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Do you sing your children to sleep?

Do you sing your children to sleep?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Do you sing your children to sleep?

    • Yes, always!
    • Yes, frequently.
    • Yes, occasionally.
    • Not since they were babies.
    • Never.

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Do you sing your children as part of your bedtime routine? I often do, and as I sang tonight I realized how my repetoire is much the same as the songs my mother sang to me. My boys often have requests for particular songs, and singing for them in bed reminds me of how it was when I was a little girl.


If you said "Yes!" to singing your kids to sleep, would you post your frequent repetoire? I'm interested to know what sort of songs other families sing as lullabies.


My ds4's favorite lullaby is Hush, Little Baby. My ds6 usually asks for a "Jesus song"--anything from that category. When they were tiny babies, I mostly sang "Summertime... and the livin' is easy..." for them. I remember my mom singing "Turnaround", and it makes me cry to sing it every time.


These are some of the ones we frequently sing--


Songs I sing that I remember my mom singing:


Sunrise, Sunset

Hush Little Baby (Mockingbird)


Where Have All the Flowers Gone

Don't Fence Me In

Oh, Give Me A Home

Streets of Laredo

Toot, Toot, Tootsie Goodbye

Maresy Doates

Over the Rainbow

Today, While The Blossoms Still Cling to their Vines

Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening (the Frost poem set to music)

Christmas carols at that time of year

Rainbow Connection (we'd sing this together, but only after the movie came out, so I was a tween at the time)


Songs I've added as a mom myself:

Who We Are (by Sweet Honey in the Rock)

We Shall Overcome

If I Had a Hammer

Down By the Riverside

We Are Climbing Jacob's Ladder

John Henry

All the Pretty Little Horses

Lulla, Lulla, Lullabye, Sleep My Little Child

The Stolen Child (version of the Yeats poem)

A Cold Wind Blows over the Heather

All in All (and a lot of contemporary praise songs)

tons of hymns--Precious Lord, Take My Hand is my favorite

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My Daddy and my Nana mostly sang to me at bedtime. My mom sang at other times.


I remember my Nana (Daddy's mom) singing:

a few songs in Spanish (she was from San Lorenzo, PR)

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

Over There

Yankee Doodle

The Star Spangled Banner

Jesus Loves Me


Daddy sang (that I remember):

The Theme from Mahogany

Que Sera Sera

There was one he sang more than any other and my mind has gone blank..


I sing the following to my son:

Take Me Out to the Ballgame (full verses.. he loves it)

You Are My Sunshine

Go Cubs Go

Jesus Loves Me

Amazing Grace

One (from A Chorus Line... don't ask)

many others

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I haven't sung my kids to sleep since they were babies. But I sing to them everyday in casual conversation. They think I'm corny. They don't know I'm really hilarious.


I hope my son won't make the same error about me.... :D



I just realized that my son still is a baby so my answer may not be relevant. Oh well, who wants to be relevant anyway?

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Same as you, it was a memory I have of my mom singing to me. I would guess that I sang to ds every night of his life until he was at least 7. Much shorter list than yours, but the favs are:


Tallis Canon (All Praise to Thee; all verses, over and over)

Ar Hyd Y Nos (All Through the Night)

In't Groene Dal (?sp? Dutch song)

Sous le Ciel de Paris

various hymns

and three songs I wrote just for ds (and *sob* he actually asked me to sing one of them the other night! He's 11!)


Great question!

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I sang "Summertime" to my babies, and a version of Brahm's lullaby that my mom made up. And I have "hunny-bunny" lyrics I put to "The Good Ship Lollipop!"


Now that my children are older they've requested their own songs - Dd6 wants the standard Barney "I Love You" song which must be accompanied by her Dolly's dancing. Ds10 has made up his own lyrics (which I've sung every night for the last 5 years) that include the names of all stuffed animals he has ever had.


Dh sings to dd6 at night. They sing a different hymn every week (repeating it every night for the week.) He has a different routine with ds10 which doesn't include singing.

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I sang my kids to sleep until they were about 4 years old, and so did DH. I do not have a good singing voice, but DH does, and he sang to the kids for a long time.


Now, I can't sing those songs because when I do, I get very sleepy.


DH sang a lot of patriotic songs to the kids. One of my favorite memories is how DS1, at ages 2 and up, used to belt out Battle Hymn of the Republic every time he put on his shoes.

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I don't sing often at bedtime anymore, but still occasionally. Other quiet times during the day, I'll sing lullabies though...


Hush Little Baby

The Riddle Song (Gave My Love a Cherry)

Suo Gan

Swing Low, Sweet Chariot

I'll Fly Away

Senora Santana (Why is your baby crying)

The Water is Wide

You Are My Sunshine

Leatherwing Bat

Wayfaring Stranger


I'm sure there are more I can't think of... My mom was pretty self-conscious about her voice, and didn't sing to us terribly often. I do remember a little singing... I remember *her* mother singing "You Are My Sunshine" -- and her mother was not a tender woman, so it's one of the few really "gentle" memories I have of her. (I don't mean the only good memories -- I have other good memories of her -- but she just wasn't the affectionate, tender sort.) My dad's father sang to us to. Mostly ZippideeDooDah and Mares Eat Oats.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

My Mom did not sing to me, she was tone deaf. But there was music in the house, and I learned a lot at church and scout camp. My brothers and I used to sing on long car trips, I was usually the song leader. I sing a lot of those songs to my kids when they are little. When my kids get older, for some reason they are terribly embarrassed to hear me sing, but when they are young, they love it. I don't know what I'm going to do when the 4yo outgrows it.


