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Got my Enhanced Caesar's English today - oh, my! : )


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Wow, there is a TON here. WOW! From the size/look of it, we might have just doubled our time for completing CE-1 . . . not that that is a problem! :D Anyone want to buy the previous version?! ;)

Off to spend some time browsing these gorgeous pages!

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Did you purchase just the TM?

No, I purchased both the student and teacher. My son LOVES the MCT books so much and gets more out of our lessons when he has his own copy to read along with and look at, so I just went ahead and got both.

Have had SO many interruptions from darling children (!) that I STILL haven't had a chance to look through it so I can give a report back. Sorry! I WILL get to it . . . after all the little darlings are in bed. ;)

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What ages do you use this for, and how do you use it may I ask? My older is will be a second-grader next year, with strong but not astonishing language skills ...


Also: I did not need more curriculum ideas running around my head! Especially such luscious-looking ones! :lol:

MCT recommends level 2 (which is what CE-1 if part of) for 4th grade and up, so not sure it would be an ideal fit. You can look at the samples at www.rfwp.com - then click on Michael Clay Thompson English (or whatever the exact words are - I forget!).

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By level 2, you mean Town level, not CE 2, right? I plan on buying mine at the convention next week (hopefully!).


Do you need both or will just the TE be ok?

Yes, I meant 'Town' level. Sorry. : )

I was going to (in Cinci, right?!), but just couldn't wait! I have looked through it (some!) and there is so much MORE: play with the words, explanation, geography, history, poetics (by MCT himself!). Love what I see so far! :001_smile:

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Okay, I'm bumping this up... I can't *wait* to hear more about the new CE. We're doing Town level next year and very much looking forward to it... I had been wondering whether there was much difference between the two versions!!


Rose, you poor thing... we talked about this days ago, I can't believe yours hasn't arrived!!

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Okay, I'm bumping this up... I can't *wait* to hear more about the new CE. We're doing Town level next year and very much looking forward to it... I had been wondering whether there was much difference between the two versions!!


Rose, you poor thing... we talked about this days ago, I can't believe yours hasn't arrived!!


I know, right???? It's been 2 weeks, I think!! If it doesn't come today I'm gonna pull a Bill and start driving around after the mailman . . . or set up a tent outside the p.o. ;)

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I bought mine in early March, the day they announced the new version. I emailed to check a couple of weeks back when I couldn't take it anymore, feeling so disappointed at the end of every day. Tom said that Michael hurt his back, so shipping was delayed. I got confirmation that it's coming, though. Maybe today will be the day! Fingers crossed, I think it might change our lives forever! :D

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Okay, STILL haven't had long enough to look through the student books, but what I see in the 'Implementation Manual' (formerly known as the Teacher's Manual!) is a feeling of "running commentary" by MCT that is really nice - nothing overt, but an undercurrent of sorts. There are also 'Standards from Common Core' notes which I am guessing apply more to classroom users, as in "this aligns with such and such national standards" yada, yada, yada?! Anyway, the photos are beautiful (even though they're black and white) and the focus on Roman history & geography is interesting, especially in relation to word roots/stems. Also, the answers are given for the analogies, word searches, etc. which I really appreciate! :D

As for the lessons themselves: they seem to be arranged similarly, but the look is cleaner and there is more information and more examples (at least it seems that way to me after looking through lessons 1-4).

Looking forward to implementing! ;)

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Mine was delivered today.

I am nearly 1000 miles away.


Thankfully, the pet sitter was going to take it inside so I know it is safe and sound on my kitchen counter.

But I am so terribly sad that I could not be there today to open up that lovely package.


I ordered it way back in early March when it was first listed for sale on their website. It has been killing me that it wasn't shipped yet. Then -- shipped and I'm not home?! The horrors!

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Mine came yesterday, finally. Well, I should say, half of it came yesterday - I just ordered the "Implementation Manual" thinking it was like the TMs for the previous version, and that I could get by with just that. Sadly, this is not the case - you actually have to buy the student books to implement this with any ease. The Implementation Manual contains the full text of the student manuals, and a section about implementing it in the back. But unlike the old version of CE, the answers are bolded in the text, they aren't in the back. So you can't sit side-by-side with your student and both look at the same book to do the work - you would have to have them do it all orally, or write it all out. For me, not worth it - I ordered the student books today.


My other criticism is that it was not formatted very carefully - there are some cases where the "teacher boxes" are superimposed on text, and there are some wierd highlighting boxes that are offset from the text they are supposed to highlight. It feels like this IM was a little rushed, and they didn't take sufficient time for a thorough editing job. I've found an error already, in the first lesson, where a latin stem is defined incorrectly the second time it shows up.


