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Well, I something out of it; my ignore button was rusty. It is all freshened up now. And if you pm to ask if I am ignoring you and you don't get an answer? The answer is yes. You cannot send someone a PM if you are on their ignore list; they won't receive it.


How does this "ignore" feature work? I've often wondered...

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Pffft. You are going to have to be WAY ruder (or crazier) than you have been so far, if you want to make my ignore list.


Considering I agree with 99% of what I've seen you post and the fact that I have better things to do than exchange heated words with people on the internet, I wasn't too worried. I'm just in a silly mood and couldn't resist. :tongue_smilie:

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But the problem is, even though I totally agree with you on most things political (because I think I do!) the "other side" is thinking and saying the same thing about us. And when you have two sides who HATE each other screaming at each other over an internet message board... well, intelligent discourse dies there too.


Here's the thing. I don't care at all what 'they' think of me personally. It doesn't matter one bit to me.


People change. They might take time to change, but things change. In 1950, nobody cared if a gay man was beaten to death in an alley. Today, even people here who 'don't like gays' think that's an atrocity. Times change, and heated discussion plays a significant role in change.


Heated discussion is often how we go from hate to understanding. Do I give a danm if someone here thinks I'm 'misguided' because I cared about what Obama had to say this week? You know my answer is nope.

Edited by LibraryLover
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How does this "ignore" feature work? I've often wondered...


You don't see the posts of the people on your ignore list. It just shows their name, and you can click "view post," if you really want to see it. It is just a reminder to myself not to talk certain people. You can see their posts when they are quoted, that gets me in trouble sometimes.

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You don't see the posts of the people on your ignore list. It just shows their name, and you can click "view post," if you really want to see it. It is just a reminder to myself not to talk certain people. You can see their posts when they are quoted, that gets me in trouble sometimes.


I had one person on ignore for a brief while, but curiosity always got the better of me and I just had to read the post anyway. Actually I felt more compelled to read it than had I not blocked it, so I turned that feature off in a hurry. LOL

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Here's the thing. I don't care at all what 'they' think of me personally. It doesn't matter one bit to me.


People change. They might take time to change, but things change. In 1950, nobody cared if a gay man was beaten to death in an alley. Today, even people who 'don't like gays' think that's an atrocity. Times change, and heated discussion plays a significant role in change.


Heated discussion is often how we go from hate to understanding. Do I give a danm if someone here thinks I'm 'misguided' because I cared about what Obama had to say this week? You know my answer is nope.


I agree that some people are capable of change but the things about this board are twofold:


1. The moderators have asked us NOT do this here.

2. I bet people are more receptive to changing their minds if they go SEEKING new information. I bet you have more people changing from a non-gay rights position who then actually do some REAL research into gay rights by going to those specific websites and message boards than you do from visiting a homeschool board where we call each other retards. I think you have to be OPEN to change for change to occur. And let's face it, if you are HERE tonight instead of on a LGBT message board, you are less likely to be researching gay rights and more likely to be researching homeschooling.


I am also not sure your 1950s analogy is accurate either. How much change occurred just because the oldsters who thought lynching people was fun just DIED? I love my father and my mother. But when they kick it, that's the last people in my family who think gay marriage is the end of ALL marriage. Seriously. My brother just doesn't care. I am pro-gay rights. My parents are against it but they are knocking on 80. I'm going to win this argument!!!


Babies born in the 50s grew up in the 60s and many were much more open minded than their forebearers. And so it goes... (This is why I believe gay marriage won't even be an issue for my daughter's generation.)

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Speaking of snakes, my mom saw one garter snake in her garden last year, so she has been paying my boys in Legos to weed for her. You should see their stash.


Oh, I would so pay a neighbor kid to weed for me... :lol: Great idea!!

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You don't see the posts of the people on your ignore list. It just shows their name, and you can click "view post," if you really want to see it. It is just a reminder to myself not to talk certain people. You can see their posts when they are quoted, that gets me in trouble sometimes.


