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I just read "The Hiding Place" by Corrie ten Boom and,

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Can I just say I'm blown away by this book! I've heard about it and thought about reading it, but I always get so depressed reading books about the persecution during WWII. I read the whole thing last night and felt so completely peaceful and confident after reading it! I pray I never have anything that requires such faith, but it surely puts in perspective my gripes about everyday life. And the absolute amazing fact of God's providence. Especially where she's having to give thanks for the fleas!


Just thought I'd throw that out there. It truly is amazing.

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several years ago on a mission trip, we took a day to visit Haarlem. What a beautiful little town! We were able to tour the tenBoom house from top to bottom. We were in Corrie Ten Boom's bedroom and were able to go into the actual hiding place and stand in it. It's really amazing how incredibly small it was! I don't know how they lasted in there for, what was it, 3 days? It must have been terrifying.

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Awesome witness of faith and joy "in the midst"! That book has been a touchstone for our whole family -- we read it aloud 2 years ago, and I can't tell you HOW many times as we discuss character issues or what a godly response looks like that someone will say, "Remember when Corrie or Betsy said/did...?" The sequel, "Tramp for the Lord", is also quite inspiring -- putting her desires aside to go where the Lord called her, whenever he called her!

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Can I just say I'm blown away by this book! I've heard about it and thought about reading it, but I always get so depressed reading books about the persecution during WWII. I read the whole thing last night and felt so completely peaceful and confident after reading it! I pray I never have anything that requires such faith, but it surely puts in perspective my gripes about everyday life. And the absolute amazing fact of God's providence. Especially where she's having to give thanks for the fleas!


Just thought I'd throw that out there. It truly is amazing.


I love that book! And yes, the fleas! To be thankful for such an awful thing, and then to see how the Lord used it to give them a respite from the guards.


Strength, peace, and hope in the mist of adversity. Truly a beautiful story.

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Can I just say I'm blown away by this book! I've heard about it and thought about reading it, but I always get so depressed reading books about the persecution during WWII. I read the whole thing last night and felt so completely peaceful and confident after reading it! I pray I never have anything that requires such faith, but it surely puts in perspective my gripes about everyday life. And the absolute amazing fact of God's providence. Especially where she's having to give thanks for the fleas!


Just thought I'd throw that out there. It truly is amazing.


ME TOO!!!!!! I just read this book for the first time a few weeks ago, and LOVED it! I really enjoyed the whole thing, so much. It's one of my all-time favorite books now. There are only a few Christian books that I've really enjoyed, just because in general I haven't found them to be well-written, but it is a blessing to read an encouraging, inspirational book from a Christian perspective that is also a pleasure to read.


Does anyone have any other suggestions of Christian books that are well-written?



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I love that book! And yes, the fleas! To be thankful for such an awful thing, and then to see how the Lord used it to give them a respite from the guards.


Strength, peace, and hope in the mist of adversity. Truly a beautiful story.


This is what got me through the darkest days in my life. I can remember one time when I had my oldest son at Children's in Chicago for testing. He was 3 turning 4 and we were in the process of get a diagnosis for him. At the time he was mute and presenting as severely autistic. I was leaving the hospital which had wonderful marble floors when the fire alarm went off. The alarm was deafening in sound. My son dropped to the floor went stiff as a board and began to violently bang his head on the floor. Even at that age he was tall and I could not pick him up all I could do was set on the floor and let him bang his head in my lap. I sat there for over 20 minutes crying as I watched firemen run by and doing what I could for my son. I could feel panic raising. I had PSTS from the Gulf War and I knew that I was in for a flash back but I refocused my mind by thinking first on the fleas and then I began to thank God that I had my son's head in my lap and that he would not hurt himself. I thanked God that the Firemen saw us and knew we were there. I found all kinds of things to thank God for and the panic left and no flash back.


The Air Force docs told me that for the rest of my life whenever I was under stress I would have flash backs and panic attacks. I however put the fleas story to practice along with Philippians chapter 4 and I have been free of all flash backs and panic attacks since Nov of 95. The great thing that I have found with this is that bitterness, self pity, unforgiveness, hopelessness, fear, and a myriad of other things can not take root in a truly thankful heart!


Another story Corri told was about forgiving one of the guards after the war and I don't remember which of her books she tells that story in but it is equally powerful and I have drawn on that as well in the past few years.


When I was in college I spent 3 days in Haarlem and visited her house and went to Amsterdam to see Anne Frank's house. It was prep work for a class on the Holocaust I was going to take at Hebrew U. I just wish that I had applied the principals in her book when I read in at 12 or 13.

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She is my hero!! If you liked that book... read Tramp for the Lord! I love her!! I'm so sorry I was saved later in life and could not see or hear her speak in person. :( But I love her books and her quotes.... one of my favorite quotes from her...


"Freedom is not being allowed to do what you want to do, its being able to do what you ought." -Corrie Ten Boom

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Another story Corri told was about forgiving one of the guards after the war and I don't remember which of her books she tells that story in but it is equally powerful and I have drawn on that as well in the past few years.


When I was in college I spent 3 days in Haarlem and visited her house and went to Amsterdam to see Anne Frank's house. It was prep work for a class on the Holocaust I was going to take at Hebrew U. I just wish that I had applied the principals in her book when I read in at 12 or 13.



This was in the hero's series....or at least the one that we read... I read it to my children years ago.... and wept.... a few times while reading it... and not because of sorrow, but her faith, her love... and yup.. those fleas...


I teared up as I just read what you wrote.... God is so good...

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Ds read it as part of his 20th cent. history this year--how powerful!

One of the most outstanding parts for me was when she realized her sister's vision for a healing place for the soldiers was for the NAZI soldiers! Wow--that blew me away.


Glad you enjoyed it.

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I have read it. Excellent. Another really great hero of the faith is George Mueller. He started an orphanage and prayed that God would provide the funding. It is story after story of miraculous provisions!


We did the bible study, Experiencing God last year and he mentions George Mueller several times. I keep meaning to get the books about him, didn't he keep a journal? Thanks for mentioning it. Sometimes I wonder how we can even grasp the kind of faith these people had to have. Not that I want to give up my comfortable life, but depending on God in life or death situations is surely a different level than depending on God to make sure I get my house clean on time for company. Really puts my life in perspective!

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