That's the bad news. The good news, though, is very very good! They have taken a rich, deep, strong Latin-root-based vocabulary program, and made it *much* deeper. And it is much more integrated into the rest of the Town-level materials. The words and the roots are the same as in the old CE, and there are still 20 lessons, but each lesson has *way* more going on. This is easily a full-year program now. The stem lessons now include 5 nonfiction words formed from the stems, so you funtionally have an additional 100 vocabulary words. It looks like there are two advanced words per lesson, also, rather than just one. There is now a grammar lesson, with sentence analysis of sentences that include the vocab words (a la Grammar Town), and there are some writing exercises (rewriting, and paragraph writing which requires some outside research) to link and extend with Paragraph Town. There are poems written by MCT and translated into Spanish, illustrating both the vocabulary and the poetic devices, that links well with Building Poems. And there are some very high-level essays on historical topics for the students to read. Also maps and geography lessons. All in all, this is now *way* more than a simple vocabulary program.


Once they do a second printing and fix all the errata, I think it is safe to say this is another home run for MCT. I am very eager to start using it! I'm thinking I will need to schedule twice as much time to cover it all than I had planned with the old CE.

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Another question on the new CE... for anyone who has seen the student book... are there any written exercises, either designed to be done in the book or written out separately?? Is the student book consumable? I don't think I want something that's ALL oral/read aloud... but I also don't want to spend a lot of time creating or preparing written work.



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I got mine yesterday, along with the Island level books I did not have. The Teachers manual is quite busy. I'm glad I needed to order the student book as well because they are just beautiful. I am seriously in love with these books.


My dd is only in 2nd grade, so we will be using CE for years to come. It is SO deep, with multiple exercises to choose from. We will be using the book in a non-traditional manner, jumping back and forth. We'll start with a shallow understanding, focused on fun, and save the writing exercises for next year or even the year after. The main reason I bought CE was to use it as a base for for family vocab lessons/challenges

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Another question on the new CE... for anyone who has seen the student book... are there any written exercises, either designed to be done in the book or written out separately?? Is the student book consumable? I don't think I want something that's ALL oral/read aloud... but I also don't want to spend a lot of time creating or preparing written work.




CE is VERY teacher intensive, if you ask me. Not in preparation time, you just open the book and go, but in discussion. It's meant to be completely talked through, think Socrates teaching. The only level I can see handing the student book over and walking away for any amount of time would be...7th grade and up. Maybe others will completely disagree but to me, this is high school level SAT vocab. But the amazing thing is, with parent any age child can get something out of it.


The only parts of the student book that must be written in, are the crosswords. Maybe the sentence diagramming too, but it's easy enough to write out all the other answers on a piece of paper

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I got mine yesterday, along with the Island level books I did not have. The Teachers manual is quite busy. I'm glad I needed to order the student book as well because they are just beautiful. I am seriously in love with these books.


My dd is only in 2nd grade, so we will be using CE for years to come. It is SO deep, with multiple exercises to choose from. We will be using the book in a non-traditional manner, jumping back and forth. We'll start with a shallow understanding, focused on fun, and save the writing exercises for next year or even the year after. The main reason I bought CE was to use it as a base for for family vocab lessons/challenges


:iagree: This book is becoming the center of our Language Arts study. More central than Grammar Town, for sure. I see using this for a long time, going deeper as time goes by. We're doing family word-of-the week, too, and reading the quotes from literature using the word, and it's amazing how much my dd5 is absorbing and remembering.

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Mine came yesterday, finally. Well, I should say, half of it came yesterday - I just ordered the "Implementation Manual" thinking it was like the TMs for the previous version, and that I could get by with just that. Sadly, this is not the case - you actually have to buy the student books to implement this with any ease. The Implementation Manual contains the full text of the student manuals, and a section about implementing it in the back. But unlike the old version of CE, the answers are bolded in the text, they aren't in the back. So you can't sit side-by-side with your student and both look at the same book to do the work - you would have to have them do it all orally, or write it all out. For me, not worth it - I ordered the student books today.


My other criticism is that it was not formatted very carefully - there are some cases where the "teacher boxes" are superimposed on text, and there are some wierd highlighting boxes that are offset from the text they are supposed to highlight. It feels like this IM was a little rushed, and they didn't take sufficient time for a thorough editing job. I've found an error already, in the first lesson, where a latin stem is defined incorrectly the second time it shows up.


I finally got back from vacation, so excited to check out our new vocab program. Meh. I don't like it. :glare: I pre-ordered it and now see their website information has changed. (When I purchased, there was no information about the IM.)