Yes, but how do I ignore someone? I don't seem to have that button.

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"You can be pretty sure you have created God in your own image when you find that he hates all the same people you do."

Joanne, that is a terrific quote. Thanks for putting it in your sig.


I like reading the discussions here because I get to hear a much wider spectrum than I do IRL. It is very interesting. I don't think I have changed my mind about many important things, but I certainly have learned about a lot of things I would not have thought about. And believe it or not I have learned a lot about relating to people IRL, and conversing politely IRL, from this board. I mean, call me socially challenged, but still.:001_smile:

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Yes, but how do I ignore someone? I don't seem to have that button.


Sure you do!


Open notepad, copy the name exactly of the person you'd like to avoid reading.


Go to the User Control Panel, it's outlined on the dark blue menu bar.




Scan the left hand side of the menu that drops down.


Look for the third section and the entry that says: Edit ignore list.


Enter the poster name.


Click save.





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Sure you do!


Open notepad, copy the name exactly of the person you'd like to avoid reading.


Go to the User Control Panel, it's outlined on the dark blue menu bar.




Scan the left hand side of the menu that drops down.


Look for the third section and the entry that says: Edit ignore list.


Enter the poster name.


Click save.






This made me do a happy dance!

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Jennifer, some did 'just die'. And without passing on the notion to their kids that what they did was ok. How does that happen? By what process do humans become more thoughtful, more empathic?


IMO? I think as our society ages, there are more and more people who believe less in an external god and more in each other. I think it's the inevitable course of education. That's why it frightens me so much that some states and people think going backwards and tossing out science is a great idea.


But progress is always accompanied by a minority who is fearful of it.


I don't think an internet message board on homeschooling got anyone from the 1950s to stop lynching gay people. You can safely bank on that premise.


Who knows if I am right or not? I don't know if anyone is actually studying this objectively. I did get a kick out of the NPR Sunday show on religion last week though. The fastest growing "religion" in America today? Nothing. There are fewer and fewer people every day who feel driven to make ethical, life decisions based upon the alleged ideas of an outside force than at any other time in our country. And if you remove the "moral" implications of gay marriage... why would you care?

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Here's the thing. I don't care at all what 'they' think of me personally. It doesn't matter one bit to me.


People change. They might take time to change, but things change. In 1950, nobody cared if a gay man was beaten to death in an alley. Today, even people here who 'don't like gays' think that's an atrocity. Times change, and heated discussion plays a significant role in change.


Heated discussion is often how we go from hate to understanding. Do I give a danm if someone here thinks I'm 'misguided' because I cared about what Obama had to say this week? You know my answer is nope.


I wish I could have this kind of balance. I know a lot of people are having fun in that other thread, but I'm finding it seriously painful. (So much so, I guess, that it's 1:14am and I'm still up and posting.)


Real people's real lives are at stake here. My friends, my relatives, my friends' children, students I've taught. I find it so discouraging and depressing to see people use this issue as a gleeful chance to score points. As if real people aren't involved. As if Hive members aren't involved. As if it doesn't matter who else is going to be hurt, as long as you can hurt the president.


My friend Laura wrote an article about what it's like for her. This is not about whether the Democrats have gotten the better of the Republicans, or the Republicans have gotten the better of the Democrats. This is about people's lives and their families, and whether they will be protected.

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I don't think an internet message board on homeschooling got anyone from the 1950s to stop lynching gay people. You can safely bank on that premise.


I cannot tell how much thoughtful discussions on boards like these have helped me to sort through many of my thoughts and opinions. They have helped me to broaden the horizons of my thinking, to understand better many of the issues which I have no exposure to IRL (e.g. LGBT issues) and to become less judgmental.


There is so much I have gleaned from the WTM forums and from some other forums I visit, just by lurking. So, I do believe discussions have immense value. It may seem frustrating to those actually participating in the discussion. Everybody is so set in their beliefs that it seems one's words have little impact on the minds on the "other side". But the real change is happening quietly for people on the sidelines who are simply watching the discussion unfold.


