed. Pup is due for her next vax too so I will see if I can take them both the same day.


My biggest issue now is the litter box. Not because of the cleaning but because of the puppy. I have a pup that loves to dig. and has dug through the litter box twice now. Pup is currently attached to me to prevent it anymore today but she will need to be trained not to touch it.

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I know your house is small, but is there a room you can put the litter in that you ban the pup from? We got one of those cheap $10 kid gates and cut a small cat size hole in it to keep our dog from the room.


I am also in the keep that cat camp. Do you have a story in case you are asked? Such as, "there was a family at the park giving away free cats, and this one looked so much like the little guy that used to visit us that we just fell in love...."


Give him a couple of weeks of feeding and he will look different anyway. Congrats on your new addition.

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Does your litterbox have a cover? That worked to keep our dog out.


We got a littler box with a cover and turned the open side to face a wall. The opening is only a few inches from the wall, but the cat can get in and out and the dog can't.

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Good for you on wanting to do the right thing.

I'd call the local Humane Society or RSPCA in your area.

They will remove any animals that are there illegally, uncared for, or improperly cared for.

When you ring them, you can do so anonymously if you desire, however you could leave your name & number & let them know that if the animals are removed you'd be willing to adopt one.


However, if when they come to check it out & the cat is at your home you could let them know & then be more specific about adopting, kwim?

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My biggest issue now is the litter box. Not because of the cleaning but because of the puppy. I have a pup that loves to dig. and has dug through the litter box twice now. Pup is currently attached to me to prevent it anymore today but she will need to be trained not to touch it.


We have a top entry litter box that I've heard is helpful for keeping out dogs.


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