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We had a VERY eventful afternoon and one VERY scared Momma...

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My dd2 was playing near a cold air return today. The part of the house she was playing in was part of the original 1940's home, so the return is quite large. She decides to move the vent cover and step in. I always thought the bottom was wood, never paid much attention to it. Well, it sure got my attention today! She stepped in and it was just cardboard and so she fell through to the basement. She fell 6-7 feet onto the hard cement floor! She wasn't able to walk at first and I was scared to death! We took her to the doc and he sent us to the hospital for x-rays. They came back fine and tonight she's running around here, just like her old self. Except for a couple of scratches, you can't even tell anything happened! And those are very minor!!! I tell you this little girl has some wonderful angels looking out for her! We are praising God tonight! I'm trying not to think of what could have happened becuase the list goes on and on and it's not pleasant. Thanks for sharing in my joy tonight!

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So glad she's okay. God knew what he was doing by making them so rubbery when they're that little! My dd 2 just fell from the play set (prob. 4-5 ft) yesterday and landed on the grass. She cried pretty hard for a few minutes, and then she was off climbing and swinging again!

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Yes, this same one did this last week! Falling about 4 ft off of our playset! This last winter she fell down the stairs at grandma's too! Grandma was around and flipped out both times before, it's so good she wasn't here yesterday. The other times I could tell right away she was fine, but this time was VERY scary! It took several hours before she could walk and even this morning she holds the back of her one leg. I can only imagine how sore she is! So I've been giving her kids ibuprofin.

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The other times I could tell right away she was fine, but this time was VERY scary! It took several hours before she could walk and even this morning she holds the back of her one leg. I can only imagine how sore she is! So I've been giving her kids ibuprofin.


Yes, that is quite different and would have me very freaked out! Bless her heart!

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When my brother was 3 or 4 (about 26 years ago), we lived in an old farmhouse. On the 2nd floor in one of the bedrooms there was a cold air return. Both the top and the bottom of it were metal. We used to take the top off and put toys in, drop crayons through to the living room, etc...


One day my brother stood in it. The bottom was probably screwed into the ceiling, but his weight made it give way. He landed on his feet, his sneakers split at the seams, but he wasn't hurt at all (I can't remember if mom took him to the doctor, or was able to determine he wasn't hurt). Gave her quite a scare. After that, she screwed down the top part so that no one could ever get it off. (made it a little harder to drop crayons through, since you had to aim just right to get the crayon through two holes instead of one :tongue_smilie:)

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