Had I known that I would need to buy both the student book and the IM, I probably would have skipped it. While I appreciate the hard work they put into this program - and it truly is a lovely book - the price is considerable for a vocab program. (I paid $40 for IM, including shipping. Will now need to buy the $25 student books and pay another shipping charge, bringing total purchase to ~$70. :001_huh:)

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:iagree: This book is becoming the center of our Language Arts study. More central than Grammar Town, for sure. I see using this for a long time, going deeper as time goes by. We're doing family word-of-the week, too, and reading the quotes from literature using the word, and it's amazing how much my dd5 is absorbing and remembering.


I am crazy for the Classic lit quotes :lol:

Fyi for anyone considering, I posted a break down of the exercises for each chapter on my blog


I agree it's pricey, since you have to buy the student and teacher book, but for me it is a good value since my dd is still very young and we will use it for years to come. I also only ordered the teacher book when there was no info on the site! Luckily I caught them before ship and was able to add the student books.

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Shann, I looked at your blog... thanks, I appreciate the detailed breakdown!! It does sound like it contains a LOT of material. I like that it covers different types of vocab, and that it includes diagramming... although, do you mean actual diagramming or four-level analysis??


I suppose it's not possible to use the student book without the TM?? (I'm assuming not.) It is pricey, but for that much content, it would be worth it if we decide to go that route.


Trying to decide if we want to do this WITH the rest of MCT, or (as I've been contemplating) switch our LA around but still use CE as a supplement...

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I agree it's pricey, since you have to buy the student and teacher book, but for me it is a good value since my dd is still very young and we will use it for years to come. I also only ordered the teacher book when there was no info on the site! Luckily I caught them before ship and was able to add the student books.
I normally homeschool w/o much consideration of $$, as our attitude is that homeschooling is so much cheaper than private school. But I just cannot justify spending the extra $$ right now, especially with shipping charges. :glare:

(I'm beginning to feel the burden of 'the sandwich generation' as I have a critically ill parent living halfway across the country and have been traveling out there to help them. Talk about a budget killer.)

Oh, well. I just looked through the IM and am in love. I'm just going to cut off the binding so it is easier to use and make my own worksheets.

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It's *possible* to use them just with the TMs, but I think you'd be missing out on some of the extra features - the grammar portions, for example, have the sentence analysis included, and you'd have to write the sentences out. Also, the answers to the analogies are now indicated by bolding in the text, rather than being in the back of the book). The word searches in the IM are unusable by the student, too.


I think this book is fantastic, and worthwhile, but I agree that there are some frustrating aspects of the way they have rolled this out. It is very pricey, now, on top of an already expensive program, and they should have explained from the beginning on the website that the IM and SM are both required (I also bought it before that explanation appeared). They should have done a better job editing the IM, for this price. And I can't help feeling that the IM was deliberately designed to be unusable side by side, given that MCT feels that you are violating the pedagogical purity of his plans by using this program as many of us are (TMs only wherever possible).


Ok, maybe that last part was a little paranoid . . . ;)


But, even with all of that, it is still worth it. I love this book! But then I am a big-time word geek. This program is like candy to me, so I'm happy! :D

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Shann, I looked at your blog... thanks, I appreciate the detailed breakdown!! It does sound like it contains a LOT of material. I like that it covers different types of vocab, and that it includes diagramming... although, do you mean actual diagramming or four-level analysis??


I suppose it's not possible to use the student book without the TM?? (I'm assuming not.) It is pricey, but for that much content, it would be worth it if we decide to go that route.


Trying to decide if we want to do this WITH the rest of MCT, or (as I've been contemplating) switch our LA around but still use CE as a supplement...


Yes, sorry it is four level analysis just like in Practice Island.


The TM includes the sentence analysis answers, analogy answers, and antonym answer suggestions. It also has the word search answers and, like the other MCT TMs, there are circles here and there with a little more info. The only other thing I see in the TM, so far, is a cumulative list for review at the end of each chapter. I think you are expected to write or read aloud each word/stem OR it's definition and ask the student for the other (word or definition).


Ideally a person would want both. BUT if it's one or nothing I do think you could make do with either the Student books or Teacher book. The teacher book is more distracting than the student because of the circles and bolded or boxed words. (Also like another poster mentioned, it looks just slightly rushed, whereas the Student books are really stunning.) Since you are meant to sit down and read the book together you would have to carefully plan. Using a black piece of paper for example to cover up parts of the page in the TM that show answers. Then get up and use a white board or a notebook to present the analogies and sentences to the student. And you would be out of luck on the word search unless you are willing to copy out each letter on graph paper lol.


