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I ran my first half marathon yesterday!

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I've asked for running advice here before, so I thought I'd share this excitement, too. I've walked a half, but never RUN an entire half until yesterday. This one was extra challenging because the first 8.5 miles is uphill with a 2000 ft. elevation gain. My time was under 2.5 hours, but I'm not sure of the official time because it hasn't been posted yet. I absolutely loved it!




Edited by Hikin' Mama
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Jennifer--Yes, I'm addicted! I just love this distance! I have no desire to do a full marathon, but I get a huge thrill from running 10-13.


Munchkin Mama--Don't get discouraged, because as you build a mileage base it gets easier. On one of my last long runs before my race, I realized that it wasn' t really work to go long anymore. The first mile or two my body works out all the kinks and then the rest is enjoyable. Some days I'm just antsy to finish school so I can go out on my run.


I really think I've gained more mentally from running than I have physically. I LOVE it!

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Jennifer--Yes' date=' I'm addicted! I just love this distance! I have no desire to do a full marathon, but I get a huge thrill from running 10-13.


Munchkin Mama--Don't get discouraged, because as you build a mileage base it gets easier. On one of my last long runs before my race, I realized that it wasn' t really work to go long anymore. [b']The first mile or two my body works out all the kinks and then the rest is enj[/b]oyable. Some days I'm just antsy to finish school so I can go out on my run.


I really think I've gained more mentally from running than I have physically. I LOVE it!



Agree on both the bolded.


And, err, congratulations on finishing such an "easy" half! :lol: Seriously, are you crazy?!!!?? You could probably go out and run a flat 18 miler tomorrow. (And, if you are looking for an 18 mile race, I know of one! -- Just saying!)

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Congrats. And might I add that I'm completely impressed. I'm doing couch to 5k with a friend and I'm finding it very hard to do my five minutes of running before the walk part. You're awesome!

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Congratulations!! :party:


That's awesome. I had plans to run one in May, but realized I needed to build more leg strength to stay injury free with the distances I was running- so now I'm planning one in October and I'm so excited! :) I love hearing success stories!


PS. I'm in love with running too. I get such a high from it!

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