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Doctor Who Party for Teens

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DD is planning a Doctor Who party when we break for summer. DD is 13, and most of her friends are 13-16. They are all Who obsessed.


I'm starting early because we want to plan some really fun stuff. I've looked up all the party ideas online and gotten some good ones. Basics like snacks, etc. Guests will be dressing as Dr Who characters. Will be doing DD's door up as the Tardis door. Unrolling bathroom tissue and writing Bad Wolf, then rolling back up. Will be playing the Dr video scene from Blink and having Sally's side of the conversation scripted out on paper to go along. Some Dr Who trivia games.


Since this is for teens, I wanted to think of some more ideas, preferably kind of scary stuff - they are totally into scaring themselves right now.

One idea was to call people's cell phones ahead of time, and play the "Are you my mummy?" message. I think that would totally freak them out!

I'm trying to think of other ideas involving the Vashta Narada (sp?), Weeping Angels, etc.


Any other good or especially scary ideas that would be good for a teen group?

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You can also make giant doll heads and put them in the coat closet or on the back of the bathroom door.


What about putting the bathroom light on a timer so that it goes off when no one has moved for 20 seconds or so. This would only work if there is no window in the bathroom, it would have to be the perfect amount of pitch black to really startle them good. The kid goes in, turns on the light, it turns itself off. Then voice over a creepy message. They may wet their pants standing up, so you will want to make sure you have a tile floor though. LOL

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You can also make giant doll heads and put them in the coat closet or on the back of the bathroom door.


What about putting the bathroom light on a timer so that it goes off when no one has moved for 20 seconds or so. This would only work if there is no window in the bathroom, it would have to be the perfect amount of pitch black to really startle them good. The kid goes in, turns on the light, it turns itself off. Then voice over a creepy message. They may wet their pants standing up, so you will want to make sure you have a tile floor though. LOL


That's fabulous! And yes, the dolls from the episode were totally creepy.

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This isn't scary at all, but we did DALEK bingo and a word scramble for dd's Who birthday party. (I still have the word scramble if you want me to email it to you.) And for table decorations, we printed off a bunch of these: http://gfoyle.deviantart.com/art/Paper-Craft-Tardis-104428690 on cardstock. I wore the Tom Baker scarf that I made for dh a few years ago, and "lit" the birthday candles with a sonic screwdriver (aimed at the cake while dh used matches.)


I like the idea of using concrete angels for decorations. Could you somehow make a "crack" in one of your walls? (Perhaps a vinyl sticker?) Hmmm...I'll have to think about this!

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how about a fake hand in a jar as a decoration for the party food table? a cyberman in the closet, one they would need to open for some reason?


We need non-scary ideas for a 6 yr old's dr. Who party lol. Teen parties are wayyyy more fun! :d


i love this idea!

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Love hearing the ideas so far.


We had fun brainstorming at dinner about this. My 15yo dd is a big Who fan. Some ideas: Put a stain on the ceiling and tell no one to touch it. (Bonus points if it you could figure out how to actually make it set off an alarm or do something scary if you touch it.) Have someone during the party start to copying what everyone is saying. Have two light sources in one room so people will have two shadows. Have a sign in front of your driveway saying "right or left?"


Hope you all have fun!

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One idea was to call people's cell phones ahead of time, and play the "Are you my mummy?" message. I think that would totally freak them out!



I told my kids about this and they started screaming at the suggestion, they were so freaked out already!


Also, dd keeps asking if everyone is required to bring a banana. Well, duh, surely you've thought of that, but she's panicking about it and insisting I ask.

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Thanks for the ideas, everyone! I'm so excited about it.


Definitely will do the hand in jar thing!


Already told my DH he needs to figure out a way to make the bathroom lights go out like the other poster mentioned. He used to be an electrician, so that's a perfect job for him. I think that would be the topper! I was planning on a weeping angel pic on back of the bathroom door, can you imagine the lights going out while you were....uh, occupied?




Having a hard time finding weeping angel posters here in the US though... All the pictures online are too low resolution to copy large size.

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We watched "Family of Blood" this weekend, and it gave me another idea. Could you angle mirrors (in the bathroom, where they will be alone, so it will be scarier!) so that they reflect a photo of a little girl? I'm not sure how this would be done, but if you could pull it off, it would be quite scary! (Well, for me, anyway. I still get shivers when I think of the mirror scene in "What Lies Beneath.")

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