On the other hand, you could certainly just get the student book IF you had confidence in yourself to be able to provide all the answers. Analyzing the sentences yourself and look up antonyms. There are really not that many "answers". It's very open ended and meant to be discussed.

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Hi! I have a question for those of you who already own updated Caesar's English I. Is it possible to use original CE I TM and new enhanced CE I Student book together? I already own an original CE I TM, so I am just trying to utilize what I already have without buying too many books this year. Thanks.:D

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Oh my... I just went to the website and really *looked* through all the online samples of the new version. At risk of sounding melodramatic... it gave me a very heady feeling, rather like I'd disappeared into another world for a short time, LOL!! It looks simply amazing, and clearly, we'll have to order it!! :D


For those of you using this... will you still be doing Latin and/or another language WITH Caesar's English?? We're waffling between sticking with Latin, moving on to French, or, heaven help me, doing both...

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Oh my... I just went to the website and really *looked* through all the online samples of the new version. At risk of sounding melodramatic... it gave me a very heady feeling, rather like I'd disappeared into another world for a short time, LOL!! It looks simply amazing, and clearly, we'll have to order it!! :D


For those of you using this... will you still be doing Latin and/or another language WITH Caesar's English?? We're waffling between sticking with Latin, moving on to French, or, heaven help me, doing both...


Well, I think it depends on what you are studying Latin for. We're studying Latin with the goal of being able to read Latin in high school, so we are going to continue with it. If you are doing Latin primarily for the vocab/test prep/making other languages easier component, then you might feel that CE was enough. I don't, however, I am not brave enough to try and do another language at the same time as CE and Latin!! ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...


I registered dd9 for Landry English 102 and it uses the new version (along w/ the rest of MCT Town). Off to order.


We'll do CE and other Greek/Latin roots study instead of Latin.


I'm very curious and have to ask, what made you decide to do CE (outsourced via Landry English 102?)... and Greek/Latin roots study "instead" of Latin?


Another, possibly dumb, question is... what does STEM-inspired mean in your blogger profile?

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  • 10 months later...

Yes, sorry it is four level analysis just like in Practice Island.


The TM includes the sentence analysis answers, analogy answers, and antonym answer suggestions. It also has the word search answers and, like the other MCT TMs, there are circles here and there with a little more info. The only other thing I see in the TM, so far, is a cumulative list for review at the end of each chapter. I think you are expected to write or read aloud each word/stem OR it's definition and ask the student for the other (word or definition).


Ideally a person would want both. BUT if it's one or nothing I do think you could make do with either the Student books or Teacher book. The teacher book is more distracting than the student because of the circles and bolded or boxed words. (Also like another poster mentioned, it looks just slightly rushed, whereas the Student books are really stunning.) Since you are meant to sit down and read the book together you would have to carefully plan. Using a black piece of paper for example to cover up parts of the page in the TM that show answers. Then get up and use a white board or a notebook to present the analogies and sentences to the student. And you would be out of luck on the word search unless you are willing to copy out each letter on graph paper lol.


On the other hand, you could certainly just get the student book IF you had confidence in yourself to be able to provide all the answers. Analyzing the sentences yourself and look up antonyms. There are really not that many "answers". It's very open ended and meant to be discussed.



I know this is an old thread, but I am trying to make the decision as to whether I get the TM alone (my preference, what I did for each of the Island components and I loathe the thought of flipping back and forth between books for answers) or the TM and SB. We did the Island level completely aloud, so I am not worried about needing to the the sentence analysis and analogies orally. My girls can't stand word searches which seem a bit like busywork anyway, so no real loss. Would anything else be lost if one used the TM alone? What about the picture quality? Everyone keeps raving about how gorgeous the student book is, but no one says if the TM is equally as stunning. Any thoughts would be appreciated!

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Hi! I have a question for those of you who already own updated Caesar's English I. Is it possible to use original CE I TM and new enhanced CE I Student book together? I already own an original CE I TM, so I am just trying to utilize what I already have without buying too many books this year. Thanks.:D


I didn't see an answer to this question, and I would like to know if this is a reasonable compromise.

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Does anyone have an answer to these last 2 questions. Specifically,

(1) Is the only real loss to using only the enhanced TM the need to do the analogies/sentence analysis aloud and the inability to do the word searches? Other than that, everything else (including the beauty of the photos themselves) is the same.

(2) Does the original TM align with the enhanced SB?

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Does anyone have an answer to these last 2 questions. Specifically,

(1) Is the only real loss to using only the enhanced TM the need to do the analogies/sentence analysis aloud and the inability to do the word searches? Other than that, everything else (including the beauty of the photos themselves) is the same.

