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how often does your husband cry?

How often does your husband cry?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. How often does your husband cry?

    • all the time
    • with some frequency
    • rarely
    • never

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While I'm a very tough guy (let there be no mistake about that :D) I'm also quite sentimental and cry easily. Especially when I'm overwhelingly happy.


Boo hoo, I'm a softy.



:lol: My DH is too.


Some examples:

-at our wedding

-when I had a miscarriage

-when our kids were born

-when DD (born early, had surgery, and was in the NICU) latched-on and nursed for the first time. The nurses were all telling me, "he's going to be an awesome Daddy". They were right, he is.:D

-each time we end a visit with MIL (she cries, so he cries)

-when each of my parents died, many times around their deaths and funerals

-at movies

-anytime the kids make him very happy or proud

-pretty much anytime he sees me cry

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I voted rarely as in even less frequently than I. He will tear up a bit about emotional movies, music, art, weddings, births - that sort of thing. Not really tears but watery eyes. The have been discreet tears at a few illnesses and deaths. Most of the times that he has really cried had something to do with me.

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I votes never but that is not quite correct

He had cried once, in 19 years to my knowledge, so less that rarely.

He cried when his dog that he had for a few years before and after we got married was bitten by a snake and died., He was more than crying he was bawling his eyes out.


When I had a miscarriage and was in hospital he told me the next day that he had a very sad night, I am not sure if very sad involved crying or not.

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While I'm a very tough guy (let there be no mistake about that :D) I'm also quite sentimental and cry easily. Especially when I'm overwhelingly happy.


Boo hoo, I'm a softy.




Did you shed a few happy tears when Beast Academy finally came out??


:lol: (sorry Bill....couldn't resist!)

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MrTea is an old softie, and I voted that he cries "with some frequency". I consider it crying if he is tearing up to the point that tears are rolling down his cheeks and he reaches for a kleenex. He'll sniffle a little, but not sob. He cries at movies, concerts, church, and if a little kid he loves is being extra cute. My dad always did, too. :001_smile:



This sounds a lot like my husband. He tears up at movies, things his kids (and other peoples' kids ;)) do that make him proud, the first time he held his children and his grandson, patriotic moments, stuff like that. Sometimes when stress and frustration boil over. Actual crying I have seen only rarely, but he tears up with some frequency.


And I wouldn't have it any other way - I love that he's a softie.

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I've never seen him cry, in 10 years together. I've seen him get misty-eyed once or twice, but that's it. I'm kind of the same way, though; I hate for people to see my cry.


DH always gets a little weirded out at my family reunions, because a few of the men on my mom's side tend to get emotional and cry at each one. What can I say, the men in my family are just more in touch with their emotions than DH is used to seeing. :001_smile:

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my dh cried when my dad died, found out I was pregnant with dd, when we found out dd was going to be dd, when dd was born, when dd got her first set of shots (I think that was more so that he wouldn't deck the nurse) and when his brother inlaw Jamie died (very unexpected, tragic construction accident)

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My dh is a softie. He cried when our kids were born, when we got our daughters, when our kids got married, when he watches sad movies - Father of the Bride every time (especially the scene where the daughter is playing basketball with her dad the night before she gets married). The hardest I have ever seen him cry is when we left our son at the recruiter's office to join the Marine Corp - not there, but when we left. We had to pull the car over so that he could compose himself enough to drive us home (I wasn't in any better shape).

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I guess I'd say rarely...I remember three occasions in 23 years of knowing him..


The minute our son was born, (first child), the day our dog of 16 years was put down in front of us, and when our house closed after being on the market for 31 months...I think all pretty big moments...

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We've been together for 16 years. I have seen him cry on 6 occasions (although there may have been more than one bout with each event): when his grandpa died, when his grandma died, when his ex-wife committed suicide (because of the impact on DSS), and with my 3 miscarriages.


He is more sensitive than I am. I have only cried on 4 occasions that I recall in the last 16 years: my father's death and my 3 miscarriages.

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I voted "never," but in reality I have seen him tear up once. I have know him 17 years an we have been married 10 years.

At church last year, our son read a Father's Day note he wrote (all by himself) about how much he loves his daddy and talked about all the special things they do together. It was no literary work of art, but hearing our son's reflections was too much for him and he got all teary.

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