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Email addresses: how many do you have? Why?

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How many email accounts do you have? If more than one, do they have a particular function?


I have three email addresses. We started with one that was for both hubby and me. I got a second one when I started selling on eBay and have used it for everything associated with my personal online buying and selling (from other individuals, not companies). I started a third one when I got involved with Creative Memories. I no longer do that, and started using this one for things that didn't need to go in the other two -- mostly now all the emails related to Board of Directors, which I'm on, for my kids' homeschool soccer club. They have all become a mish-mash though, for the most part: all three of them get sales/marketing/advertising emails, and all three have ended up with personal email in them.


I want to redo it all. Mostly because hubby moved out without warning over 2 months ago. He's vague with his plans but seems resolute in his decision and, I believe, intends to make this permanent. He has the pw to the first two accounts, and I can't find out to change them. They're with an old dial-up ISP company that seems to be fading, which is another reason to make the switch.


I can't decide whether to go with one address or more, and if so how many. I'd like to hear what works for you.





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I have one for work, one for close family and friends and one for anything that might elicit spam such as signing up for websites, etc.


Until recently I couldn't access the work email from home, hence the need to have a private one too, but I could probably use only two.

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I have 4 - 1 that started as my dh's business one, but then he got his own, and I ended up with that. 1 of my own for obscure internet use/e-newsletters etc. 1 for my little hobby-turned very small business venture. 1 for my Rhodesian Ridgeback breeding needs.


It all works pretty well, I think.


:grouphug: Hugs for your personal situation, which sounds difficult.:grouphug:

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too many...


I have two primary one created when i was in middle school and one after i got married. contacts i met before marriage use my old one. new contacts the new one. pay pal is linked to old. most on line shopping goes to old, except baby and kid stores go to new.


I have multiple gmail accounts because i have multiple google accounts ie i have a picasa account for each kid to share pictres of just them (family pics are tied to my new address). i have one for our home school which I use for accessing google docs. and a craft one for a rarely updated craft blog. It helps me mentally sort things and they are free. lol

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I have 3 that I use. I probably have had several more, but I think that after a while, they get closed so other people can use that user name. I sure hope so, or our kids will have NO user names to choose from!


I have a personal account, a hotmail account I get junk mail at, and a gmail account I opened a few months ago to use mostly for newsletters and such. I want to delete my hotmail account and probably will in a few month months, after making sure no important emails are going there.


DH doesn't know any of my passwords, though not because I've kept them from him, just because I use different and fairly complex passwords so my email doesn't get hacked. He still uses the same passwords he's always used and I know them. But we both use our Macbook, and he could easily switch to my user id and read my email.

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6. They grew and rested while providers learned how to clean up spam. Then one day I realized I could use them like a filing cabinet! So, All my online, non-school transactions go to one account. All homeschool to the next. All family social to another. Etc. Anyway, I've carved my life into 6 sections, and it really works well for me.


I probably only need five, but use all 6 because some of them I've had for 13 years! I always save a couple messages per year and every once in awhile go back and read them. It's like a virtual memory box. :)

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I have so many friends who share an email address with their husbands (and yet they wonder why I only send generic, non-personal emails to them). :confused:


I have 5 active email addresses to keep my interests separate, plus one email address that I use for internet contacts. I don't use that last account, but I track the spam traffic from those simple "enter your email address" forms.

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I have 4... one yahoo account to receive updates from various yahoo groups, one account is my name to use in any professional type situation, one is my main account, and I had to set up another account so each kid could have their own google account for Khan academy. I don't ever use the last account for anything.

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Wow. I have one. Ok, technically, I have two, because I have a Yahoo account for access to various groups, but I don't use that email address for anything.


I can't imagine keeping up with multiple accounts.


(my whole post is ironic, as I see there is a Y! icon up there... Where did that come from?? :lol:)

Edited by MyCrazyHouse
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Three, but one of them is actually used by my DD7 so she can share pictures and stories with her cousins and is her apple ID for iTunes. It comes to my mailbox because I want to be able to monitor it. One was my work e-mail and is now the one I subscribe to various online websites with, because that way everything they mail out goes to that mailbox and I can choose whether or not to actually read it.

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I think 9. Two of them were set up a long time ago, about 1994 & 1998, and I can't access them (forgot the user ID and/or password). Of the other 7, I regularly use 3. Two of them are for online purchasing, message boards, etc. and the other one is for personal correspondence with IRL friends.

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4, I think. My personal gmail account, this is actually tye only one I check and respond from. I have a yahoo account for my groups, but all emails go to my gmail account. I have two for work that are both forwarded to gmail.

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We have email addresses for the following which I know or own the passwords to:



  1. Me - personal
  2. Hubby - everything
  3. Kid 1
  4. Kid 2
  5. Kid 3
  6. Kid 4
  7. My blog
  8. Couponing
  9. Homeschool
  10. One through the school board, but I'll be loosing that one soon when my highschooler comes home to be home schooled.

I check #1 and #9 multiple times a day. Hubby's I never check, he does. The kids know that I can pop in and check on their emails at anytime. They don't have facebook so this is their best way to contact friends. I check my blog address a couple times a week and the couponing one I check before I head out to do my shopping list for the week.

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i have 3. one was my main email. one was tied to my notecard website originally but has morphed into a fairly regular email address as well. my last one is just for spam. i hate when i am forced to give an email address to look at something or attain information (i.e. house hunting, etc) so i use my spam account then.

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I have two that I use regularly - one that I use for personal communication, and one, which includes my real name, for professional stuff. I also have a few specific-purpose addresses that I rarely use, and a really old email address that I don't have access to anymore, but still forwards to my current address.


All these accounts forward to my main account, so I only have to check one place.


I also have the yahoo account for yahoogroups, but all group emails go to my main account. The email address itself is inactive (they set it inactive if you don't use it for a certain period of time), but it does serve as the backup address for my main account (the one they have you set in case you loose access).


I may well have other addresses associated with some random service or another, but I don't use, check, or forward them.

Edited by ocelotmom
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Gosh, let's see.



  1. I have one personal e-mail address that is mainly for friends, family and official family business.
  2. I have another e-mail account that goes with private teaching I do and is connected to my self employment website.
  3. Then I have an e-mail address for all things homeschool related.
  4. I also have an e-mail address that I use for online purchases and for signing up for anything that will generate ads, junk mail, etc.
  5. Then there's the official e-mail for a school where I am on faculty.



And then let's not forget that there are the FB messages and also message here on the boards.



This may seem over the top to some, but I like things organized and tidy. If they all came to the same address I'd go crazy.




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Gosh, let's see.


  1. I have one personal e-mail address that is mainly for friends, family and official family business.
  2. I have another e-mail account that goes with private teaching I do and is connected to my self employment website.
  3. Then I have an e-mail address for all things homeschool related.
  4. I also have an e-mail address that I use for online purchases and for signing up for anything that will generate ads, junk mail, etc.
  5. Then there's the official e-mail for a school where I am on faculty.

And then let's not forget that there are the FB messages and also message here on the boards.



This may seem over the top to some, but I like things organized and tidy. If they all came to the same address I'd go crazy.





Thanks everyone!

I like things "organized and tidy" too. And yes, the thought of everything going to one address does make me crazy! I wasn't sure how many to go with or how to organize them, and your post helps me a lot, Lucinda. Thank you.

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