(2) Does the original TM align with the enhanced SB?



Yes, as long as you are willing to do things aloud or on a whiteboard, and you don't care about the word searches, the TM and SM are the same. I actually took back my thought that you *need* both, though the way my dd and I read through it it is nice to have them both (she reads all the italicized words and the quotes from literature - I know, it's weird, but it keeps her engaged).


I sold my original set, so I can't compare them directly, but I think that the enhanced SB just has more stuff in it, that you wouldn't have in your TM, but they are aligned in the sense that the same words & stems are introduced in the same lessons in the same order.


Wow, it's MCT day on the boards today!

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  • 1 month later...


My other criticism is that it was not formatted very carefully - there are some cases where the "teacher boxes" are superimposed on text, and there are some wierd highlighting boxes that are offset from the text they are supposed to highlight. It feels like this IM was a little rushed, and they didn't take sufficient time for a thorough editing job. I've found an error already, in the first lesson, where a latin stem is defined incorrectly the second time it shows up.



Once they do a second printing and fix all the errata, I think it is safe to say this is another home run for MCT. I am very eager to start using it! I'm thinking I will need to schedule twice as much time to cover it all than I had planned with the old CE.



Has this been corrected yet?


Anyone using just the TM or Student books?

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Has this been corrected yet?


Anyone using just the TM or Student books?


I don't know - you could contact RFWP and ask if they've done a second, corrected printing.


If you are going to go with just one book, I'd get the TM, and just plan on skipping the word searches. That way you still have the quiz for each lessons. They are really helpful, we use the quizzes as teaching tools and sometimes go back and review specific lessons/stems if some aren't sticking.

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Oh man. My DD is in the middle of the older CE1 book. Now, after reading what you all have to say, I want to buy the new one too.


:lol: :lol: :lol: Resist the urge!! What you have is fine. Really!! The additions are nice, but I do feel like I was silly to buy them both (though I did sell the old one, thank goodness).

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  • 3 months later...

Can anyone comment about the necessity of the entire Grammar Town Level?


I just got my Caesar's English :) and love it.  As I read through it I can't help but notice that MCT mentions here and there if you want a more complete grammar study to read Grammar Town if not then turn back to the other page.  He mentions something similar about Paragraph Town.  Since grammar and paragraph writing are addressed in CE I wanted to know how necessary is it to have Grammar Town and Paragraph Town?


What have you decided to get or not get?


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There was just a long thread about MCT's scope & sequence, I'll see if I can find it:




I can't say there was a consensus  ;) but IMO, you should do the whole Town level and then you can decide whether or not to do Grammar Voyage, which does repeat the information in Grammar Town.


I adore CE as well, and I thought Paragraph Town was lovely and Essay Voyage has been extremely useful as well.  Grammar Town introduced new information not found in Grammar Island - it discusses phrases thoroughly, including appositives & verbals - but Grammar Voyage doesn't introduce anything new.  So if I were going to skip anything, it would be Grammar Voyage, although if your dc needs the repetition, it can be fine too.


You didn't say whether you were using something else for grammar and writing, so it's hard to tell if MCT's materials would be redundant for you or not.  Their strength is definitely in the big-picture, whole-to-parts view they give of language, so that you see how all the parts fit, and why it's worthwhile to study them.

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We were doing Shurley English until we jumped on the MCT bandwagon and love it.  We have been doing Grammar Island for quite a while. I recently got Caesar's English because my 9yo (4th grade) is ready for it.  I had intended to get theTown Level, but MCT makes you feel like you don't really need the grammar book since he outlines the basics in CE.  I don't think MCT could ever be redundant if we did use another program, but he gives you the gist in CE for grammar with a sprinkling of the paragraph writing. 

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It's true that you get a lot of grammar from the writing & vocab components, but I do think you will need either Grammar Town or Grammar Voyage unless you have already covered appositives and verbals with another program - that is the new grammar you get in the Town level, and I don't think it's really discussed in either CE or Paragraph Town, so you'd be missing it if you skip Grammar Town.  And those suckers are tricky!  That was the one thing we covered in both GT and GV, and we still need some practice on them.

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It's true that you get a lot of grammar from the writing & vocab components, but I do think you will need either Grammar Town or Grammar Voyage unless you have already covered appositives and verbals with another program - that is the new grammar you get in the Town level, and I don't think it's really discussed in either CE or Paragraph Town, so you'd be missing it if you skip Grammar Town.  And those suckers are tricky!  That was the one thing we covered in both GT and GV, and we still need some practice on them.



thanks :)

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