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Anyone ever actually win a sweepstakes?

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I have.


I won Teaching Textbooks Geometry from Amanda Bennett Unit Studies.


I won a Blackberry Playbook, and prize pack from our local phone company FB contest.


I have won multiple Amazon gift cards from various places.


I won a Tell me More Auralog Italian Language program when I signed up at Convention (I suspect that was as I was the only one who asked for Italian, though).


I have won a year membership to our local museum.


I have won other things too, but I don't remember.


So, as you can see.... it is possible to be the winner in these things. Or else, I am extremely lucky. :D

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I've wondered about those survey sweepstakes as well. Haven't completed the surveys, though. Except once--I did one for Chick-fil-A and got a free chicken sandwich from it. But that was more of a thank you gift than a sweepstakes opportunity.


I've only won one thing ever--it was a door prize at a local park event. I got the best prize, though--a lobster beanie baby! :D


The only person I've known to win a "big" prize was my brother. When we were kids he won an Atari game system from the McDonalds monopoly game. You can bet we were really impressed!

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I won a gift card from my dentist to a local grocery store.


Aaaand, that's it. I'm not very lucky. And the gift card was only for $20, LOL.


(Not that I'm complaining; a free gift card is a free gift card. I'm just sayin', it's not like I struck it rich or anything.)

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No, but a former coworker won a trip to South America when she found the winning game piece in a coffee can. I've won some blog giveaways, etc. but I didn't think that kind of thing counted when I read the OP. Oh, and I won the grand prize TV at our After Prom Bash my senior year.

Edited by WordGirl
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I haven't but my mom has won a lot of stuff over the years. Most are little things but she won a Reader's Digest contest and received $50,000 last year. This contest had potential to win a lot more than that but they declared bankruptcy or something and gave the 20 finalists 50K each in a settlement. I'd like to win something like that!

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I think it is hard with so many 'professional contest enterers' out there, I think it greatly reduces anyones chance of winning a prize.


My son dated a girl for a while, whose mother entered contests for a living. She has several computers set up and they have programs loaded that enter contests for her. She enters any contest she can, the maximum amount of times per day. There are websites that feed these contests to them, so they can enter contests they would have never heard about otherwise.


I know they have won a lot of things like vacations, tv show home makeovers (I won't say which so I don't out them), odd things like boxes of crackers and miscellaneous appliances, etc. Ds thought it was all a bit odd trying to win a bunch of things that you don't even care about.




On the other hand, dh has won several big prizes at work over the years. They do big parties with raffles and he usually walks out with something!

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Several years ago, I won my share of $1,000,000 from my credit card at the time. It was one of those deals where if you made a charge during a certain time frame that ended in a particular dollar and cents amount, you won part of the prize provided you called the number to claim it. When they divided the $1M by the number of winners, my share ended up being over $7k before taxes.

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Last year my husband won $25,000 toward the purchase of a new car. He and our daughter had gone to the annual Auto Show and he entered a contest run by a local newspaper. Up until then we had never won anything. It really was a blessing because at the time he was driving an almost 15 year old Toyota Camry that I knew we were going to have to replace sooner or later.


Here is a link to a picture of him receiving the car he picked out http://www.knoxnews.com/photos/2011/mar/25/115702/

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About 6 or 7 years ago I use to enter online and mail in sweepstakes and I won quite a bit.


I won tons of toys for the kids from Disney.com and Nickelodeon every summer when they had their HUGE summer of fun sweepstakes.


I also won several bikes, one thousand dollars worth of groceries and lots of things like ipods, some le creuset cookware, two guitars and a tv and stereo system and gift cards to online retailers.


I use to enter through a website called online-sweepstakes.com ( I think I got that right) and lots of local radio contests and mail in entry sweepstakes from sweepsheet.com.


It was tons of fun, but a few years back I stopped doing it because most of the really good sweepstakes that gave away lots of prizes ended because of the downturn of the economy. Another reason I stopped is many sweeps went to facebook and blog entries. I don't care for blog or facebook entries because unlike the national sweepstakes from places like proctor gamble, kraft and the like, blog and facebook sweeps/contests have no rules or regulations that they must abide by. So you don't know how they pick a winner or if it is on the up and up. I prefer the national regulated sweepstakes from major businesses and corporations because those are the ones I used to win from a lot.


Also, many of the major companies like Disney and Proctor Gamble, kraft ectera stopped giving away thousands of prizes per sweepstakes and went to 1 large prize, which really limited the chances of winning significantly.


So to answer your question, yes I won quite a bit back in the day when national sweepstakes were a plenty and companies gave away HUGE amounts of prizes at a time. Nowdays I really don't enter much anymore, I am busy with homeschooling and running our farm and I am not a blogger or into facebook entries.

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I hardly ever enter sweepstakes so I am not surprised that I haven't won one. I do tend to win door prizes, raffles, and other types of contests. Just a week ago, I won the biggest door prize at an event I went to- a huge flower arrangement. If I was going to buy it, it would probably cost over $300, I would think. My dh thinks I have a lucky streak because I win so often. They aren't big prizes but many times I do win door prizes and things like that.

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My husband won a blueray player from a local business. He used to enter contests all the time back in the pre-internet days. Sometimes he won some minor prizes but overall, I think he spent more in postage then he received in winnings.

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We just went on a trip to Disney in December that was a prize. This past week I picked up my Frozen Planet DVD's from the local TV station. I win free food on occasion (I have 5 coupons in my purse right now for Snickers bars). When I was a kid, I won 5 Cabbage Patch Kids in a sweepstakes (that I entered 10 times).


My mom won a car about 7 years ago. She also won a trip to Mexico and a moped when I was little.


It's usually my brother who enters us -- he won the car for mom & the trip to Disney for me.

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