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If you were going to switch to textbooks....


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which company would you choose?


I'm just throwing some ideas around in my head and thinking of going with all textbooks for the basics (reading/math/english) etc. I figure we can always add in awesome read alouds, which we do anyway, but at least the basics will be covered consistently and in a hopefully easy to use format for me. My other thought is scheduling school might be more productive if I can say "ok...today we do pages 1-4, tomorrow we do 5-10 etc." Plus, I really think my kiddo's would actually thrive in that sort of environment. As long as they had an end in sight and could go find tadpoles, that is! LOL


So, who would you choose? I would want a Christian worldview. I'm most intrigued by Rod & Staff at the moment, but would like to hear what others have to say. Since I've been completely close-minded to textbooks in the past, I haven't the faintest idea what is a great well-rounded program!


Has anyone else gone all textbooks after trying everything else?



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We are going with 100% BJU this coming year. We did Sonlight this year, and feel it was not structured at all, and all we did was read, read, READ!. No time for anything else. My 7th grader didnt even have time for science and neither of them did writing or grammar! No time. Kept thinking I had to keep up with that darn SL schedule and NOW we are behind in those subjects. I'll never do SL again and from now on we are textbookers. I "know" all bases are going to be covered with no gaps! :D

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I have used a lot of textbooks over the past 3 years of homeschooling. I've never tried R&S, though. I'm new to learning about classical education and have done traditional almost completely. My favorite company has been Bob Jones, although I'm using a few others. They are expensive to buy new, but you can find a lot of stuff used. I especially like their Book Links, which are novels including comprehension and activites guides for across the subjects.


I will definitely be using BJU for reading/english/math for my dd 6th grade. I'm not using them for reading for my ds (K) because he is all ready reading while it teaches to read more slowly at first that I think he needs. I'm doing Horizon's Phonics K, but he'll be in BJU no later than 2nd grade for reading/english. He's doing BJU 1st grade math this coming year. He's a Math lover, so pretty far ahead.


My dd did Alpha Omega's SOS(only starts in 3rd grade) this year for science. She really liked it much better than last year, when I just did unit studies with her. I'm going to use it through middle school, but I want her in text books after that (probably BJU or Apologia). I don't want her on the computer too much.


We're doing MOH for history together and Roots and Fruits for vocabulary


Amy of GA

Darin's wife for 17 years

11yo dd

5yo ds

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Yup. This year we did a mish-mash of very simplified Math/LA (too simplified, might I add) and Sonlight. I love Sonlight, but really felt I needed to hit Math/LA a little more in depth. I was very frustrated with trying to mix/match stuff, and yet still find something that suited me, and yet still find something that covered everything. I finally gave up and went with BJU. After we finish Sonlight, we'll use something different for sci/history: SOTW 2 for history + library books, and a free sci textbook I have lying around, Scotts Foresman + library books for sci. It's purely experimental and I have no idea what I'm doing:) But I felt the need for something organized and all planned out and all one-provider for Math/LA, for both kids. I went with BJU because it is visually appealing to me. Rod & Staff is a great program and wayyy cheaper than BJU, but it just didn't speak to me in my own special language like BJU did, LOL. If Rod & Staff speaks to you, than go for it!

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IF we were switching to all textbooks, I would go with Rod & Staff. I love how the Bible is so integrated into the curriculum. I also like the simplicity of the texts with no distractions. It also seems very solid and covers all the bases. I actually bought their 1st grade curriculum to use with my oldest, but then I found this web site and well.......I've decided to go a different direction :D.

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I consider myself an "ecclectic classical" homeschooler. I use a mix of textbooks and literature. There are some good ones out there. I personally have used and like:


BJU: english, math, science

GWG: obviously grammar :)

Abeka: health

Spectrum: reading supplement

Latin's Not So Tough and Greek


I used TT math this year and will put my youngest in that next year. The only BJU I am currently using is science.


YOu can use textbooks but still pick and chose which ones and which company. For example: last year I used MegaWords spelling (workbook), BJU science (textbook), Spectrum Reading (workbook), GWG (workbook), etc.


YOu can chose 1 curriculum house like BJU or Abeka, Rod/Staff, AOP and do their entire program. I did that with BJU for 3rd and 4th grade.


It got expensive due to TM costs. But, I did not care for their history, writing, or spelling programs. It was not a good fit for us. So, I took the good - science and math (for my younger), and chose something else for the rest.


You could use literature for history if you want some reading (BF is good for that) based program and use textbooks for the rest.


I agree with Love2Smile about Sonlight. I just could not make it work for us. My neighbor can. It is a great fit for her and her dc. My closest gf threw in the Sonlight towel last year and went with Abeka dvds (how polar opposite could she have gone!).


HTH some!! Sorry if I just mudded the waters!