I really think it is very generous of people who spend their time on discussion boards explaining their positions because I do think of this as a service - a contribution towards educating others on those very issues where education will make a difference.

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I cannot tell how much thoughtful discussions on boards like these have helped me to sort through many of my thoughts and opinions. They have helped me to broaden the horizons of my thinking, to understand better many of the issues which I have no exposure to IRL (e.g. LGBT issues) and to become less judgmental.




I think that's great! And I wish that happened more. But it doesn't, hence the ban on politics.


Everyone posting there knows that thread is going to get locked, at the very least. So we all know what we're doing/did is wrong but we're still doing it.


And once someone deploys such a hideous name calling bomb, the "learning" stops. You don't "learn" from anyone who calls another a "retard." What's next? Are we going to call each other fat? Hey! Let's drop the n-bomb and see who we can hurt! :glare:

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Intentional Derailment

Provided by me as a brain break



Two 6 year old boys were attending religious school and giving the teachers problems. The teachers had tried everything to make them behave - time outs, notes home, missed recesses - but could do nothing with them. Finally the boys were sent to see the priest.

The first boy went in and sat in a chair across the desk from the priest. The priest asked, 'Do you know where God is?'

The little boy just sat there.

The priest stood up and asked, 'Son, do you know where God is?'

The little boy trembled but said nothing.

The priest leaned across the desk and again asked, 'Do you know where God is?'

The little boy bolted out of the chair ran past his friend in the waiting room, all the way home.

He got in bed and pulled the covers up over his head.

His friend had followed him home asked, 'What happened in there?'

The boy replied, 'God is missing and they think we did it!'

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The problem is, for every one discussion that may leave people wondering and pondering... there are 40 discussions throwing around words like, "retard."


I don't think the moderators decided to ban political discussions because they have anything against intelligent discourse. They banned political discussions because well, we slip up and call each other retards.



No. There was only the one discussion where ONE person called another a retard. I've been around here a long time and that's the first time I've ever seen anyone haul out the "short bus" attack on a named target. But, that one person who did that is a major expletive deleted about 75% of the time she posts anyway, so it wasn't like that was some kind of shocking post considering the source.


Quite to the contrary, it was to be expected eventually.

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Intentional Derailment

Provided by me as a brain break



Two 6 year old boys were attending religious school and giving the teachers problems. The teachers had tried everything to make them behave - time outs, notes home, missed recesses - but could do nothing with them. Finally the boys were sent to see the priest.

The first boy went in and sat in a chair across the desk from the priest. The priest asked, 'Do you know where God is?'

The little boy just sat there.

The priest stood up and asked, 'Son, do you know where God is?'

The little boy trembled but said nothing.

The priest leaned across the desk and again asked, 'Do you know where God is?'

The little boy bolted out of the chair ran past his friend in the waiting room, all the way home.

He got in bed and pulled the covers up over his head.

His friend had followed him home asked, 'What happened in there?'

The boy replied, 'God is missing and they think we did it!'






On another note--I DO learn from internet discussion boards, because often people will talk in-depth about topics people won't discuss IRL (unless they already know the person they're speaking to agrees.) For me, this is the best way to hear a diversity of opinions.

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So kilt's not what I thought either. I thought it was a play on words, "this topic's been killed." Time for this thread to be kilt. TeA has bugged me. I caN't imagine googling the "define acronym tea + (what it seems to be)". Ok. I already tried and it didn't tell me what I wanted to know.

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So kilt's not what I thought either. I thought it was a play on words, "this topic's been killed." Time for this thread to be kilt. TeA has bugged me. I caN't imagine googling the "define acronym tea + (what it seems to be)". Ok. I already tried and it didn't tell me what I wanted to know.


TeA is a euphemism for carnal knowledge of someone. BooKs are also a common euphemism here for breasts. HTH. :)

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