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A Little Scared, Okay A Little Terrified

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of my dr. appt. tomorrow. I've been battling with anxiety/depression issues for months and months now and I've finally gotten up the courage after a ton of prayer and some encouragement from my DH to call the dr. I'm going in tomorrow. I had PPD after each of my pregnancies, but only got diagnosed after the last one. I was on meds for a few months, but really didn't like taking them. :( I also went to my midwife/ob-gyn back then. I've never been to the general practitioner for something like this. Anyone want to ease my fears before I have a panic attack about my appt. and cancel? What should I expect to happen/questions asked, etc.?


I'm trying very hard to :chillpill:.

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Go to your appointment!


I don't know what sorts of questions they will ask you, but they will be about you so if you don't know the answer, no one else will either!


They probably won't talk about dietary changes, but you can always come back here for that sort of info.



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Go to your appt. and describe your symptoms the best you can as well as any previous meds you have tried and any concerns you have. It is a place to start and adjustments can always be made. You can't get better if you don't get the help you need. :grouphug:

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Making the appointment is the hardest part, and you've already done that. :grouphug: The doctor will probably want to do blood work to check for thyroid, diabetes, and a few other things. The doctor will either ask you to explain what you have been feeling, or he will read off the symptoms of depression and ask you about each one. For me, it is helpful to write all that stuff down beforehand and see if you can give some specific examples. I tend to gloss over things when sitting in an exam room.


The doctor will also want to know whether you've had a recent traumatic event happen, how long you've been feeling this way, do the symptoms come and go or do you feel this way all the time, and whether you are feeling this way about one area of your life or is it pervasive across all aspects of your life.


Here is what I would do: look at the list of symptoms and see which ones describe you. Can you think of any specific examples you can give for those? I found it even more helpful to ask my husband if HE could give examples because he would see things I wouldn't/couldn't. My husband can tell when I'm going downhill before I can.


It really won't be bad at all. The only thing I would suggest is potentially seeing a psychiatrist if you decide to go the medicine route. They are much more informed of treatment options. There were some meds that made me feel worse and it did take a while to find one that made me feel better. And even that changes over time. So long term, you may want to consider finding seeing a psychiatrist for any medicine needs.


Good luck to you. Please know you've already done the hardest part - realizing there is something not quite right and doing something about it.:grouphug: Trust me on that. You can PM me if you have any specific questions.

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About the "didn't like taking them" part.


Depression is a medical issue. Something is WRONG with your body. Just like taking medicine for an infection, high blood pressure, or thyroid is appropriate, taking meds for depression or anxiety is appropriate. Your body is broken.


Depression is not an issue of will, strength, faith, or skill. Medicine can help your body heal so that you can make and sustain life-enhancing decisions. Many times, without meds, people with depression are literally unable to help themselves because their body won't let them.


Tell your Dr. your exact symptoms. Quite honestly, it's more than likely they will prescribe one of the latest ones that came through the drug reps. Take your time discovering if that is the one for you.


Stop hurting yourself/beating yourself up. If you could fix depression yourself, you wouldn't *be* depressed!

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I'll never forget doing the same thing. It is so, so tough to make that move, I cried the entire visit, the doctor just hugged and hugged me and told me that he was going to help me feel better.


You are in my thoughts and prayers, you will be so relieved once it's over.

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Thanks everyone. It's helping to hear the encouragment.


I like the idea of writing down my list of symptoms before hand and asking my DH to contribute to what he noticed.


As far as meds, I didn't mean to imply that I think taking them is wrong, just that the one that I took was not right for me and that I might pursue a more natural route this time around, barring any medical conditions (such as my thyroid, etc.).

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BTDT--several times. It took me 6 tries to find the right meds this last time. All the natural stuff didn't help the way meds did. I was finally able to go off them.


Just really wanted to give you a :grouphug: and encourage you. I know it's hard.

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I was very nervous about my first appt. But, honestly, once I got there and started talking it was like this huge burden was lifted! A good doctor will rule out medical issues with a blood test and reassure you that, if you are dealing with a mental illness, that you are NOT crazy. It is a chemical imbalance and nothing to be ashamed about seeking treatment for. Medication has done wonders for me....I feel back to my "old" self. Good for you for seeking help! I feel sad for people that don't and spend their lives needlessly struggling!

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I pretty much told my dr what was going on--my symptoms, crying, unable to handle stress, snapping at the kids, etc, etc, etc. That my DH said I needed to get help because he couldn't take much more of my crazy. She asked a few questions just to clarify, but that's about it. She wrote me an Rx and within a few weeks I felt like a completely different person--I felt like me again. I wish I'd sought help a long time ago.


I do want to warn that the first few weeks I felt like I was going to throw up pretty much all the time until my body adjusted to the meds. I take zoloft. But the few weeks of discomfort were well worth it.

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I have an appointment in a couple of weeks. I am so nervous too. If you don't mind, if you want to that is, maybe you could pm me about hte kinds of questions he asks. (You don't have to tell me your answers:)) I only got the courage to call about it after the support I got here the other day, so :grouphug:

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