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We did Sonlight this year, and feel it was not structured at all, and all we did was read, read, READ!. No time for anything else. My 7th grader didnt even have time for science and neither of them did writing or grammar! No time. Kept thinking I had to keep up with that darn SL schedule and NOW we are behind in those subjects. I'll never do SL again and from now on we are textbookers. I "know" all bases are going to be covered with no gaps! :D


That's why we've never completed a SL core. SL is just WAY over the top in the amount of reading they require! We'll be using SL 6 this fall but using the readers/read alouds sparingly.


We use textbook for everything else.

R&S English

CLE math

CLE reading

McGraw Hill/Nat'l Geo Science textbook

Latina Christiana

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We're eclectic. In our family ONE set curriculum from one company does NOT meet all of our needs. So we pick and choose what works best with each child and end up doing many different ones. I couldn't do Sonlight. My kids already read so much, I'm afraid it'd take away the fun of reading if they HAVE to read it for their schoolwork! I want them to LOVE reading!


Anyway, with my 3 kids, we use and have used: Rod and Staff English (We LOVE it!!!), Christian Kids Explore Chemistry, A Beka Science and lower grades math, TT math, Saxon math, LifePacs, SOTW, Mystery of History, Apologia, etc.


Sometimes we try things and they don't work well, so we move on to something else...

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We've actually enjoyed Sonlight, but I need more time for work-related issues, so this year (2008-2009) is our last with it. After that, each child will be on a separate track with a mixture of curriculum that is mostly independent. My older one will be doing Classical Conversations Challenge A or Hewitt's grade 7 program with a Latin class from somewhere else. My younger one will do CLE math, reading, and history with Beautiful Feet History of Science. She'll have Classical Conversations language arts which uses the IEW theme-based books, which are fairly independent. Even if we can't do Classical Conversations, I've taught their language arts and could do it at home.


As much as I like BJUP, to me they can't be done as independently as CLE if you're not doing them with HomeSat. I like their textboooks though. R&S is good, but the Mennonite doctrine gets stronger as you go up. It's a little more understated in CLE, and we discuss those things that we disagree with. I also like the portability and layout of the CLE LightUnits.

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I have been using Calvert with my first grader. I feel more relaxed now, which may be hard to believe from all the opinions out there about Calvert. I'm getting ready to order 2nd and 4th grade this week. Even though the history and science seems boring by many we spice it up with experiments for science and timlines with extra reading for whatever period in history we're studying.



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Another vote for BJU:) This year I will be switching to BJU for science, pre-algebra, grammar & writing, and Spanish. I will be using a mix on mfw CtG and sl core 6 for history but will be slowing down on the reading some to make sure ds is up to par in his math, language, and science before starting high school.;)

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I haven't tried everything everything but I've done a lot over the years! This year I decided to use CLE for several subjects for the same reasons you're considering it. This is only our 2nd week but I am pleased with both the contents of the workbooks & the attitudes so far.


For my kids (certain ones, anyway) the more I try to make school "fun" or "rich" or "living" or or "meaningful" or any number of other worthy things, the less they like it. They want to get it done and move on to pursuing their own true education. :)

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Just a reminder that Classical Education has little to do with the materials used but rather the approach to learning.


If you take a look at the materials published a hundred years ago you'll notice that they had one book that covered many grade levels. Or in the case of reading they only had a reading spine, like the McGuffey's Readers. The goal was absorbing the materials to the point of mastery.


This is why 16 year olds were capable of teaching grammar school. They were masters of the grammar materials. In fact, they had reached the Rhetoric stage in knowing grammar level materials. Meaning they could teach it!


Now, having said that, I must caution you that it is important to look at the materials and decide if you want your child to master it. You also need to keep in mind that there are more and more materials being publish today that are designed to be keep the teacher employed instead of educating the child.


The truth of the matter is that we (as teachers) shouldn't need all those text books. We should be able to teach from a spine. Unfortunately, we did not recieve a classical education ourselves and did not become masters of the materials.




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If you want to something with a Christian worldview, then I would suggest Rod and Staff (much less expensive than others and good quality) or Abeka (much more pricey, but lots available used, too).


I do not use one company even for the subjects for which I use textbooks. So, for example, I use Abeka grammar, Singapore math, MCP for spelling, etc.

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my main reason would be that I think they make it easy to teach. The oral reviews and then main lessons are well laid out. I find it so easy to just, "do the next thing", with little prep.


Their texts are more boring looking than BJ, but they are a lot less money. I also think BJ is harder to translate to the home enviroment. Where as R&S was creating with the thought in mind that some of the teachers would be in combined classrooms, so they would be teaching multiple levels at once.


I do not like Abeka.


If you want a single source, but want to try something besides just texts, maybe CLP would work.

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