Songs I sing regularly at bedtime:

Jesus Loves Me

Jesus Loves the Little Children

Hush Little Baby

Down By the Station

I've Been Working on the Railroad

This Land is My Land

The Erie Canal

If I Had a Hammer

Molly Malone

She'll be Coming 'round the Mountain

Boom, Boom, Ain't it Great to Be Crazy

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Actually, we usually sing together.


My daughter and I started singing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" in harmony when she was about 6 or 7, I guess. Even now, when she is away from home more nights than not, when she is here, we sing that together.


I have a larger repetoire with my son, although he definitely has a couple of favorites. For a few year, it was "Simple Gifts" most of the time, but he also likes songs from various shows he's been in. For a while, it was "Climb Every Mountain" from Sound of Music, for example. For the last couple of months, we've been doing duets of "Nessun Dorma" from Turandot. (Actually, I don't know the words to that one, so I just hum while he sings the Italian.)

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Right now, and for over a year, the staple goodnight song for dd is "Hush, Little Baby." My routine is always sing the song, pray, start a cd, say goodnight. With my little guy, I'm always singing while I rock him, and he "sings" along. I like to sing "Hush, Little Baby" to lots of different tunes. Sometimes I sing hymns, praise songs, show tunes or other kid songs. I sang "Rock-a-bye Baby" all the time to dd when she was smaller. When she got older, I let her pick her goodnight song. She always picked the longest song she knew. :001_smile:

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Only the little one currently. The big ones would think I'm weird. :p Currently it's a story, prayers, then "You are my sunshine" as the favorite with "Sleep my little bird" or another. I don't sing too many. I admit I get more rushed with her than I think I did with the older ones. I should think about that.

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could speak and put their little hands over their ears and say, "No more, please mommy!"


I got kicked out of choir in high school. nuff said.

My kids do that to me and I have a degree in vocal music.


I pulled the curtain for a performance in the 6th grade and didn't make it into the "special" choir. I went on to sing opera on stage. I just assume they're being controlling when they say that to me.


My son is the only one who's loved my singing. He must be the truest musician in the family. :D

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I'm another tone-deaf mom. My 2yo will sit there and holler "TOP!" lol.

sometimes they listen tho.


My 4yog likes to hear "I know You!" from Sleeping Beauty [or as she calls it... The Princess Song"


The one good memory i have of my mom was listening to her sing us to sleep.


My guys have all had favorites:


some VBS tunes

Puff the Magic Dragon

One Tin Soldier

Blowing in The Wind

El Paso [Marty Robbins.. i know, not exactly a lullaby....]

Que Sera Sera [warm fuzzies -my mom sang it]

Jimmy Crack corn

Barges --from Girl Scouts

The goodnight song --to the tune of Good Night Ladies, but substituting each person's name

a few hymns:

hark the voice of jesus

I the Lord of Sea and Sky

Amazing grace [to the tune of Gilligan's Island.


dh likes to sing stuff from, oh, Led Zeppelin.

I think the very first lullaby ever sung in our house was "Hot Blooded --check it and see......"


hush little baby and rock a bye baby just give me the creeps. But so do mother goose poems, lol.


we sometimes have a round of "make it up as we go along" and requests change depending on the day or movie we watched last.

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I made up a special song for each of them. I also sang Silent Night. It's funny that you should bring this post up. My dd (13) just brought up the topic this morning. A few years ago I remember telling her that it probably wouldn't be that much longer that I would sing to her. I didn't know it but at the time she cried herself to sleep. It gradually just faded away as the children got older and sometimes had later bedtimes then I did. My ds (10) will still occasionally request a song still. I miss those times

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i don't sing until they fall asleep, but we regularly gather in the younger boys' room and sing before bedtime. some of our faves:


you're a grand ol' flag!

this is my country

the star-spangled banner

my country tis of thee

america the beautiful


jesus loves me

he's got the whole world (in his hands)

father abraham

jesus loves the little children

songs from veggie tales


the wheels on the bus

senor don gato

how much is that doggy in the window?

twinkle twinkle little star

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I voted "yes, always" but I would amend that to say, I don't sing them "to sleep", but rather, as your original posting clarified, it's part of the bedtime routine.


I sing:

Hush Little Baby (mockingbird)

Sleep, Baby, Sleep

Rock a Bye Baby

I See the Moon

Goodnight, My Love

Lullaby and Goodnight

Bye Baby Bunting

Sail, Baby, Sail (used to make me cry)

Baby Mine (also used to make me cry)

The Itsy Bitsy Spider

Hickory Dickory Dock

Row, Row Your Boat

I'm a Little Teapot

Baa Baa Black Sheep

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (sometimes 2nd verse as well)

Jesus Loves Me

Jesus Loves the Little Children

The B-I-B-L-E

I Believe in Miracles

My Lord Knows the Way Through the Wilderness

Countdown Song


I have no idea what songs my mom sung to me when I was little. I don't remember. I'm sure I heard most of these songs when I was a child, but I "relearned" them for my kids through their toys, books, cds, etc...


When I was in the upper elementary grades, my dad would wake us up in the morning with his worst possible rendition of "Oh, What a Beautiful Morning." We'd get up to make him stop the torture "Ok, I'm up! I'm up! Stop singing!"

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